Jay Inslee in 2018 Governor's State of the State speeches

On Crime: End the death penalty

Let's leave a legacy that upholds the equal application of justice by passing a bill to end the death penalty in the state of Washington.
Source: 2018 Washington State of the State address Jan 9, 2018

On Education: Four-year degree isn't the only path to success

We have to stop telling our children that a four-year degree is the only path to success. That simply is not true. Let's leave a legacy of opportunity for all our students by expanding career-connected learning. During a study mission to Switzerland last year, our delegation saw a truly remarkable apprenticeship system stemming from a robust partnership with business, labor, and academia. There is no reason our own students cannot have better access to those same opportunities here in Washington.
Source: 2018 Washington State of the State address Jan 9, 2018

On Energy & Oil: Supports carbon tax

Many states and nations have enacted a price on carbon. Even China is getting on board, having recently launched the largest carbon market on the planet. By passing a carbon tax, we would simply join our West Coast neighbors, and the rest of the world, as the global economy moves away from fossil fuels and toward a decarbonized, clean-energy future. And I believe that Washington is exactly the state to lead the clean-energy economy and seize the jobs that China and other nations are clamoring for.
Source: 2018 Washington State of the State address Jan 9, 2018

On Government Reform: Favors automatic voter registration

Access to democracy is a cornerstone to the enduring health of our nation and state, so let's leave a legacy of a stronger democracy by increasing voter participation and equitable representation. It is time to pass the Washington Voting Rights Act, automatic voter registration, and Election Day registration.
Source: 2018 Washington State of the State address Jan 9, 2018

On Gun Control: Pass common-sense gun laws

Let's leave a legacy of common-sense measures that help end the scourge of gun violence. Our state's voters have demonstrated strong support for such measures. We can continue our commitment to public safety and health by banning bump stocks, closing the loophole on semi-automatic rifles, and requiring the safe storage of firearms.
Source: 2018 Washington State of the State address Jan 9, 2018

On Immigration: Scholarships for DREAMers

Let's continue our bipartisan legacy of helping Dreamers fulfill their potential. This is a time of great uncertainty and fear for our Dreamers and their families. Let's pass legislation now to ensure the availability of College Bound scholarships for Dreamers, even if the federal government fails to renew their deferred-action status.
Source: 2018 Washington State of the State address Jan 9, 2018

The above quotations are from 2018 Governor's State of the State speeches.
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Page last updated: Apr 07, 2019