Jack Dalrymple in 2011 Governor's State of the State speeches

On Crime: More highway patrol; more emergency communications system

I have recommended that we fund three additional highway patrol officers, that we build and equip a new addition to the Highway Patrol Academy, and that we expand the communications capabilities of state radio, the key to our state's emergency response system. An investment in six communications towers will also improve the public's cell phone service in poor coverage areas. It's our responsibility to the dedicated men and women who are sworn to protect us have the tools they need to do the job.
Source: 2011 State of the State speech to North Dakota legislature Jan 4, 2011

On Education: Achieved long-sought goal of 70% funding from state

Senate bill 2200, passed in 2007, laid to rest the issue of equity in school funding. In 2009, House bill 1400 addressed the issue of adequacy and brought us to the long-sought goal of 70% funding from state resources. This measure joined with another breakthrough piece of legislation to reduce a school districts' reliance on local property taxes through a reduction of 75 mills in the general fund levy. This reduced the bill to local taxpayers by an average of 18%.
Source: 2011 State of the State speech to North Dakota legislature Jan 4, 2011

On Energy & Oil: Oil & gas development brings jobs; let's build them roads

The remarkable and rapid growth of oil and gas development in western North Dakota has brought jobs and population growth, but it has also brought extreme wear and tear on roads and pushed our water supply systems to the limit. In my budget message I outlined an aggressive, forward-looking plan that will address the needs of our 17 oil and gas producing counties by focusing resources directly on the most heavily impacted roads and facilities.
Source: 2011 State of the State speech to North Dakota legislature Jan 4, 2011

On Free Trade: Link ND businesses with foreign buyers

Our strategy calls for building on our success in the global marketplace by linking North Dakota businesses with foreign buyers. As the past chairman of our state Trade Office, I can tell you that the opportunities for our state's exporters are incredible. N.D. ranks first in the nation in export growth over a five-year period. The model for export trade that we have developed in North Dakota is very effective and can be enhanced by adding specialized services such as logistics consulting.
Source: 2011 State of the State speech to North Dakota legislature Jan 4, 2011

On Health Care: Large funding increases for nursing homes & home-based care

It has been said that a society is best measured by the way it treats its most vulnerable. We have made that commitment in North Dakota for many years. Recently the legislature has rebased our formula and passed large funding increases for nursing homes and home-based care. We have made great progress in the treatment of the mentally ill and developmentally disabled. We have increased substantially our support of children's health care.
Source: 2011 State of the State speech to North Dakota legislature Jan 4, 2011

On Homeland Security: Our troops safeguard our quality of life

Our efforts in economic development and education are producing a quality of life in North Dakota that is improving every year. But we must work hard to protect and preserve that quality of life against all challenges. At the core of our quality of life is our freedom--freedom to improve our lives and to enjoy our good fortune. We are utterly indebted to the men and women of our National Guard and all of our Armed Forces for the great sacrifices they make every day on our behalf.
Source: 2011 North Dakota State of the State Jan 4, 2011

On Principles & Values: Vision for ND: opportunity, growth, & responsibility

I'm asking you now, legislators and all citizens, to commit to these enhanced strategies for growth in the coming decade. We know how far we have come. All of us, working together, will determine how far we will go.
Source: 2011 State of the State speech to North Dakota legislature Jan 4, 2011

The above quotations are from 2011 Governor's State of the State speeches.
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