State of California Archives: on Energy & Oil

Kevin Mullin: $48M for funding hybrid and zero-emission vehicles

Excerpts from Legislative Counsel's Digest:This bill would appropriate $8,000,000 to be expended for the purposes of the enhanced fleet modernization program.

Status: Passed House, 53-20-5; State Rep. Kevin Mullin voted YES; passed Senate 27-10-2; signed by Governor, 9/28/2013.

Source: California legislative voting records SB 359 Sep 12, 2013

Adam Gray: $48M for funding hybrid and zero-emission vehicles

Excerpts from Legislative Counsel's Digest:This bill would appropriate $8,000,000 to be expended for the purposes of the enhanced fleet modernization program.

Status: Passed House, 53-20-5; State Rep. Adam Gray voted YES; passed Senate 27-10-2; signed by Governor, 9/28/2013.

Source: California legislative voting records SB 359 Sep 12, 2013

Adam Gray: Slow down fracking until scientific study is completed

Excerpts from Legislative Counsel's Digest:Requires a supplier claiming trade secret protection for the chemical composition of additives used in a well stimulation treatment to disclose the composition to the division.

Status: Passed House, 54-20-4; State Rep. Adam Gray voted YES; passed Senate 29-8-2; signed by Gov.Brown, 9/20/2013

OnTheIssues Explanation: "Fracking" extracts more oil and gas from otherwise non-productive wells. Controversies includes that fracking causes earthquakes (hence the "scientific study"), and issues about disposal of the large volumes of potentially toxic liquids used. This bill slows the implementation of fracking.

Source: California legislative voting record for SB4 Sep 20, 2013

Kevin Mullin: Slow down fracking until scientific study is completed

Excerpts from Legislative Counsel's Digest:Requires a supplier claiming trade secret protection for the chemical composition of additives used in a well stimulation treatment to disclose the composition to the division.

Status: Passed House, 54-20-4; State Rep. Kevin Mullin voted YES; passed Senate 29-8-2; signed by Gov.Brown, 9/20/2013

OnTheIssues Explanation: "Fracking" extracts more oil and gas from otherwise non-productive wells. Controversies includes that fracking causes earthquakes (hence the "scientific study"), and issues about disposal of the large volumes of potentially toxic liquids used. This bill slows the implementation of fracking.

Source: California legislative voting record for SB4 Sep 20, 2013

Kevin Mullin: Charge Ahead: 1,000,000 zero-emission vehicles by 2023

Legislative Counsel's Digest: SB 1275: Charge Ahead California Initiative: Existing law creates a fleet modernization program for the retirement of high polluting vehicles. This bill would include car sharing and a mobility option, including compensation no less than $2,500.

Existing law provide vouchers to help California fleets to purchase hybrid and zero-emission trucks and buses. This bill would establish the Charge Ahead California Initiative, to place in service at least 1,000,000 zero-emission and near-zero-emission vehicles by January 1, 2023, and to increase access for disadvantaged, low-income, and moderate-income communities to zero-emission and near-zero-emission vehicles.

Legislative Outcome: 8/27/14: Passed Assembly, 53-24-2, State Rep. Kevin Mullin voted YES, 8/28/14: Passed Senate, 26-11-3; 9/21/14: signed by Gov. Brown.

Source: California legislative voting records for SB 1275 Aug 27, 2014

Adam Gray: Charge Ahead: 1,000,000 zero-emission vehicles by 2023

Legislative Counsel's Digest: SB 1275: Charge Ahead California Initiative: Existing law creates a fleet modernization program for the retirement of high polluting vehicles. This bill would include car sharing and a mobility option, including compensation no less than $2,500.

Existing law provide vouchers to help California fleets to purchase hybrid and zero-emission trucks and buses. This bill would establish the Charge Ahead California Initiative, to place in service at least 1,000,000 zero-emission and near-zero-emission vehicles by January 1, 2023, and to increase access for disadvantaged, low-income, and moderate-income communities to zero-emission and near-zero-emission vehicles.

Legislative Outcome: 8/27/14: Passed Assembly, 53-24-2, State Rep. Adam Gray voted YES, 8/28/14: Passed Senate, 26-11-3; 9/21/14: signed by Gov. Brown.

Source: California legislative voting records for SB 1275 Aug 27, 2014

Alan Lowenthal: Restrict offshore drilling; regulate greenhouse gases

Q: Do you support reducing restrictions on offshore energy production?

A: No.

Q: Do you believe that human activity is contributing to climate change?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you support the federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions?

A: Yes.

Source: California Congressional 2012 Political Courage Test Oct 30, 2012

Alex Padilla: Got state agency to increase use of renewable energy

Alex was elected to the Los Angeles City Council as a political outsider at the age of 26. He fought to close and limit the expansion of the landfills that had plagued his community for so long, to clean up local air and water and to face climate change by requiring the city's biggest polluter, the Department of Water and Power, to dramatically increase renewable energy.
Source: 2022 California Senate campaign website Dec 23, 2020

Alex Padilla: 2006: for solar power, modernizing electrical grid

In 2006, Alex was elected to the State Senate. He passed landmark legislation increasing renewable energy standards, expanding green manufacturing and solar power, developing clean fuels and modernizing the electrical grid.
Source: 2022 California Senate campaign website Dec 23, 2020

Alex Padilla: Slow down fracking until scientific study is completed

Excerpts from Legislative Counsel's Digest:

Status: Passed House, 54-20-4; passed Senate 29-8-2; State Sen. Padilla voted YES;.signed by Gov.Brown, 9/20/2013

OnTheIssues Explanation: "Fracking" extracts more oil and gas from otherwise non-productive wells. Controversies includes that fracking causes earthquakes (hence the "scientific study"), and issues about disposal of the large volumes of potentially toxic liquids used. This bill slows the implementation of fracking.

Source: California legislative voting record for SB4 Sep 11, 2013

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Cut greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020

Source: on California ballot measure voting records Sep 27, 2006

Brian Dahle: Forest management not climate change is cause of wildfires

Source: 2022 California Governor campaign website Feb 21, 2022

Brian Dahle: Energy goal: 100% reliable, affordable electricity

Source: 2022 California Governor campaign website Feb 21, 2022

Brian Dahle: NO on Charge Ahead: 1,000,000 zero-emission vehicles by 2023

Legislative Counsel's Digest: SB 1275: Charge Ahead California Initiative: Existing law creates a fleet modernization program for the retirement of high polluting vehicles. This bill would include car sharing and a mobility option, including compensation no less than $2,500.

Existing law provide vouchers to help California fleets to purchase hybrid and zero-emission trucks and buses. This bill would establish the Charge Ahead California Initiative, to place in service at least 1,000,000 zero-emission and near-zero-emission vehicles by January 1, 2023, and to increase access for disadvantaged, low-income, and moderate-income communities to zero-emission and near-zero-emission vehicles.

Legislative Outcome: 8/27/14: Passed Assembly, 53-24-2, including NAY vote by Brian Dahle ; 8/28/14: Passed Senate, 26-11-3; 9/21/14: signed by Gov. Brown.

Source: California legislative voting records: SB 1275 Aug 27, 2014

Brian Dahle: Slow down fracking until scientific study is completed

Excerpts from Legislative Counsel's Digest:

Status:ÿPassed House, 54-20-4; passed Senate 29-8-2; Brian Dahle voted YES; signed by Gov.Brown, 9/20/2013

OnTheIssues Explanation:ÿ"Fracking" extracts more oil and gas from otherwise non-productive wells. Controversies includes that fracking causes earthquakes (hence the "scientific study"), and issues about disposal of the large volumes of potentially toxic liquids used. This bill slows the implementation of fracking.

Source: California legislative voting records: SB4 Sep 11, 2013

Brian Dahle: Against $48M for funding hybrid and zero-emission vehicles

Excerpts from Legislative Counsel's Digest:

Status:Passed House, 53-20-5; passed Senate 27-10-2; signed by Governor, 9/28/2013. (Brian Dahle voted NAY).

Source: California legislative voting records: SB 359 Sep 12, 2013

Caitlyn Jenner: Skeptical of state goal of zero emissions by 2045

She would consider changes to the California Environmental Quality Act. "I am all for the environment but we cannot destroy our states?" she said. "As far as regulations, I would freeze everything. Some of these regulations have been on the books since before the fax machine." She would take a hard look at environmental regulations in California and would "probably not" keep in place California's goal of relying entirely on zero emission energy sources for electricity by 2045.
Source: CNN Politics on 2021 California Governor recall race May 12, 2021

Delaine Eastin: Fight climate change, protect natural resources

We must preserve and protect our coastlines, forests, deserts, valleys and mountains. We must ensure clean air and drinking water for all, and continue to be a world leader in the battle against climate change. It is past time that California ban fracking.
Source: 2018 California Gubernatorial website Sep 1, 2017

Gavin Newsom: California leads the way on green energy

He gave the keynote address at Sonoma County Conservation Action's "Grassroots Gala," an annual event that honors local environmental leaders. Newsom pushed back on Trump's contention that pivoting toward a fossil fuel-free world would irretrievably harm the U.S. economy. "What is so wrong about de-carbonizing your economy? What's so wrong about what California's done? Seven years, 2.7 million jobs, 2.9 percent GDP (growth)," he said.
Source: The Press Democrat on 2018 California gubernatorial race Jun 10, 2017

Gavin Newsom: New cars & trucks in California to be zero-emission by 2035

I was proud to sign a groundbreaking executive order last year requiring all new cars and passenger trucks sold in California to be zero-emission by 2035. And the car companies--Ford, GM, and Volvo--seized the opportunity to innovate, create jobs, and dominate the industry of the future. Proving yet again that protecting our planet and growing our economy aren't conflicting goals--they're one in the same. There's no doubt California is the pace setter of environmental policy.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to California legislature Mar 9, 2021

Gavin Newsom: We will write the playbook on confronting climate change

Forging an Oil-Free Future: The plan will decrease California's reliance on fossil fuels while preparing our economy and workforce for a clean energy future. California will write the playbook for how America confronts the impacts of climate change-- investing billions in climate tech research & development, clean cars, preparing Californians for career opportunities, and further readying our infrastructure to withstand extreme weather.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to California legislature Feb 10, 2022

Gavin Newsom: We need to be fighting polluters, not bolstering them

At a time, when we've been heating and burning up, one thing we cannot do is repeat the mistakes of the past by embracing polluters. Drilling even more oil, which only leads to even more extreme weather, more extreme drought, more wildfire. Just in the past few years, we've seen whole communities nearly wiped off the map. We need to be fighting polluters, not bolstering them. And in so doing, freeing us once and for all from the grasp of petro-dictators.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to California legislature Mar 8, 2022

Gloria La Riva: International and domestic rules to reduce climate change

Q: Do you support enacting environmental regulations aimed at reducing the effects of climate change?


Q: Do you support international emissions targets aimed at reducing the effects of climate change?


Q: Do you support allowing energy producers to trade carbon credits under a "cap and trade" system?


Q: Do you support domestic oil exploration in federally-protected areas?


Source: California Congressional 2010 Political Courage Test Nov 1, 2010

James Bradley: Short term oil exploration; alternative energy incentives

Source: 2021 California Senate campaign website Jun 29, 2021

Jerome Horton: Cut greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020

Source: on California Proposition 23 voting records Sep 27, 2006

Jerry Brown: CO2 emissions could warm planet by 7 degrees

When we think about California's future, no long term liability presents as great a danger to our wellbeing as the buildup of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. According to the latest report from the World Bank, carbon dioxide emissions are the highest in 15 million years. At today's emissions rate, the planet could warm by more than 7 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century, an event unknown in human experience. California is extremely vulnerable because of our Mediterranean climate, long coastline and reliance on snowpack for so much of our water supply.

Tipping points can be reached before we even know we have passed them. This is a different kind of challenge than we ever faced. It requires acting now even though the worst consequences are perhaps decades in the future.

Again California is leading the way. We are reducing emissions as required by AB 32 and we will meet our goal of getting carbon emissions to 1990 levels by 2020.

Source: 2013 State of the State address to California Legislature Jan 24, 2013

Jerry Brown: Slow down fracking until scientific study is completed

Excerpts from Legislative Counsel's Digest:Status:Passed House, 54-20-4; passed Senate 29-8-2; signed by Gov.Brown, 9/20/2013

OnTheIssues Explanation: "Fracking" extracts more oil and gas from otherwise non-productive wells. The controversy includes that fracking causes earthquakes (hence the "scientific study"), as well as issues about disposal of the large volumes of potentially toxic liquids used. This bill slows the implementation of fracking.

Source: California legislative voting records: SB 4 Sep 20, 2013

Jerry Brown: Charge Ahead: 1,000,000 zero-emission vehicles by 2023

Legislative Counsel's Digest: SB 1275: Charge Ahead California Initiative: Existing law creates a fleet modernization program for the retirement of high polluting vehicles. This bill would include car sharing and a mobility option, including compensation no less than $2,500.

Existing law provide vouchers to help California fleets to purchase hybrid and zero-emission trucks and buses. This bill would establish the Charge Ahead California Initiative, to place in service at least 1,000,000 zero-emission and near-zero-emission vehicles by January 1, 2023, and to increase access for disadvantaged, low-income, and moderate-income communities to zero-emission and near-zero-emission vehicles.

Legislative Outcome: 8/27/14: Passed Assembly, 53-24-2; 8/28/14: Passed Senate, 26-11-3; 9/21/14: signed by Governor Brown.

Source: California legislative voting records for SB 1275 Sep 21, 2014

Jerry Brown: No climate deniers: the science is clear; the danger is real

Our state is known the world over for the actions we have taken to encourage renewable energy and combat climate change. Whatever they do in Washington, they can't change the facts. And these are the facts: the climate is changing, the temperatures are rising and so are the oceans. Natural habitats everywhere are under increasing stress. The world knows this.

194 countries signed the Paris Agreement to control greenhouse gases. Our own voluntary agreement to accomplish the same goal--the "Under Two M.O.U."--has 165 signatories, representing a billion people. We cannot fall back and give in to the climate deniers. The science is clear. The danger is real.

We can do much on our own and we can join with others--other states and provinces and even countries, to stop the dangerous rise in climate pollution. And we will.

Source: 2017 State of the State address to California Legislature Jan 24, 2017

Jimmy Gomez: Slow down fracking until scientific study is completed

Excerpts from Legislative Counsel's Digest:Status:Passed House, 54-20-4; passed Senate 29-8-2; signed by Gov.Brown, 9/20/2013

OnTheIssues Explanation: "Fracking" extracts more oil and gas from otherwise non-productive wells. The controversy includes that fracking causes earthquakes (hence the "scientific study"), as well as issues about disposal of the large volumes of potentially toxic liquids used. This bill slows the implementation of fracking. (Jimmy Gomez voted YEA).

Source: California legislative voting records: SB 4 Sep 6, 2013

Jimmy Gomez: Charge Ahead: 1,000,000 zero-emission vehicles by 2023

Legislative Counsel's Digest: SB 1275: Charge Ahead California Initiative: Existing law creates a fleet modernization program for the retirement of high polluting vehicles. This bill would include car sharing and a mobility option, including compensation no less than $2,500.

Existing law provide vouchers to help California fleets to purchase hybrid and zero-emission trucks and buses. This bill would establish the Charge Ahead California Initiative, to place in service at least 1,000,000 zero-emission and near-zero-emission vehicles by January 1, 2023, and to increase access for disadvantaged, low-income, and moderate-income communities to zero-emission and near-zero-emission vehicles.

Legislative Outcome: 8/27/14: Passed Assembly, 53-24-2, including AYE vote by Rep. Jimmy Gomez; 8/28/14: Passed Senate, 26-11-3; 9/21/14: signed by Gov. Brown.

Source: California legislative voting records for SB 1275 Aug 27, 2014

Jimmy Panetta: Regulate fracking; address climate change

Q: Do you support increased regulations on the hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") industry?

A: Yes

Q: Do you believe that human activity is contributing to climate change?

A: Yes. We must finally address climate change by promoting the fundamentals of a clean energy economy that creates reliable new jobs.

Source: Vote-Smart 2016 California Political Courage Test Nov 8, 2016

Julia Brownley: Switch from traditional energy to alternatives

Q: Should the state fund development of alternative energy?

A: Yes.

Q: Should the state fund development of traditional domestic energy sources (e.g. coal, natural gas, oil)?

A: No.

Q: Do you support providing financial incentives to farms that produce biofuel crops?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you support state funding for improvements to California's energy infrastructure?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you support enacting environmental regulations aimed at reducing the effects of climate change?

A: Yes.

Source: California Congressional 2010 Political Courage Test Oct 30, 2010

Kamala Harris: Innovate smart solutions to climate change

Harris released the following statement on SB 350, the Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act, and SB 32, Climate Pollution Reduction Beyond 2020:

"Millions of Californians enjoy cleaner air and water because of our state's efforts to improve our environment. SB 350 and SB 32 build on this legacy by setting aggressive but achievable clean energy goals. These bills will ensure California continues to innovate smart solutions to climate change while growing our economy and improving public health."

Source: Imperial Valley News on 2016 California Senate race Aug 27, 2015

Kevin de Leon: Leading the way on renewable energy

Continuing steady progress in energy efficiency, Kevin has put California on a path to 50 percent renewable energy by 2030--the largest state in the nation to do so--with an eye toward becoming 100 percent renewable by 2045. California is by far the nation's clean-energy leader and it is paying workforce dividends with the creation of well over 500,000 clean energy jobs in the Golden State--10 times more than there are coal jobs in the entire nation.
Source: 2018 California Senatorial website Oct 15, 2017

Kevin de Leon: Extend California's cap-and-trade

De Le¢n has established California's reputation as a recognized global leader in the battle against climate change and a pioneer in creating a clean energy economy. He played a central role in crafting a bipartisan deal this year to extend California's cap-and-trade program with $1 billion of the generated revenue to tackle diesel pollution and bolster electrification of our transportation and vehicles.
Source: 2018 California Senatorial website Oct 15, 2017

Kevin de Leon: Slow down fracking until scientific study is completed

Excerpts from Legislative Counsel's Digest:Status:Passed House, 54-20-4; passed Senate 29-8-2; signed by Gov.Brown, 9/20/2013

OnTheIssues Explanation: "Fracking" extracts more oil and gas from otherwise non-productive wells. The controversy includes that fracking causes earthquakes (hence the "scientific study"), as well as issues about disposal of the large volumes of potentially toxic liquids used. This bill slows the implementation of fracking. (Kevin de Leon voted YEA).

Source: California legislative voting records: SB 4 Sep 11, 2013

Larry Elder: Against radicals for whom climate change is a religion

Newsom's surrounded by an army of radicals for whom climate change is a religion-- and growth and development a villain. Because of their fierce opposition to growth, the average home in California costs 150% more than the national average. Because of their radical environmentalism, they oppose building the infrastructure necessary to supply consistent energy and water to a population of 40 million, leaving us with a crumbling system built in the `70's to support a population twice that size.
Source: 2021 California Governor campaign website Jul 22, 2021

Lou Correa: Charge Ahead: 1,000,000 zero-emission vehicles by 2023

Legislative Counsel's Digest: SB 1275: Charge Ahead California Initiative: Existing law creates a fleet modernization program for the retirement of high polluting vehicles. This bill would include car sharing and a mobility option, including compensation no less than $2,500.

Existing law provide vouchers to help California fleets to purchase hybrid and zero-emission trucks and buses. This bill would establish the Charge Ahead California Initiative, to place in service at least 1,000,000 zero-emission and near-zero-emission vehicles by January 1, 2023, and to increase access for disadvantaged, low-income, and moderate-income communities to zero-emission and near-zero-emission vehicles.

Legislative Outcome: 8/27/14: Passed Assembly, 53-24-2, including AYE vote by Rep. Lou Correa; 8/28/14: Passed Senate, 26-11-3; 9/21/14: signed by Governor Brown.

Source: California legislative voting records for SB 1275 Aug 27, 2014

Mark DeSaulnier: Slow down fracking until scientific study is completed

Excerpts from Legislative Counsel's Digest:Status:Passed House, 54-20-4; passed Senate 29-8-2; signed by Gov.Brown, 9/20/2013

OnTheIssues Explanation: "Fracking" extracts more oil and gas from otherwise non-productive wells. The controversy includes that fracking causes earthquakes (hence the "scientific study"), as well as issues about disposal of the large volumes of potentially toxic liquids used. This bill slows the implementation of fracking. (Mark DeSaulnier voted YEA).

Source: California legislative voting records: SB 4 Sep 11, 2013

Mark Meuser: Grant drilling permits; encourage domestic oil production

He hopes to combat the Biden Administration's reckless policies that have resulted in record high gas prices by supporting grant drilling permits and encourage domestic oil production in the country. Meuser says the record high price of gas, and record high inflation, is a clear sign that the United States needs to pursue becoming energy independent once again.
Source: KUSI News (San Diego) on 2022 California Senate race May 23, 2022

Mark Meuser: I can't get a straight definition on what climate change is

When asked if climate change is real, Meuser answered, "I ask people to define what climate change is. I can't get a straight definition on what climate change is."
Source: KPIX TV CBS-5 on 2022 California Senate race Jun 3, 2022

Michael Eisen: Base climate change policy on science, not politics

Q: In the lab, you're unraveling the mysteries of life. Why leave all that for Washington?

Eisen: There has been a growing sense of frustration among scientists about the way decisions are made in politics--in particular, the way science is integrated into decision-making. I mean "science" in the grand sense--the process of making observations, characterizing reality and then using that characterization to make judgments about the best course of action. Politics should function similar to science. We should try to figure out what's going on in the world and then debate the best way to do it, to make the world better.

Q: Why the US Senate?

Eisen: The immediate motivation was watching a Senate hearing where they were discussing a scientific issue, like climate change. I thought: "It would be really nice to have scientists ask the questions of the Cabinet appointees, because the senators don't seem to understand the issue and aren't asking the right questions."

Source: Mercury News on 2018 California Senate race Feb 3, 2017

Mimi Walters: Support new domestic oil and natural gas, including Keystone

America has enough energy here within our borders, but misguided government policies and environmental extremism prevent us from using those resources. The Obama administration has done everything in its power to prevent new domestic oil and natural gas from coming to market. $4 a gallon gas is a direct result of failed government policies that have left us dependent on buying overseas oil, much of it from regimes hostile to our values. I support construction of the Keystone pipeline
Source: 2014 California House campaign website, Oct 10, 2014

Mimi Walters: Voted NO on scientific study on fracking

Excerpts from Legislative Counsel's Digest:Status:Passed House, 54-20-4; passed Senate 29-8-2; signed by Gov.Brown, 9/20/2013

OnTheIssues Explanation: "Fracking" extracts more oil and gas from otherwise non-productive wells. The controversy includes that fracking causes earthquakes (hence the "scientific study"), as well as issues about disposal of the large volumes of potentially toxic liquids used. This bill slows the implementation of fracking. (Mimi Walters voted NAY).

Source: California legislative voting records: SB 4 Sep 11, 2013

Mimi Walters: Don't cut greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020

Source: on California ballot measure voting records Sep 27, 2006

Neel Kashkari: Climate change compelling, but do fracking & Monterey shale

Source: San Francisco Chronicle on 2014 California governor race Nov 14, 2013

Norma Torres: Slow down fracking until scientific study is completed

Excerpts from Legislative Counsel's Digest:Status:Passed House, 54-20-4; passed Senate 29-8-2; signed by Gov.Brown, 9/20/2013

OnTheIssues Explanation: "Fracking" extracts more oil and gas from otherwise non-productive wells. The controversy includes that fracking causes earthquakes (hence the "scientific study"), as well as issues about disposal of the large volumes of potentially toxic liquids used. This bill slows the implementation of fracking. (Norma Torres voted YEA).

Source: California legislative voting records: SB 4 Sep 11, 2013

Pete Aguilar: Encourage green building and climate-friendly purchasing

As Mayor of Redlands, I've fought to reduce the effects of climate change. I led efforts to encourage greater energy efficiency and conservation, including green building and climate-friendly purchasing, and strongly support a new passenger rail line to help reduce heavy traffic and pollution. I am firmly committed to promoting investments in clean energy technology and taking assertive actions to reduce carbon emissions and combat global climate change.
Source: 2014 California House campaign website, Nov 7, 2014

Ro Khanna: Environmental threat means opportunities for green energy

Preserving the environment is no longer an abstract debate, but one we must immediately address to protect our planet and the health of our future generations. But the environmental threats we face also generate new opportunities for us to invest in green and alternative energy technologies of the future, which will create new jobs for middle class workers and bolster America's competitiveness around the world.

Three decades ago, the U.S. led the world in the development of renewable energy. Unfortunately, we're now losing the race to countries like Germany and China. Renewable energy has the potential to create tens of thousands of construction and manufacturing jobs in our country, while simultaneously bringing down energy costs. Wind and solar are particularly promising forms of alternative energy that could boost local and regional economies.

Source: 2016 California House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

Ro Khanna: Expand tax credits for solar power & plug-in hybrids

Source: 2016 California House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

Rob Astorino: Open the Monterey Shale to fracking for shale oil

Kashkari again called for opening the Monterey Shale to fracking for shale oil, saying it'll be a key part of the job boom California desperately needs. The nation's highest rents aren't in San Francisco or New York, he noted, but actually in a small North Dakota town at the epicenter of that state's fracking boom. A true climate-change response must be national or international in order to have any effect, he said.
Source: Inside Bay Area Buzz on 2014 California governor race Feb 21, 2014

Rob Bonta: $48M for funding hybrid and zero-emission vehicles

Excerpts from Legislative Counsel's Digest:

Status:Passed House, 53-20-5; passed Senate 27-10-2; signed by Governor, 9/28/2013. (Rep. Rob Bonta voted YEA).

Source: California legislative voting records SB 359 Sep 12, 2013

Rob Bonta: Slow down fracking until scientific study is completed

Excerpts from Legislative Counsel's Digest:

Status:Passed House, 54-20-4; passed Senate 29-8-2; signed by Gov.Brown, 9/20/2013

OnTheIssues Explanation:"Fracking" extracts more oil and gas from otherwise non-productive wells. The controversy includes that fracking causes earthquakes (hence the "scientific study"), as well as issues about disposal of the large volumes of potentially toxic liquids used. This bill slows the implementation of fracking. (Rep. Rob Bonta voted YEA).

Source: California legislative voting records SB4 Sep 11, 2013

Rocky Chavez: Voted NO on scientific study on fracking

Excerpts from Legislative Counsel's Digest:Status:Passed House, 54-20-4; passed Senate 29-8-2; signed by Gov.Brown, 9/20/2013

OnTheIssues Explanation: "Fracking" extracts more oil and gas from otherwise non-productive wells. The controversy includes that fracking causes earthquakes (hence the "scientific study"), as well as issues about disposal of the large volumes of potentially toxic liquids used. This bill slows the implementation of fracking. (Rocky Chavez voted NAY).

Source: California legislative voting records: SB 4 Sep 11, 2013

Salud Carbajal: Tackle carbon pollution as strategy to combat climate change

I am proud to have served on President Obama's task force on climate change to come up with a range of sustainable solutions to be implemented at the state and local levels. I led efforts locally to tackle carbon pollution as a strategy to combat climate change. In Congress, I will continue to say no to any new offshore drilling and instead encourage us to move toward cleaner energy solutions that help create new jobs, like we did with the solar power facilities in the Cuyama Valley and on the Carrizo Plain. We need to do more to bring wind and biofuel initiatives to market and encourage more efforts for residents to retrofit their homes, making them more energy efficient to save consumers money and reduce energy usage.
Source: 2016 California House campaign website Nov 8, 2016

Steve Farley: Coal is the fuel of the past

The Teachers' Retirement Board yesterday announced the decision to divest the fund of all non-U.S. thermal coal holdings. "Coal is the fuel of America's past. At a time when clean-energy jobs far outpace those of the dying coal industry, why should we continue to invest in a product that pollutes the air, sickens our children and contributes to global warming," said Chiang, who is also a Teachers' Retirement Board member.
Source: on 2018 California gubernatorial race Jun 8, 2017

Steve Knight: No opinion on federally subsidizing wind & solar

Q: Governments should pay to develop wind and solar energy solutions when these are not economically feasible?

Knight: Neutral

Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 California House race Sep 30, 2014

Steve Knight: Voted NO on scientific study on fracking

Excerpts from Legislative Counsel's Digest:Status:Passed House, 54-20-4; passed Senate 29-8-2; signed by Gov.Brown, 9/20/2013

OnTheIssues Explanation: "Fracking" extracts more oil and gas from otherwise non-productive wells. The controversy includes that fracking causes earthquakes (hence the "scientific study"), as well as issues about disposal of the large volumes of potentially toxic liquids used. This bill slows the implementation of fracking. (Steve Knight voted NAY).

Source: California legislative voting records: SB 4 Sep 11, 2013

Ted Lieu: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions; end fracking

Ted Lieu's environmental priorities:
Source: 2014 California House campaign website, Oct 10, 2014

Ted Lieu: Slow down fracking until scientific study is completed

Excerpts from Legislative Counsel's Digest:Status:Passed House, 54-20-4; passed Senate 29-8-2; signed by Gov.Brown, 9/20/2013

OnTheIssues Explanation: "Fracking" extracts more oil and gas from otherwise non-productive wells. The controversy includes that fracking causes earthquakes (hence the "scientific study"), as well as issues about disposal of the large volumes of potentially toxic liquids used. This bill slows the implementation of fracking. (Ted Lieu voted YEA).

Source: California legislative voting records: SB 4 Sep 11, 2013

Ted Lieu: Cut greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020

Source: on California ballot measure voting records Sep 27, 2006

Tom Steyer: Cut greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020

Source: on California ballot measure voting records Jul 2, 2019

Travis Allen: Voted NO on awaiting scientific study before ok to fracking

Excerpts from Legislative Counsel's Digest:Status:Passed House, 54-20-4; passed Senate 29-8-2; signed by Gov.Brown, 9/20/2013

OnTheIssues Explanation: "Fracking" extracts more oil and gas from otherwise non-productive wells. The controversy includes that fracking causes earthquakes (hence the "scientific study"), as well as issues about disposal of the large volumes of potentially toxic liquids used. This bill slows the implementation of fracking. (Travis Allen voted NAY).

Source: California legislative voting records: SB 4 Sep 11, 2013

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2016 Presidential contenders on Energy & Oil:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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Page last updated: Feb 18, 2023