Topics in the News: School Prayer
Kamala Harris on Principles & Values
: Oct 23, 2024
I believe that your faith is a verb: you live your faith
Q: I read that one of the first phone calls you made after President Biden announced that he was dropping out was to your pastor. And I'm wondering if you could say what that conversation was like.HARRIS: My pastor, Reverend Dr. Amos C. Brown of
Third Baptist Church. It was an extraordinary day that Sunday when the president called me, and I instinctively understood the gravity of the moment. I just called him--I needed that spiritual kind of connection, I needed that advice, I needed a prayer.
Q: Do you pray every day?
HARRIS: I do pray every day, sometimes twice a day. We grew up [attending] a little neighborhood church in Oakland, 23rd Avenue Church of God. And I was raised to believe in a loving God, to believe that your faith is a
verb, you know? You live your faith and that the way that one should do that is your life's work should be to think about how you can serve in a way that is uplifting other people. And that guides a lot of how I think about my work and what is important.
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Source: CNN Town Hall: interviews of 2024 presidential candidates
Marco Rubio on Free Trade
: Feb 6, 2022
Assume something made in China is from slave labor
Q: More than one million mostly Muslim minorities are in detention camps in China. According to the State Department, they're subject to forced sterilization, abortions, rape, torture, forced labor, restrictions on prayer, restrictions on movement. I
know you've been working to try to restrict imports made by forced labor inside these camps. But is it really possible to clean up the supply chain, because China is such an economic behemoth here?Sen. MARCO RUBIO (R-FL): We passed a bill that says,
if something is made in a factory in that part of China, we are going to presume it's made by slave labor, and not allow it into the country, unless companies can prove that that's not the case. I think there are many American companies, like Nike and
others, that have definitely benefited from the supply chain that's located in that part of the world. We saw the lobbying efforts of Apple, of Nike and others arguing that this would raise the costs for consumers. But, ultimately, it's slave labor.
Click for Marco Rubio on other issues.
Source: CBS Face the Nation on 2022 Florida Senate race
Kristi Noem on Education
: Jan 11, 2022
Re-instill right to pray in school, absent far too long
We began here today with a prayer asking for God's grace and guidance. Yet in our public schools, prayer is absent--forbidden. I am introducing legislation that would allow for a moment of silence at the beginning of each school day.
Students can choose to reflect on the upcoming day or have a quiet moment--they can also exercise their First Amendment right to pray. We will protect the freedom to worship and re-instill a right that has been absent for far too long in our schools.
Click for Kristi Noem on other issues.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to South Dakota legislature
Ron DeSantis on Principles & Values
: Jun 14, 2021
Compels schools to have moment of silence for prayer
DeSantis visited a Jewish temple to denounce anti-Semitism and stand with Israel, as the governor cloaked himself in religion while signing a bill into law that would require public schools in his state to set aside at least one minute of silence for
children to meditate or pray. [It] makes Florida one of at least 15 states that would compel schools to hold moments of silence at public schools. The state had already been among roughly 18 other states that gave schools the option to do so.
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Source: Associated Press on 2022 Florida Gubernatorial race
Kanye West on Education
: Oct 9, 2020
Restore prayer in the classroom
Restore faith and revive our Constitutional commitment to freedom of religion and the free exercise of one's faith, demonstrated by restoring prayer in the classroom including spiritual foundations.
We will not hide the truth from our children, but will declare to the next generation His praises and wonder. -- Psalm 78:4
Support faith-based groups to provide vital local services, giving communities a shared purpose in government.
We will provide ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works -- Hebrews 10:24
Creativity and the Arts can be an important source of innovation and development of other national strengths and resources.
He has given them skill in all kinds of work done. -- Exodus 35:35
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Source: 2020 Presidential campaign website
Mike Pence on Abortion
: Sep 22, 2020
Roe v. Wade worst Supreme Court decision since Dred Scott
According to Pence's comments at a National March for Life rally, "'It is the 22nd of January again. On this cold anniversary of the worst Supreme Court decision since Dred Scott, all across this land, because of the prayers and compassion of every one
of you, springtime is breaking forth in the battle between choice and life.'" [Press Release--Office of Rep. Pence, 1/22/07]"Pence also touted his policies on abortion, bringing up the legislation he signed in 2013 that banned insurance coverage for
most abortion procedures. 'Life is winning in Indiana, because of the efforts of all of you,' Pence said. 'Life is winning in this state - I truly believe - because compassion is overcoming convenience. Life is defeating despair.'"
[Indianapolis Star, 9/19/14]
"Pence also backs a constitutional amendment to ban abortion, saying he is against the procedure in all cases --including rape and incest -- except when the life of the mother is at stake." [Washington Post, 3/22/05]
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Source: Trump Research Book on Mike Pence
Kanye West on Education
: Jul 8, 2020
Reinstate the fear and love of God in all schools
Reinstate in God's state, in God's country, the fear and love of God in all schools and organizations and you chill the fear and love of everything else. So that was a plan by the Devil to have our kids committing suicide at an all-time high by removing
God, to have murders in Chicago at an all-time high because the human beings working for the Devil removed God and prayer from the schools. That means more drugs, more murders, more suicide.
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Source: Forbes Magazine on 2020 presidential hopefuls
Donald Trump on Education
: Feb 4, 2020
Constitutional right to pray in public schools
My Administration is also defending religious liberty, and that includes the Constitutional right to pray in public schools. In America, we do not punish prayer. We do not tear down crosses. We do not ban symbols of faith.
We do not muzzle preachers and pastors. In America, we celebrate faith. We cherish religion. We lift our voices in prayer, and we raise our sights to the Glory of God!
Click for Donald Trump on other issues.
Source: 2020 State of the Union address to Congress
Mike Pence on Principles & Values
: Aug 31, 2018
When criticized about Jesus, I breath a prayer of praise
Vice President Mike Pence turned to the Bible when asked recently what he makes of a new critical biography that calls him as a "Christian supremacist." "The Bible says count it all joy when you endure trials of many kinds," Pence told the Christian
Broadcasting Network. "Any time I'm criticized for my belief in Jesus Christ, I just breath a prayer of praise."In "The Shadow President: The Truth About Mike Pence," that came out this week, authors
Michael D'Antonio and Peter Eisner cast Pence's background--congressman, Indiana governor, Trump VP--in a harsh light, arguing that "the most successful Christian supremacist in American history" is already functioning as a "kind of replacement
president" and is preparing to "fashion a nation more pleasing to his god and corporate sponsors."
Pence has long described himself as a "Christian, a conservative and a Republican--in that order."
Click for Mike Pence on other issues.
Source: USA Today on 2018 Trump Administration
Donald Trump on Principles & Values
: Feb 3, 2018
Respects evangelical leaders on prayer and on policy
His respect for the clergy and evangelical leaders is apparent. He not only values their prayers and spiritual counsel in private, But he also respects their public policy knowledge on the issues of the day as well.
His evangelical advisory board is concrete evidence of that. Michelle Bachmann, the former Minnesota congresswoman and 2012 presidential candidate, is part of that select group of evangelicals around the president who applaud how he is leaning
into them. "For too long Christians have been excluded from the table in decision making in Washington DC," Bachmann said. "They (Trump and Pence) do not shy away, nor are they ashamed with being associated with evangelical Christians.
In fact, they take the advice, they do listen to the advice of the evangelical Christians."
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Source: The Faith of Donald J. Trump, by Brody & Lamb, p.274-275
Mike Huckabee on Crime
: Apr 28, 2015
Authorized 16 executions while governor, record for Arkansas
As a governor, I know firsthand the importance of delivering justice, especially for the worst crimes in our society. I authorized 16 executions, more than any other governor in my state's history. It was my duty and I took it seriously because each
was the only decision I had made that was absolutely irrevocable. I have no tolerance for those who victimize and terrorize the innocent through crime. Ending someone's life is not a trivial decision--it requires caution, care, and prayerful wisdom.
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Source: Brennan Center for Justice essays, p. 43
Asa Hutchinson on Education
: Sep 28, 2014
Post the Ten Commandments in public school buildings
Question topic: Efforts to bring Islamic law (shariah) to America do not pose a threat to our country and its Constitution.Hutchinson: Strongly Disagree.
Question topic: Judeo-Christian values established a framework of morality which permitted our system of limited government.
Hutchinson: Strongly Agree.
Question topic: The Ten Commandments should not be displayed in public school buildings.
Hutchinson: Strongly Disagree.
Question topic: Religious freedom is our most foundational freedom and deserves added protection in our state and federal constitutions.
Hutchinson: Agree
Click for Asa Hutchinson on other issues.
Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2013 Arkansas Governor campaign
Marco Rubio on Homeland Security
: Sep 11, 2012
9/11 about people who hate what America stands for
Today, my thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks against our nation. In the aftermath of the attacks, we are thankful for the dedication of the brave men and women of the US Armed
Forces, Intelligence Community, and law enforcement agencies, [who] defend America at home and abroad and work to prevent another terrorist attack. America and our freedoms have always had enemies. Even now, there are people all over the world who
hate what America stands for and the example we provide the world. These enemies want to impose their world view on others. Eleven years later, the world remains a dangerous place and our nation remains at war. It is imperative that we continue the
fight against radical Islamists, terrorist sympathizers and those who harbor them. As Americans, we should never forget the innocent lives we lost on September 11th, and we should renew our commitment to stand for the freedoms we have always defended.
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Source: Rubio Senate office Press release, "Anniversary of Sept. 11"
Marco Rubio on Education
: Jun 19, 2012
Silent on voluntary school prayer
Behind the scenes many Democrats considered Rubio someone with whom they could work. The most skilled politicians understand that their opponents need to perform for their constituents, but they still can be reasonable negotiators behind closed doors.
They deliver piercing lines when the audience is present or the video cameras are rolling, but are less strident when the paying patrons have gone home and the klieg lights are dimmed.
Rubio earned a reputation as someone who understood this, and it only helped him raise his statue and spread good-will.Rubio could be careful on controversial issues. Conservative lawmakers tried to engage him on voluntary school prayer and
abortion, but "he was nowhere to be found," an influential conservative Florida lawmaker said. "I always thought it was a shame because Marco was obviously the most gifted orator."
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Source: The Rise of Marco Rubio, by Manuel Rogi-Franzia, p.110
Jill Stein on Education
: Dec 21, 2011
Opposes teacher-led prayer in public schools
Q: What do you think about teacher-led prayer in public schools? A: I oppose it.
Q: Is that a federal issue or should it be left to the states?
A: The separation of church and state is inherently a federal issue.
It's hard to duck that. That is part of our Constitution. To favor one religion is to inherently favor the others. Government needs to be neutral in order to respect everyone's religion.
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Source: 2011 OnTheIssues interview with Jill Stein
Mike Huckabee on Principles & Values
: Nov 18, 2008
Do The Right Thing to change America's future
Doing the right thing is precisely what American must do in order to achieve the goals that conservatives (actually, everyone) want--lower taxes, less government, safer neighborhoods, prosperous businesses, good jobs, good schools, access to affordable
health care, secure borders, strong marriages and families, and more personal liberties. My hope and prayer is that you'll commit to doing your part to change America's future by deciding that whatever others choose to do, you will Do the Right Thing!
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Source: Do The Right Thing, by Mike Huckabee, p. 21
Mike Huckabee on Education
: Sep 17, 2007
Impeach judges for barring legislature prayers to Jesus
Q: Recently, a federal judge ordered the Indiana legislature to censor their prayers. Specifically, the federal judge ordered the Indiana legislature to never allow anyone to offer an invocation prayer in Jesus' name.
Will you as president consider impeachment a possible remedy for this judicial activism?- HUCKABEE: Yes.
- COX: Yes.
- PAUL: No.
- KEYES: Yes.
Click for Mike Huckabee on other issues.
Source: [Xref Hunter] 2007 GOP Values Voter Presidential Debate
Joe Biden on Principles & Values
: Aug 19, 2007
Prayer gives you strength, but doesn't prevent crises
Q: Do you believe that, through the power of prayer, disasters like Hurricane Katrina could have been prevented?A: My mom has an expression. She says that, "God sends no cross you're unable to bear."
The time to pray is when you're told, as I was, that my wife and daughter are dead, to have the courage to be able to bear the cross. Pray that God can give you the strength to deal with what everyone is faced with in their life, serious crosses to bear.
The answer to the question is, no, all the prayer in the world will not stop a hurricane.
But prayer will give you the courage to be able to respond to the devastation that's caused in your life and with others to deal with the devastation.
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Source: 2007 Democratic primary debate on "This Week"
Mike Huckabee on Education
: Jun 1, 2007
Ending school prayer was one step in society's moral decay
How did we move in one generation from a society with a shared, confident sense of right to a society of relativism and moral decay? The first step to answering that question is to admit there isn't just one answer.
I've heard that it all started when we took prayer out of schools. That's a simplistic answer. It wasn't just prayer in schools; it wasn't just TV; it wasn't just Watergate; it wasn't just welfare.
If any force is going to overcome a free, prosperous country like America, it won't happen all at once. Amreica has a solid foundation of liberty, personal dignity, and opportunity.
The only way to destroy something with that kind of foundation is
to chip away at it, one value at a time. Take away its heart and essence. Bring doubt to what used to be confidence, denial to what used to be faith, death to what was life. I think that is what has happened.
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Source: Character Makes a Difference, by Mike Huckabee, p.107-109
Mike Huckabee on Principles & Values
: Jun 1, 2007
Ten Commandments are basis for appropriate behavior
As a teenager, I often would hear my pastor say, "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything." Corporate leaders, political leaders, church leaders, and families are at their best when they are motivated by principles. What are some
principles worth living by? Ask a roomful of people, and you will get a roomful of answers. There already exists a code of principles established thousands of years ago & adhered to by people from a variety of religious backgrounds. It has been accepted
as a basis for appropriate behavior. Fortunately, no one has copyrighted the Ten Commandments.
Although some attempts have been made to prohibit these principles from being displayed, they have survived through the ages. They are the foundation of
our laws and commonly accepted codes of human behavior.
The Ten Commandments are divided into two sections--the vertical laws dealing with man's relationship with God and the horizontal laws dealing with man's relationship with others.
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Source: Character Makes a Difference, by Mike Huckabee, p. 74-75
Mike Huckabee on Education
: Nov 1, 2002
Support displaying the Ten Commandments in public schools
Indicate which principles you support regarding education. - Support displaying the Ten Commandments in public schools.
- Support abstinence-only sexual education programs.
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Source: 2002 AR Gubernatorial National Political Awareness Test
Mike Huckabee on Principles & Values
: Oct 1, 2000
10 Commandments: principles to live by, not just pop culture
Corporate leaders, political leaders, church leaders, and families are at their best when they are motivated by principles rather than public opinion. What are some principles worth living by? There already exists a code of principles established
thousands of years ago and adhered to by people from a variety of religious backgrounds. It has been accepted as a basis for appropriate behavior. Fortunately, no one has copyrighted the Ten Commandments.Although some attempts have been made to
prohibit these principles from being displayed, they have survived through the ages. They are the foundation for most of our laws and commonly accepted code of human behavior.
A person who has no standard to live by other than the culture of the moment
is a person whose principles might as well come from the latest public opinion polls. This would be like repairing an appliance by holding it against a mirror rather than reading the directions to determine how it should be performing.
Click for Mike Huckabee on other issues.
Source: Living Beyond Your Lifetime, by Mike Huckabee, p. 22-26
Mike Huckabee on Education
: Jun 1, 1998
NEA opposes school prayer despite teachers' conservatism
The NEA teacher's union has spent more than $2.5 million supporting various candidates and causes--an overwhelming majority of them from the extreme left. Despite the fact that 2/3 of all teachers describe their political philosophy as "conservative,"
militant left-wing political activism has become the backbone of their union. A survey of its policy positions bears that fact out all too clearly:The NEA is at the vanguard of the "political correctness" movement--from multiculturalism to
speech codes and hate crimes.It has embraced the entire feminist agenda--including abortion-on-demand, value-free K-thru-12 sex education, and school-based sex clinics.It opposes school prayer or any other demonstration of faith in the public
sector.It has supported the right of schools to bypass parental authority in securing sexuality counseling, procedures, and services.No wonder our schools are in such awful shape despite the best efforts of our dedicated classroom teachers.
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Source: Kids Who Kill, by Gov. Mike Huckabee, p.114-115
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