Carter-Ford Presidential Debates: on Budget & Economy

Gerald Ford: Tax cuts are the best way to stimulate the economy

The best way to get jobs is to expand the private sector. We can do that by reducing Federal taxes as I proposed a year ago when I called for a tax reduction of $28 billion--three-quarters of it to go to private taxpayers and one-quarter to the business sector. We could add to jobs in the major metropolitan areas by a proposal that I recommended that would give tax incentives to business to move into the inner city.
Source: The First Carter-Ford Presidential Debate Sep 23, 1976

Jimmy Carter: Balance budget by shifting taxes and employing people

The putting back to work of our people is a top priority. This is an effort that ought to be done primarily by strong leadership in the White House, and tapping business, agriculture, industry, labor and government to work on this. We'll never have a balanced budget until we get our people back to work. Another important aspect of our economy would be to hold down on individuals, and to shift the tax burdens onto those who have avoided paying in the past.
Source: The First Carter-Ford Presidential Debate Sep 23, 1976

Jimmy Carter: Balance budget by 1981 by zero-based assessments

If I'm elected president that's going be a top priority to completely revise the structure of the federal government, to make it economical, efficient, purposeful and manageable. I'm going to institute zero-based budgeting, which assesses every program every year, and eliminates those programs that are obsolete. We will have a balanced budget by 1981, if I'm elected president. It's predicated on very modest projections of employment increases and growth in our national economy.
Source: The First Carter-Ford Presidential Debate Sep 23, 1976

  • The above quotations are from The Carter-Ford Presidential Debates, Sept.-Oct. 1976.
  • Click here for definitions & background information on Budget & Economy.
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  • Click here for more quotes by Jimmy Carter on Budget & Economy.
  • Click here for more quotes by Gerald Ford on Budget & Economy.
2012 Presidential contenders on Budget & Economy:
Pres.Barack Obama(IL)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)

Gov.Mitt Romney(MA)
Rep.Paul Ryan(WI)
Third Parties:
Green: Dr.Jill Stein(MA)
Libertarian: Gov.Gary Johnson(NM)
Justice: Mayor Rocky Anderson(UT)
Constitution: Rep.Virgil Goode(VA)
Peace+Freedom: Roseanne Barr(HI)
Reform Party: André Barnett(NY)
AmericansElect: Gov.Buddy Roemer(LA)
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