Tim Walz in Survey of 2006 House campaign websites

On Energy & Oil: Reduce our reliance on fossil fuels

Tim Walz’s environmental program starts with reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and the negative effects on our air, water and climate. We can immediately reduce energy usage via simple conservation practices and greater use of today’s efficient technology. We only need some real leadership to make this happen now.
Source: 2006 House campaign website, www.timwalz.org, “Issues” Nov 7, 2006

On Government Reform: Ban all privately funded congressional trips

The era of closed-door favors to insider lobbyists must come to an end, but we cannot rely on those that are part of the culture of corruption to police themselves. Walz will consistently vote to give the House ethics committee authority to investigate and indict members without the consent of party leadership. Additionally, Walz will vote to strengthen lobbyist registration rules, bar lobbyists from congressional chambers and ban all privately funded congressional trips.
Source: 2006 House campaign website, www.timwalz.org, “Issues” Nov 7, 2006

On Immigration: Supports path to citizenship for undocumented workers

Tim Walz believes immigration reform is a serious issue that deserves an ethical, economically sound solution. Walz supports enforcing employer labor laws to the fullest extent, using advanced technology to monitor the border, and increasing the number of professional border patrol agents. He also supports a path to citizenship for undocumented workers that requires them to return to their country of origin in order to begin the citizenship process.
Source: 2006 House campaign website, www.timwalz.org, “Issues” Nov 7, 2006

On Tax Reform: The wealthy are not the engine of our economy

A critical difference between Tim Walz and his opponent is the way in which they use tax policy to drive our economy. Walz’s opponent, like the President and his majority in Congress, believes that the wealthy and big corporations are the engine of our economy. Republican tax policies are designed to not only minimize the tax burden on the wealthiest Americans, but to redistribute some of the taxes paid by the middle class to the wealthy. Tim Walz disagrees.
Source: 2006 House campaign website, www.timwalz.org, “Issues” Nov 7, 2006

On War & Peace: Change the currnet course of action; need Iraq exit plan

The first priority of Congress must be stabilizing Iraq so we can bring our soldiers home safely. Stabilization requires that we start listening to our experts and our military leaders on the ground, and that we replace the rubberstamp Congress with people like Tim Walz who will facilitate open, honest debate in Congress. There is no simple solution, but we can be assured that the answer is not to continue the current course of action without an exit plan.
Source: 2006 House campaign website, www.timwalz.org, “Issues” Nov 7, 2006

The above quotations are from Survey of 2006 House campaign websites.
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