At this moment of extreme difficulty, it behooves us to turn to the people and get a clear mandate on how we should proceed: either to exten the taxes as I fervently believe or cut deeply into the programs from which--under federal law--we can still extract the sums required. Unfortunately, these would most probably include: elementary, middle and high schools, the California State University system, prisons, and vital health programs.
My plan to rebuild California requires a vote of the people, and frankly I believe it would be irresponsible for us to exclude the people from this process. They have a right to vote on this plan.
From the time I first proposed what I believe to be a balanced approach to our budget deficit--both cuts and a temporary extension of current taxes--dozens of groups affected by one or another of the proposed cuts have said w should cut somewhere else instead. Still others say we should not extend the current taxes but let them go away. So far, however, these same people have failed to offer even one alternative solution.
Wherever I look, I see difficult choices. But I also see a bright future up ahead and a California economy that is on the mend.
When I first came to Sacramento, Apple had not yet invented their personal computer. There was no wind generated electricity, and we didn't have the nation's most advanced appliance efficiency standards. Of course, Yahoo, Google, Facebook and Twitter did not exist--not even in someone's imagination. California's economy has grown from less than $200 billion dollars when first I came to this rostrum to now over $2 trillion expected this year. California has been on the move--a marvel, even a miracle and some kind of gift.
The above quotations are from 2011 Governor's State of the State speeches.
Click here for other excerpts from 2011 Governor's State of the State speeches. Click here for other excerpts by Jerry Brown. Click here for other excerpts by other Governors.
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