Andy Beshear in 2021 Governor's State of the State speeches

On Budget & Economy: Better Kentucky Budget: no tax increase, no budget cuts

Kentucky's "Rainy Day Fund" is at its highest level ever. And we are going to provide an extra $100 million to further solidify and protect it. I'm pleased to report that with a better budget forecast than was initially anticipated, we have over $600 million in one-time money available to invest in our future. This budget--my Better Kentucky Budget--doesn't rely on any increase in taxes; there are no spending cuts; and it doesn't rely on the passage of any new revenue measures.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Kentucky legislature Jan 7, 2021

On Education: $1000 salary boost for all school workers

My budget calls for a $1,000 salary increase for every teacher, bus driver, cafeteria worker and other hardworking school employee in Kentucky. I am also providing support for preschool programs to help children most in need get started early on a path to success and opportunity. We are restoring a teacher loan forgiveness program and continuing to fund additional, full-time, school-based mental health services.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Kentucky legislature Jan 7, 2021

On Education: $100 million to repair crumbling public schools

Too many of Kentucky's schools are crumbling and in dire need of repair. Some date as far back as the 1930s. So my budget calls for $100 million in additional one-time money to help rebuild and repair Kentucky's schools. This will improve the experience of students, educators and staff; it will enhance the surrounding communities. It will also create thousands of construction jobs and unleash a wave of positive economic activity across Kentucky.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Kentucky legislature Jan 7, 2021

On Health Care: COVID: Troubling that a public health crisis was politicized

We must move past any remaining denial or rationalizations. That a public health crisis has been politicized, even as thousands died, is troubling for both our state and our nation. Failure to take this virus seriously at this late date disrespects the memory of those we have lost, disrespects the pain of those who are grieving and disrespects the deep sacrifices so many have made in this war. It also threatens to create much more pain, more death and more disruption, all of which can be avoided.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Kentucky legislature Jan 7, 2021

On Homeland Security: Full exclusion of military pensions from state income tax

I have included the full exclusion of military pensions from the Kentucky income tax, recognizing the service of our men and women in uniform and what it means to our country.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Kentucky legislature Jan 7, 2021

The above quotations are from 2021 Governor's State of the State speeches.
Click here for other excerpts from 2021 Governor's State of the State speeches.
Click here for other excerpts by Andy Beshear.
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