Kamala Harris in 2020 FactCheck

On Abortion: Repeal Hyde Amendment; unacceptable that Biden voted for it

HARRIS [to V.P. Biden]: You changed your position on the Hyde Amendment, where you made a decision for years to withhold resources to poor women to have access to reproductive healthcare including women who were the victims of rape and incest. This directly impacted so many women in our country.

BIDEN: The senator knows that that's not my position. Everybody on this stage has been in the Congress has voted for the Hyde Amendment at some point.

Fact-Check from Vice.com, 6/14/19: [Is Biden right? Yes.] The contenders for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination have made reversing the Hyde Amendment--a measure that blocks federal funding for abortion--a top priority on the campaign trail. Members of Congress don't vote directly on Hyde; rather, they vote for the enormous package of spending bills that include Hyde. Democrats running for the White House have tried to capitalize on that technicality. Harris has backed a bill that would effectively repeal Hyde. (It's unlikely to pass.)

Source: FactCheck on 2020 contenders: July Democratic Primary debate Jul 31, 2019

On Principles & Values: FactCheck: Constitutionally eligible to run for presidency

In January 2019, Jacob Wohl--a Twitter political troll--dipped his toes into the topic of constitutional law, asserting his view that 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris was constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President of the United States: "Kamala Harris is NOT eligible to be President. Her father arrived from Jamaica in 1961--mother from India arrived in 1960. Neither parent was a legal resident for 5 years prior to Harris's birth, a requirement for naturalization. Kamala was raised in Canada."

The constitutional requirements for the office of U.S. president have nothing to do with the naturalization status of one's parents, but do include requirement of 14 years' residency in the US. Though Harris spent her high school years in Canada, she has been resident in the US since 1982. She was born in Oakland California, in 1964, and is a natural-born citizen, fulfilling all the requirements to be constitutionally eligible to run for president.

Source: Snopes.com Fact-Check on 2020 presidential hopefuls Jan 28, 2019

The above quotations are from Fact-checking on 2020 Presidential, Gubernatorial, and Senatorial campaigns.
Click here for other excerpts from Fact-checking on 2020 Presidential, Gubernatorial, and Senatorial campaigns.
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