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Bill Sponsorships by Presidential Contenders:
Rep. Bob Barr (L)
Sen. Joe Biden (D, VP)
Sen. John McCain (R)
Rep. Cynthia McKinney (G)
Sen. Barack Obama (D)
Gov. Sarah Palin (R, VP)
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Sen. Mike Gravel
Sen. Hillary Clinton
Rep. Ron Paul
Gov. Mark Sanford

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John McCain
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Ron Paul

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Senate Votes on 11-SV019
Presidential contenders
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Policy Reports
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Court Rulings

Bill Sponsorships by Presidential Contenders:
Rep. Bob Barr
Sen. Hillary Clinton
Sen. Mike Gravel
Sen. John McCain
Rep. Cynthia McKinney
Sen. Barack Obama
Rep. Ron Paul
Gov. Mark Sanford

Candidate Grids
John McCain
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Mike Huckabee
Ron Paul

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Vote number 11-SV019 extending the PATRIOT Act's roving wiretaps
on Feb 17, 2011 regarding bill H.514 FISA Sunsets Extension Act
Results: Passed 86-12

Congressional Summary: A bill to extend expiring provisions of the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 and Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 relating to access to business records, individual terrorists as agents of foreign powers, and roving wiretaps until December 8, 2011.

Proponent's Argument for voting Yes:
[Rep. Smith, R-TX]: America is safe today not because terrorists and spies have given up their goal to destroy our freedoms and our way of life. We are safe today because the men and women of our Armed Forces, our intelligence community, and our law enforcement agencies work every single day to protect us. And Congress must ensure that they are equipped with the resources they need to counteract continuing terrorist threats. On Feb. 28, three important provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act will expire. These provisions give investigators in national security cases the authority to conduct "roving" wiretaps, to seek certain business records, and to gather intelligence on lone terrorists who are not affiliated with a known terrorist group. The Patriot Act works. It has proved effective in preventing terrorist attacks and protecting Americans. To let these provisions expire would leave every American less safe.

Opponent's Argument for voting No:
[Rep. Conyers, D-MI]: Section 215 of the Patriot Act allows a secret FISA court to authorize our government to collect business records or anything else, requiring that a person or business produce virtually any type record. We didn't think that that was right then. We don't think it's right now. This provision is contrary to traditional notions of search and seizure which require the government to show reasonable suspicion or probable cause before undertaking an investigation that infringes upon a person's privacy. And so I urge a "no" vote on the extension of these expiring provisions.

Categorized under Homeland Security

Voting NO counts for 2 points on VoteMatch question 14:
Patriot Act harms civil liberties;
Voting YES counts for -2 points on VoteMatch question 14.

Voting YES counts as answer B on AmericansElect question 9;
Voting NO counts as answer C on AmericansElect question 9

Reform: Which of the following comes closest to your personal opinion?
  • A: To make this country great, we should return to the examples and values of our forefathers
  • B: This country is already great, we shouldn't change a thing
  • C: To make this country great, we should keep building and adapting for the future

Democrats voting on 11-SV019

Max Baucus NOMT Democratic Sr Senator
Mark Begich NOAK Democratic Jr Senator
Michael Bennet YESCO Democratic Jr Senator
Barbara Boxer YESCA Democratic Jr Senator
Sherrod Brown NOOH Democratic Sr Senator
Maria Cantwell YESWA Democratic Jr Senator
Benjamin Cardin YESMD Democratic Jr Senator, previously Representative
Tom Carper YESDE Democratic Sr Senator
Bob Casey YESPA Democratic Sr Senator; previously state treasurer
Richard Durbin YESIL Democratic Sr Senator
Dianne Feinstein YESCA Democratic Sr Senator
Al Franken YESMN Democrat/DFL Jr Senator
Kirsten Gillibrand YESNY Democratic Jr Senator
Kay Hagan YESNC Democratic Jr Senator
Tom Harkin NOIA Democratic Jr Senator
Daniel Inouye YESHI Democratic Sr Senator
Tim Johnson YESSD Democratic Sr Senator
Amy Klobuchar YESMN Democrat/DFL Sr Senator
Mary Landrieu YESLA Democratic Sr Senator
Frank Lautenberg NONJ Democratic Sr Senator
Patrick Leahy YESVT Democratic Sr Senator
Carl Levin YESMI Democratic Sr Senator
Claire McCaskill YESMO Democratic Sr Senator; previously state Auditor
Robert Menendez YESNJ Democratic Jr Senator; previously Representative
Jeff Merkley NOOR Democratic Jr Senator
Barbara Mikulski YESMD Democratic Sr Senator
Patty Murray NOWA Democratic Sr Senator
Ben Nelson YESNE Democratic Sr Senator
Bill Nelson YESFL Democratic Sr Senator
Jack Reed YESRI Democratic Sr Senator
Harry Reid YESNV Democratic Sr Senator
John Rockefeller YESWV Democratic Sr Senator
Charles Schumer YESNY Democratic Sr Senator
Jeanne Shaheen YESNH Democratic Sr Senator
Debbie Stabenow YESMI Democratic Jr Senator
Jon Tester NOMT Democratic Jr Senator
Mark Udall YESCO Democratic Sr Senator; previously Representative
Tom Udall NONM Democratic Jr Senator; previously Representative
Mark Warner YESVA Democratic Jr Senator; previously Governor
Sheldon Whitehouse YESRI Democratic Jr Senator, previously attorney general
Ron Wyden YESOR Democratic Sr Senator

Republicans voting on 11-SV019

Lamar Alexander YESTN Republican Sr Senator
John Barrasso YESWY Republican Jr Senator
Scott Brown YESMA Republican Jr Senator
Richard Burr YESNC Republican Sr Senator; previously Representative
Saxby Chambliss YESGA Republican Sr Senator
Tom Coburn YESOK Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative
Thad Cochran YESMS Republican Sr Senator
Susan Collins YESME Republican Jr Senator
Bob Corker YESTN Republican Jr Senator
John Cornyn YESTX Republican Jr Senator
Michael Crapo YESID Republican Sr Senator
Jim DeMint YESSC Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative
John Ensign YESNV Republican Jr Senator
Michael Enzi YESWY Republican Sr Senator
Lindsey Graham YESSC Republican Sr Senator
Chuck Grassley YESIA Republican Sr Senator
Orrin Hatch YESUT Republican Sr Senator
James Inhofe YESOK Republican Sr Senator
Johnny Isakson YESGA Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative
Mike Johanns YESNE Republican Jr Senator; previously Governor
Richard Lugar YESIN Republican Sr Senator
John McCain YESAZ Republican Sr Senator
Mitch McConnell YESKY Republican Sr Senator
Lisa Murkowski YESAK Republican Sr Senator
Jim Risch YESID Republican Jr Senator; previously Governor
Pat Roberts YESKS Republican Sr Senator
Jeff Sessions YESAL Republican Sr Senator
Richard Shelby YESAL Republican Jr Senator
Olympia Snowe YESME Republican Sr Senator
John Thune YESSD Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative
David Vitter YESLA Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative
Roger Wicker YESMS Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative

Independents voting on 11-SV019

Bernie Sanders NOVT Independent Jr Senator, previously Representative

Total votes recorded by OnTheIssues:

Democrats: YES 32; NO 9
Republicans: YES 32; NO 0
Independents: YES 0; NO 1