CNN 2015 GOP primary debate: on Tax Reform

Ben Carson: Progressive taxation on the rich--that's socialism

Q [to Carson]. You support scrapping the entire tax code and replacing it with a flat tax. Donald Trump believes in progressive taxation. He says it's not right that rich people pay the same as the poor. Tell Donald Trump why his ideas on taxes are wrong

CARSON: It's all about America. You know, the people who say "the guy who paid $1 billion because he had $10 billion, he has still got $9 billion left, that's not fair, we need to take more of his money." That's called socialism. That doesn't work so well. What made America into a great nation was the fact that we said, that guy just put in $1 billion, let's create an environment that's even more conducive to his success so that next year he can put in $2 billion. And that's the kind of thing that helps us to grow. We can't grow by continuing to take a piece of pie, and dividing it, and redistributing it.

Q: Do you support the FairTax, like Governor Huckabee?

CARSON: I'm evaluating the FairTax, and I'm talking to the American people.

Source: 2015 Republican two-tiered primary debate on CNN Sep 16, 2015

Bobby Jindal: Implement lower, flatter tax code

I have an overall comprehensive tax reform that has a lower, flatter tax code, sure. We've got to cut the size of the government economy. Nobody else running for president has done that. I'm the only candidate. I've cut my state budget 26 percent. Everybody else talks about it, we have done it. So, there's a part of overall tax reform that cuts rates, flattens and lowers the tax code, sure. But I'm not for raising taxes on anybody. We already have too much money going to D.C.
Source: 2015 Republican two-tiered primary undercard debate on CNN Sep 16, 2015

Donald Trump: Raise graduated taxes on hedge fund managers

Q: Donald Trump says that the hedge fund guys are getting away with murder by paying a lower tax rate. He wants to raise the taxes of hedge fund managers, as does Governor Bush. Do you agree?

CARSON: The people who [oppose flat taxes]--that's called socialism.

Q: What about the FairTax?

TRUMP: What I don't like about the FairTax is that if you make $200 million a year, you pay 10%, you're paying very little relatively to somebody that's making $50,000 a year, and has to hire H&R Block because the middle class. The hedge fund guys won't like me as much as they like me right now. I know them all, but they'll pay more. I know people that are making a tremendous amount of money and paying virtually no tax, and I think it's unfair.

Source: 2015 Republican two-tiered primary debate on CNN Sep 16, 2015

George Pataki: Raise taxes on fat-cat hedge fund managers

I would throw out the entire corrupt tax code. What I would do is get rid of the 1.4 million every year in exemptions and loopholes, dramatically lower the rates. The normal American person is paying higher taxes than they should because of loopholes, and one of them is that carried interest loophole. I would tax that income the same as ordinary income. I'd lower the rate to 24 percent for all Americans, but I would not give a special break to the Wall Street fat cats.
Source: 2015 Republican two-tiered primary undercard debate on CNN Sep 16, 2015

George Pataki: Keep home mortgage deduction & charitable deductions

Q [to SANTORUM]: Jeb Bush has proposed a tax reform plan, and in it, he limits deductions, including the popular home mortgage deduction. Would you?

SANTORUM: [My 20/20 plan] eliminates all the deductions and special interest provisions.

Q [to PATAKI]: Would you also be for doing away with people's deductions for their mortgages.

PATAKI: No, I would not. I would keep that deduction. I would keep the home mortgage deduction, the charitable deduction, and others.

Source: 2015 Republican two-tiered primary undercard debate on CNN Sep 16, 2015

Jeb Bush: I am a real conservative

People are supporting me because I have a proven record of conservative leadership where I cut taxes $19 billion over eight years. We shrunk the state government work-force, we created a climate that led the nation in job growth seven out of eight years. We were one of two states to go to AAA bond rating. People know that we need principle-centered leadership.
Source: 2015 Republican two-tiered primary debate on CNN Sep 16, 2015

Mike Huckabee: Get rid of all taxes on people who produce

Q You have said that you are bothered by the fact that hedge fund managers pay such a low tax rate and make 2,500 times what people who work for them make. Do you agree with what Donald Trump and Governor Bush have proposed, raising their tax rates?

HUCKABEE: I have a different idea. I think we ought to get rid of all the taxes on people who produce. Why should we penalize productivity? And it's why I'm an unabashed supporter of the "fair tax," which would be a tax on our consumption, rather than a tax on our productivity. In other words, you're not going to tax anybody for what they earn, whether it's worker whose working by the hour or whether it's a hedge fund manager. If they can produce something and bring capital and labor to create jobs, we need some jobs. And I think the "fair tax" makes more sense. What I'd love to see us do by no longer penalizing the people who are out there working because they are taking a gut punch right now.

Source: 2015 Republican two-tiered primary debate on CNN Sep 16, 2015

Rick Santorum: 20/20 tax plan: all income treated the same

Q: Jeb Bush has proposed a tax reform plan, and in it, he limits deductions, including the popular home mortgage deduction. Would you?

SANTORUM: Actually, I'm going to be proposing a plan, I call it the 20/20 perfect vision for America as flat tax, a 20% flat tax on income, 20% flat tax on capital gains and on corporations. We eliminate all the deductions and special interest provisions. We deal with the carried interest issue, because everybody pays the same 20%. So, there's no advantage as to how you take your income. That will create growth. We put a 20% rate on corporations; then we're competitive with almost every country in the world. We allow for expensing; we have a three year phase in. We start at zero for manufacturers, phase it up to 20. So, the answer is, we're going to lower, and flatten taxes. We're going to put government on a budget: a 10% across the board cut.

Source: 2015 Republican two-tiered primary undercard debate on CNN Sep 16, 2015

  • The above quotations are from CNN Two-Tier 2015 GOP primary debate
    First Tier: Eleven candidates by polls
    Second Tier: Four other Republicans
  • Click here for definitions & background information on Tax Reform.
  • Click here for other issues (main summary page).
  • Click here for more quotes by Carly Fiorina on Tax Reform.
  • Click here for more quotes by Donald Trump on Tax Reform.
2016 Presidential contenders on Tax Reform:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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