NY Senate debate: on Civil Rights

Charles Schumer: Supports civil unions but not gay marriage

Q: Would you support or oppose a ban on same-sex marriages? And why?

A: I’ve already opposed such amendment and let me tell you why. First, I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. That’s my personal belief. That is the belief that I think every church, synagogue, mosque, any other religious institution should not be forced by the state to decide who should be married. It should be up to them. And so I voted, for instance, for DOMA, which is called the Defense of Marriage Act, which said that one state didn’t have to recognize another state. But I also believe that the rights that the state gives should be neutral on this issue. So for instance, if a same-sex couple wanted hospital visitation rights, I’d be for that. If a same-sex couple wanted to file a tax return or have a will, I’d be for that. That’s called civil unions. And while I’m against gay marriage, I believe that we should have civil unions.

Source: 2004 NY Senate Debate, excerpted in NY Times Oct 17, 2004

Howard Mills: Supports equal rights minus the use of marriage for gays

Q: Would you support or oppose a ban on same-sex marriages? And why?

A: I do support the federal Defense of Marriage Act. I do believe that marriage is between a man and a woman and that it should be kept that way. And I would fight to keep it that way It is a critical cultural, religious concept in our society. I do support civil unions, and I do support equal rights minus the use of marriage for same-sex couples. This is an issue that really highlights why I am being criticized by some in this campaign. I do agree that the Defense of Marriage Act was good legislation. I would support it. Marriage is between a man and a woman. And I will do everything that I can as a US senator to keep the law that way. But we do have to express tolerance and support for same-sex couples as well.

Source: 2004 NY Senate Debate, excerpted in NY Times Oct 17, 2004

Marilyn O`Grady: Supports a constitutional ban on same-sex marriages

Q: Would you support or oppose a ban on same-sex marriages? And why?

A: I support the concept of a constitutional amendment to define marriage as between a man and a woman. I think this is the proper way to do this. And that by doing a constitutional amendment, that would be a legislative - allowing the people to decide this issue.

Source: 2004 NY Senate Debate, excerpted in NY Times Oct 17, 2004

  • The above quotations are from New York Senate debate, Sen. Charles Schumer (D) vs. Howard Mills (R) vs. Marilyn O'Grady (Const.), Oct. 17, 2004 on WABC.
  • Click here for definitions & background information on Civil Rights.
  • Click here for other issues (main summary page).
  • Click here for more quotes by Charles Schumer on Civil Rights.
  • Click here for more quotes by Howard Mills on Civil Rights.
Candidates and political leaders on Civil Rights:

Retired Senate as of Jan. 2015:

Resigned from 113th House:
AL-1:Jo Bonner(R)
FL-19:Trey Radel(R)
LA-5:Rod Alexander(R)
MA-5:Ed Markey(D)
MO-9:Jo Ann Emerson(R)
NC-12:Melvin Watt(D)
SC-1:Tim Scott(R)
Retired House to run for Senate or Governor:
AR-4:Tom Cotton(R)
GA-1:Jack Kingston(R)
GA-10:Paul Broun(R)
GA-11:Phil Gingrey(R)
HI-1:Colleen Hanabusa(D)
IA-1:Bruce Braley(D)
LA-6:Bill Cassidy(R)
ME-2:Mike Michaud(D)
MI-14:Gary Peters(D)
MT-0:Steve Daines(R)
OK-5:James Lankford(R)
PA-13:Allyson Schwartz(D)
TX-36:Steve Stockman(R)
WV-2:Shelley Capito(R)
Retired House as of Jan. 2015:
AL-6:Spencer Bachus(R)
AR-2:Tim Griffin(R)
CA-11:George Miller(D)
CA-25:Howard McKeon(R)
CA-33:Henry Waxman(D)
CA-45:John Campbell(R)
IA-3:Tom Latham(R)
MN-6:Michele Bachmann(R)
NC-6:Howard Coble(R)
NC-7:Mike McIntyre(D)
NJ-3:Jon Runyan(R)
NY-4:Carolyn McCarthy(D)
NY-21:Bill Owens(D)
PA-6:Jim Gerlach(R)
UT-4:Jim Matheson(D)
VA-8:Jim Moran(D)
VA-10:Frank Wolf(R)
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