State of Missouri secondary Archives: on Budget & Economy
Claire McCaskill:
$300 billion in Iraq is a lot of money
TALENT: What we’ve spent in Iraq & Afghanistan in total is 1% of the GDP. Look what Iraq is NOT doing. They’re not competing with Iran to sponsor terror in the region. They’re not threatening Kuwait. We don’t have to station troops in Saudi Arabia.
They’re not trying to restart the nuclear weapon program. This is the part of the mission that’s been progressing because we know how to fight and we know how to train people how to fight.McCASKILL: He just said the $300 billion was not a lot of money
Both of them had brave troops that we support. Both of them, our military was doing a wonderful, magnificent job. This administration is not being held accountable for its mistakes. No one is asking the questions, no one is holding them accountable.
Source: 2006 MO Senate Debate on NBC Meet The Press with Tim Russert
Oct 8, 2006
Jim Talent:
The $300 billion spent on Iraq is 1 percent of the GDP
TALENT: What we've spent in Iraq & Afghanistan in total is 1% of the GDP. Look what Iraq is NOT doing. They're not competing with Iran to sponsor terror in the region. They're not threatening Kuwait. We don't have to station troops in Saudi Arabia.
They're not trying to restart the nuclear weapon program. This is the part of the mission that's been progressing because we know how to fight and we know how to train people how to fight.McCASKILL: He just said the $300 billion was not a lot of money
Both of them had brave troops that we support. Both of them, our military was doing a wonderful, magnificent job. This administration is not being held accountable for its mistakes. No one is asking the questions, no one is holding them accountable.
Source: 2006 MO Senate Debate on NBC Meet The Press with Tim Russert
Oct 8, 2006
Mark McClosky:
Balance the budget in 5 years by cutting 1% across the board
We're seeing the negative effects of inflation and spending right now under the Biden administration. But for too long, politicians in BOTH parties have spent too much of YOUR hard earned money! Mark McCloskey will go to
Washington to be Missouri's fiscal hawk and advocate to cut spending and unnecessary regulations. Mark supports the Penny Plan, which balances the budget in 5 years by cutting 1% across the board?.
Source: 2021 MO Senate campaign website
Aug 12, 2021
Page last updated: Feb 18, 2023