Mark Sanford in 2010 Governor's State of the State speeches

On Corporations: Cut corporate income tax by raising cigarette tax

We continue to believe that there are other things we could do to improve the economy like raising our lowest-in-the-nation cigarette tax and swapping this with an equal dollar cut to the corporate income tax. The net effect of the change we have proposed here is that South Carolina's ranking on the state business tax climate index would move from 25th to the 6th most competitive state in the country--and changes like this would produce jobs.
Source: South Carolina 2010 State of the State Address Jan 20, 2010

On Government Reform: End unlimited and undisclosed campaign donations

We now have on-line transparency to allow a taxpayer to see more directly how their money is spent in state government. We found a way to begin on-line disclosure so that citizens could better see where money was coming from and going to in campaigns.

We passed campaign finance reform. It had been vetoed twice during the previous administration, and its passage ended the Wild West practice that allowed unlimited and undisclosed amounts to go to a political party or caucus.

Source: South Carolina 2010 State of the State Address Jan 20, 2010

On Government Reform: Change rules of governorship and state officers

We are the only state in the country that does not allow its Governor to administer the laws administered by the other 49 Governors. You would not be giving this power to me, I'm gone in 11 months--but for the sake of good government please give this power to whoever follows me. Please give them the tools by which they may succeed or fail, and then hold them accountable.

Two, put the Governor and Lt. Governor together as a team. To me it makes no sense to have a governor elected by the people, and yet have his Lieutenant Governor, who in our state could be of opposite political persuasion and party.

Finally, can we let the people of South Carolina decide on whether a host of constitutional officers should be appointed rather than elected. We are for instance the only state in the country where the Adjutant General is elected. We are not asking that any of you take a position for or against change in any of these changes, just that you let the people of South Carolina decide.

Source: South Carolina 2010 State of the State Address Jan 20, 2010

The above quotations are from 2010 Governor's State of the State speeches.
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