Jay Inslee in 2022 Governor's State of the State speeches

On Energy & Oil: State's legal and moral obligation to reduce emissions

It is our state's legal obligation to reduce emissions--but it is also practical, and most importantly it is a moral obligation. Legislators can be proud their work created policies that will remove 43.5 million metric tons of emissions annually. But to meet our statutory commitment, we have to reduce emissions by 6 million more metric tons per year to reach our 2030 emissions limits. That's equivalent to the annual emissions of 1.3 million vehicles on the road.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to Washington legislature Jan 11, 2022

On Environment: As the future of salmon goes so goes the future of our state

As the future of salmon goes, so goes the future of our state. Our region's salmon are threatened by climate change, pollution and habitat loss. My budget would put $187 million toward salmon recovery. We must restore the green corridors along rivers and streams known as riparian habitat, which keeps the water clean and cool. Our legislation sets a unique blueprint for each river and stream habitat to conserve and restore these critical lands. Our salmon cannot wait. They need action, this day.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to Washington legislature Jan 11, 2022

On Families & Children: Increase number of mental health workers for youth

My budget will increase the number of school counselors, nurses, psychologists and social workers available to serve K-12 students. Anyone who works with kids will tell you these services are needed now more than ever. Young people in foster care and their families have also been uniquely impacted by the pandemic. My budget offers $80 million to pay providers more for housing and support foster youth with complex needs; and help young people transition out of foster care or juvenile justice.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to Washington legislature Jan 11, 2022

On Government Reform: Outlaw efforts by pols whose election lies cause violence

We just marked the 1-year anniversary of the insurrection in our nation's Capitol. That continues to this day under the banner of the "Big Lie." The right to representative government is under attack. It is time we stand up to those who challenge the integrity of our elections, who undermine basic democratic principles and who would do away with the rule of law. I think we
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to Washington legislature Jan 11, 2022

On Welfare & Poverty: Wrap-around services critical in addressing homelessness

My supplemental budget includes an unprecedented $815 million investment in safe housing for those experiencing homelessness. This budget would also increase behavioral health services, continuing my administration's successful investments in these life-changing programs. All of us know that wrap-around services are critical to helping people out of long-term homelessness. It is fundamental that people not only get a roof over their heads but get access to such services.

We also have to realize we need more opportunities for everyone when it comes to housing. We can't get more housing if there's nowhere to build it. We cannot tell our constituents we are fighting homelessness and yet not provide ways to build more housing. That means we must allow housing that meets the realities of our tremendous population and economic growth this century.

Source: 2022 State of the State Address to Washington legislature Jan 11, 2022

The above quotations are from 2022 Governor's State of the State speeches.
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Page last updated: Apr 04, 2022