Jay Inslee in PBS News Hour

On Abortion: Allow taxpayer-funded family planning clinics

On abortion rights, Inslee believes in a woman's right to choose and opposed the Trump administration's announcement that it would prohibit taxpayer-funded family planning clinics from referring women for abortions.
Source: PBS News hour on 2020 Presidential hopefuls Mar 1, 2019

On Civil Rights: Backed legalizing same-sex marriage in his state

Inslee is a proponent of LGBTQ rights and backed legalizing same-sex marriage in his state.
Source: PBS News hour on 2020 Presidential hopefuls Mar 1, 2019

On Foreign Policy: Welcome Syrian refugees

Inslee supports refugees' rights, and has focused on people displaced by the conflict in Syria. Inslee wrote a letter to the State Department last year after U.S. airstrikes in Syria in which he criticized the Trump administration's restrictive refugee policies.
Source: PBS News hour on 2020 Presidential hopefuls Mar 1, 2019

On Health Care: Take initial steps towards universal health care

Inslee backed the Affordable Care Act when it was up for a vote during his time in Congress. In 2013, as governor, he expanded Medicaid under the ACA in his state. Recently he introduced a public option health care plan to help stabilize the state's health insurance exchange. Inslee said it would be an initial step toward creating universal health care in the state.
Source: PBS News hour on 2020 Presidential hopefuls Mar 1, 2019

On Jobs: Increase minimum wage; ensure gender pay equity

Inslee supports increasing the minimum wage, which is currently $12 in Washington state and will rise to $13.50 in 2020. Inslee signed into law a guaranteed paid family leave plan in 2017, granting eligible parents 12 weeks paid time off for the birth or adoption of a child or for a serious medical condition. He also signed an Equal Pay Opportunity Act that requires employees receive equal pay and work opportunities regardless of gender. Inslee opposes the Trump administration's trade policies. He has said that "any punitive tariffs to the Asian markets are felt deeply" in the state of Washington. Inslee believes in a positive working relationship with trade partners and open access to foreign trade markets.
Source: PBS News hour on 2020 Presidential hopefuls Mar 1, 2019

The above quotations are from PBS News Hour "2020 Candidate Stands" series.
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Jay Inslee on other issues:
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform
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