Between Hope and History: on Principles & Values

America stands today between hope and history

When I visited Ireland last year, I met with Seamus Heaney, the Nobel Prize-winning poet, a man who has chronicled Ireland’s long struggle and his own fight against cynicism and defeat. I was particularly moved by some words he had written, which I quoted in my speeches to the Irish people. Later, he was kind enough to write them out for me. That piece of paper now hangs in my study at the White House, and I look at it often. One line always leaps out at me-the moment when “hope and history rhyme.“

I believe that America today stands between hope and history-at the edge of a moment when these two powerful forces are as one, when we can embrace the dawn of the new century, drawing strength and guidance from our past, filled with confidence that in this new age of possibility, our best is yet to come.

Source: Between Hope and History, by Bill Clinton, p.175 Jan 1, 1996

  • The above quotations are from Between Hope and History: Meeting America's Challenges for the 21st Century, by Bill Clinton.
  • Click here for definitions & background information on Principles & Values.
  • Click here for more quotes by Bill Clinton on Principles & Values.
2008 Presidential contenders on Principles & Values:
Mayor Rudy Giuliani
Gov.Mike Huckabee
Rep.Duncan Hunter
Sen.John McCain
Rep.Ron Paul
Gov.Mitt Romney
Sen.Fred Thompson
Gov.Tommy Thompson
Sen.Hillary Clinton
Sen.John Edwards
Sen.Mike Gravel
Rep.Dennis Kucinich
Sen.Barack Obama
Third Parties:
Green: Rep.Cynthia McKinney
Socialist: Brian Moore
Independent: Mayor Mike Bloomberg
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