State of Kentucky Archives: on Technology
Amy McGrath:
Invest in infrastructure, broadband, electricity grid
From the crumbling Brent Spence Bridge in Kenton County, to the ailing water system in Martin County, to the lack of broadband internet access in rural Kentucky, our state badly needs new investments in infrastructure to grow a strong economy of the
future. The electricity grid is the backbone of our economy, our national security, and our way of life. But our grid is aging rapidly. We must upgrade our grid infrastructure.
Source: 2020 Kentucky Senate campaign website
Jun 30, 2020
Steven Cox:
Expand property rights to personal data; for net neutrality
Modernize Property Rights: Our data is sold and weaponized by U.S. corporations. We must expand property rights to include personal data and create new consumer protections.
A free and open Internet promotes innovation and gives every American more opportunity to earn a living wage. Net Neutrality will be reinstated.
Source: 2020 Kentucky Senate website
Feb 6, 2020
Andy Beshear:
We must focus on completing important infrastructure
On infrastructure, we must focus on completing important projects for families across our commonwealth. It means I'm committed to speeding up the Mountain Parkway project in Eastern Kentucky and building the I-69 bridge to open up western Kentucky.
It also means ensuring that every area of Kentucky has clean drinking water. Because our families deserve it and new business demands it. And it means coming together to chart our future to ensure every area of the state has high-speed internet.
Source: 2020 Kentucky State of the State address
Jan 14, 2020
Adam Edelen:
Modernize to new economy including rural broadband internet
in the aftermath of his upset loss to state Auditor Mike Harmon in 2015. He also toured the state proclaiming a message that the Kentucky Democratic Party must find a way to appeal to rural voters who have fled to the
Republican Party. Edelen addressed that issue with a pledge to bring broadband internet access to all corners of the state and to help modernize Kentucky's economy: "The sad fact is that today's leaders are chasing yesterday's economy,"
Edelen said. "Underfunding education, depressing wages, eliminating workplace and environmental safeguards may have been attractive to aging industrialists a generation ago,
but they are repulsive to the new economy entrepreneurs that hold the keys to the economic future."
Source: Lexington Herald-Leader on 2019 Kentucky gubernatorial race
Jan 7, 2019
Rocky Adkins:
Improve our roads, bridges, water systems, and Internet
We must work to improve our roads and bridges, to invest in our water systems, and to ensure everyone has access to high-speed internet. No Kentuckian should have to go without water because of a failure to maintain our water system. No student should
fall behind in his or her school work because they aren't on equal footing with their peers who have fast and reliable internet service at their fingertips. And rural and urban communities alike should have safe and accessible roads to drive on.
As a legislative leader for the last 15 years and a past chairman of the Budget Review Subcommittee on Transportation, I truly understand the need for every Kentuckian to have access to
these basic services and I have worked to help make that a reality. Investing in our infrastructure not only serves our citizens; it also is the first step in bringing new businesses and industry that grows our economy.
Source: 2019 Kentucky governor campaign website
Dec 31, 2018
James Comer:
Maintain infrastructure: highways, locks, and dams
We must ensure that our transportation infrastructure across the commonwealth is maintained and improved. Specifically, we have an opportunity to finish Kentucky's portion of Interstate 69 in the next decade. Federal funding will be key to this effort
and I will be a staunch advocate for finishing this project and for ensuring Kentucky receives its share of Federal Highway Trust Fund dollars. We must also aggressively push the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to complete several major locks and dams
projects--including Olmsted and Kentucky Lock--which are vital to our inland waterways system. Four navigable rivers are a major asset to our state, and improvements to our waterways infrastructure are vital to ensuring that Kentucky exports more of its
products by helping them move safely and efficiently to market. The barge industry has already made numerous reforms to improve the inland waterways system and we need a watchdog in Washington to help hold the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers accountable.
Source: 2016 Kentucky House campaign website
Nov 8, 2016
Bruce Lunsford:
Supports net neutrality; McConnell stalled it
Q: There is a growing push for Congress to codify the issue of “net neutrality” which guarantees that broadband networks cannot use their networks to give preferential fast lane access to any content provider. Where do you stand on this issue?
LUNSFORD: Mitch McConnell appears to be one of the reasons that bills with net neutrality language have stalled in congress. I would support the inclusion of net neutrality language as part of needed consumer-friendly telecommunications reform.
Source: 2008 Kentucky Senate Debate on Political Base website
Jun 18, 2008
Steve Beshear:
Ideas are the foundation of any new economy
Ideas are the foundation of any new economy. Research and technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology, alternative energy--here are areas we must compete in, especially with energy, given our natural resources. Encouraging new ideas, entrepreneurs
and creative thinkers is what others have been doing with great results. Kentucky has no more time to play catch-up. Unless we get our financial house in order and chart a new course, Kentucky stands little chance of succeeding in this new economy.
Source: Kentucky 2008 State of the State Address
Jan 14, 2008
Page last updated: Oct 13, 2021