Dan Schwartz in 2018 NV Governor's race

On Gun Control: Expand state background checks because people voted for it

Question 1 was a long-stalled statewide expansion of gun background checks first approved by voters in 2016.The initiative subjects most private-party gun transactions to an FBI-administered vetting process, but the FBI said it was unwilling to carry out the additional checks and suggested the state take up the task.

Attorney General Laxalt cautioned against doing so and deemed the measure unenforceable unless or until the federal agency agreed to conduct the checks. Republican primary election foe Dan Schwartz said he would enforce the initiative.

Schwartz has rarely missed a chance to characterize Laxalt's stance on background checks as an example of thwarting state voters' will. "It's not my job as governor to pick and choose what I like or what I don't like," Schwartz told the RGJ. "If the people of this state voted for Question 1, I'm in the executive branch and it's my job to enforce it. The fact that (Laxalt) doesn't like it isn't the issue. It's about the law."

Source: Reno Gazette-Journal on 2018 Nevada gubernatorial race

On Government Reform: Picture ID as requirement to voting

We need a picture ID to fly, drive a car, and check into a hotel. We need one to vote.
Source: 2018 Nevada gubernatorial candidate website DanForNevada.com May 2, 2018

On Corporations: Bringing in high tech business will help increase paychecks

Nevada can no longer cater to low wage jobs. A job boom isn't good when someone has to work 3 of them just to make ends meet. Every Nevadan should have an opportunity to choose a career that will allow him/her to save for the future, to offer their children a better life. Dan will focus on bringing new industries to Nevada, specifically in the fields of drones, water tech, and alternative energy. Dan has begun the process of what it will take to encourage these industries to move to Nevada.
Source: 2018 Nevada Gubernatorial campaign website DanForNevada.com Mar 31, 2018

On Education: Parents need to have choices in school selections

Our state is consistently at the top of every bad list, and the bottom of every good list in the country. All too many of our public schools are a disgrace, nothing more. This isn't just an education problem, it's an economic problem. Companies will not relocate to a state whose K-12 education system is at or near the bottom of the barrel. We should allow parents to have more choice in their children's education. Parents not the government are the solution. Period.
Source: 2018 Nevada Gubernatorial campaign website DanForNevada.com Mar 31, 2018

On Free Trade: Bring in out-of-state business but no overseas missions

Schwartz lays out his accomplishments in his esoteric role as state treasurer: increasing the investment returns for the state, speeding up the unclaimed property processing times and advocating for ESAs. He lays out bullet points of his vision for the governorship, which is heavy on economic issues: state officials won't head overseas for trade missions, for example, but they'll set up offices in California to get companies to move in.
Source: The Nevada Independent on 2018 Nevada Gubernatorial race Jan 21, 2018

On Abortion: Don't stop abortions but don't pay for them either

Addressing a hot-button issue, Schwartz said abortion should be legal but not funded by taxpayers. "This is a personal choice," he said. "If you want it, you pay for it." Schwartz likened the issue to gender-reassignment surgeries and said he's not passing moral judgment--just trying to enforce the law fairly and equally. Schwartz said what is "most crucial" is ensuring that a child is loved and cared for upon entering the world.
Source: Nevada Independent on 2018 Nevada Gubernatorial race Sep 6, 2017

On Budget & Economy: Tax abatements are not needed to entice new business

Schwartz has been critical of the Governor's Office of Economic Development, saying the state is giving away too much money in tax abatements. "The cost of doing business here is about a third of what it is in California. Those are incentives enough," he said. "I'm certainly sensitive to the argument that we're competing with other states. But we have a lot to offer. I don't know that we have to give away our tax base to accommodate businesses that should come here in the first place."
Source: Nevada Independent on 2018 Nevada Gubernatorial race Sep 6, 2017

On Energy & Oil: Enthusiast for the future of renewable wind & solar energy

Schwartz was enthusiastic about efforts to transition to more renewable energy. In an interview he expressed support for a bill that Gov. Sandoval vetoed that would push Nevada to use 80% renewable energy within a few decades. "I'd love it. I think it's a little optimistic," he said. "I think at some point we have got to go to renewable energy, whether it's wind, whether it's solar." He suggested the government has a role in making that happen: "I think we have to encourage solar and wind."
Source: Nevada Independent on 2018 Nevada Gubernatorial race Sep 6, 2017

On Gun Control: Implement voter-approved expanded background checks

Schwartz is pensive, lamenting that mass killings are happening with ever greater frequency. "It seems like there's no way to prevent it, unless you somehow get guns off the street. There's just no pattern to this," he said. "you can control who buys a gun, but that doesn't seem to work." He does fault Gov. Sandoval and his opponent for the fact that Nevada has not implemented an expanded background check requirement even after voters narrowly approved the measure.
Source: Nevada Independent on 2018 Nevada Gubernatorial race Sep 6, 2017

On Health Care: Healthcare should be an economic right for all citizens

Schwartz said he believes the U.S. is a wealthy enough country that everybody should have health care as an "economic right." He says the cost issue still needs to be worked out. He thinks a good first step managing the costs would be to break the health-care system into 2--one side that deals with minor issues and another that deals with critical care. He said he would support federal health-care money coming to Nevada in the form of a block grant, where the state could design its own system.
Source: Nevada Independent on 2018 Nevada Gubernatorial race Sep 6, 2017

On Homeland Security: We need a hard look at military spending to find excesses

Schwartz says he thinks the Republican Party has perhaps beatified the military to the point that it can't recognize its excesses. He points out U.S. military spending is several times more than the 2nd biggest-spender--China. He points out that there's $2-$3 trillion in unmet infrastructure needs. "Until this country takes a real hard look at what are the real needs--what do we need to defend ourselves. I think we're going to continue to spend money on things that we don't need," he said.
Source: Nevada Independent on 2018 Nevada Gubernatorial race Sep 6, 2017

On Immigration: Empathy for DACA targets, wants them part of immigration law

The day before the Trump Administration announced it would phase out DACA, Schwartz said he felt for the plight of young immigrants brought to the country illegally as children. "I'm sympathetic. I mean, who wouldn't be sympathetic to some child who was brought here and who has lived here and made a life for themselves," he said. He faulted Congress for not dealing with immigration earlier. "I think Congress should come out with an immigration law, and DACA should be part of it" he said.
Source: Nevada Independent on 2018 Nevada Gubernatorial race Sep 6, 2017

On Tax Reform: Spending to increase revenue would justify raising taxes

Schwartz said he won't sign Grover Norquist's "no new taxes" pledge, explaining that he's already on the record opposing higher taxes and adding that he couldn't guarantee that the state wouldn't need to raise taxes. "Let's say I want to encourage building faculties at some of the universities. That to me is money well spent," he said. "I'm going to look at not raising taxes but if it becomes apparent that the people of this state will benefit greatly from increased revenues, then I will do that."
Source: Nevada Independent on 2018 Nevada Gubernatorial race Sep 6, 2017

On Civil Rights: Support women by seeking a female running mate

He's also on the lookout for a running mate--he wants it to be a woman. While Nevada governor and lieutenant governor candidates don't run on formal tickets, the Republican lieutenant governor candidate, [a male State Senator], has publicly clashed with Schwartz [on this issue].

"I'm not into identity politics but I think we've got a lot of capable women in this state and one of them should be Lt. governor," said Schwartz, who's married and has two adult daughters, ages 28 and 31.

Source: The Nevada Independent on 2018 Nevada Gubernatorial race Sep 5, 2017

On Corporations: Replace commerce tax with broad-based corporate income tax

Nevada Treasurer Dan Schwartz has submitted a bill draft that would create a corporate income tax. But he said at least initially, his plan would be revenue neutral because it eliminates the Modified Business Tax, the commerce tax. Nevada's constitution prohibits the state from enacting a personal income tax without voter approval but permits the governor and lawmakers to create an income tax on businesses. He said he wants a less confusing financial revenue system and "a more broad based tax."
Source: Nevada Appeal on 2018 Nevada Gubernatorial race Aug 31, 2016

On Technology: Investment in infrastructure can bring in high paying jobs

"I want to bring in high paying job instead of offering state support," Schwartz said. Schwartz said he would improve the state's infrastructure rather than build a football stadium. Instead of traveling overseas to entice business, he would direct the GOED to open an office in San Francisco, to entice firms moving from California to the Silver State. "The cost of living is about one-third in Nevada compared to California," he said. "We need for California to move more of their businesses here."
Source: Nevada Appeal on 2018 Nevada Gubernatorial race Aug 31, 2016

The above quotations are from 2018 Nevada Gubernatorial race: debates and news coverage.
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