John Hickenlooper in 2017 Governor's State of the State speeches

On Health Care: Basic health care is a right, not a privilege

Our prosperity doesn't amount to a hill of beans if Coloradans can't afford health insurance. Since 2011 we've helped over 600,000 people get basic health insurance, and 94% of Coloradans now have coverage. We believe that basic health care is a right, not a privilege.

We all save money when people stay healthy or get treatment in doctor's offices instead of emergency rooms. We're emphasizing preventive care and giving people the tools to manage their diseases.

Source: 2017 State of the State address to Colorado Legislature Jan 12, 2017

On Welfare & Poverty: Use marijuana tax revenue to address chronic homelessness

Almost two thirds of Americans now live in a state that has legalized marijuana in some form. We need to address some of the unintended consequences of legalization. There's no question that marijuana and other drugs--in combination with mental illness or other disabling conditions--are essential contributors to chronic homelessness. Tax revenue from marijuana sales can and should be used to help those who fall through the cracks, including hundreds of homeless vets, helping them find stable, supportive housing.

We currently spend more than $40,000 per person to perpetuate lives of misery among the chronically homeless. But for less than a third of that we could invest up front in housing, wraparound supportive services and job training. In every booming economy in the country--like ours--homelessness of all types is a growing concern.

Source: 2017 State of the State address to Colorado Legislature Jan 12, 2017

On Welfare & Poverty: More affordable housing via construction defects legislation

Coloradans are being priced out of housing they can afford. We have a housing crisis, plain and simple. Many families are stuck or held down. Too much of their income goes to rent, and homeownership is too far out of reach.

Too many people and not enough units adds up to unaffordable rents and skyrocketing home prices. I've said it before: we need more affordable housing. Part of the answer is the construction defects legislation we almost passed last year and we WILL pass this year.

Source: 2017 State of the State address to Colorado Legislature Jan 12, 2017

The above quotations are from 2017 Governor's State of the State speeches.
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