Morgan McGarvey in KY legislative records

On Crime: Opposed harsher felony penalties for gang members

Legislative Summary: House Bill 169: AN ACT relating to gang violence prevention: Anyone who is found to be a member of a criminal gang at the time of commission of a felony shall be sentenced to a penalty higher than the penalty pertaining to the felony.

Analysis by WAVE-3 News: HB 169, commonly referred to as the "gang bill", creates a new section of KRS Chapter 506 to define "criminal gang" and a "pattern of criminal gang activity." The gang violence bill is a controversial measure that makes gang association a crime. Proponents say the bill will fight crime; opponents say the law criminalizes individuals by association and targets minorities. 

Legislative Outcome: Passed House 59-30-11 on Apr/13/18; Passed Senate 21-17-0 on Apr/13/18; State Sen. Morgan McGarvey voted NO; Signed by Governor Matt Bevin on Apr/26/18

Source: WAVE-3 News analysis of Kentucky HB 169 voting records Apr 13, 2018

On Government Reform: Make it hard to switch party registration before primary

Legislative Summary: House Bill 273: Ensure that any qualified voter who voluntarily removes his or her name from the voter registration list after December 31 and who subsequently wishes to register to vote prior to the next scheduled primary, shall not be considered as a "newly registered voter" for purposes of party eligibility.

Analysis by WAVE-3 News: HB 273 prevented voters from removing their names from the state's voter registration list and subsequently registering to vote in the next primary as a newly registered voter. The goal was to prevent voters from circumnavigating existing law which prevents switching registration just to vote in another party's primary. Bevin said the measure would make Kentucky's "closed primary" system even more closed.

Legislative Outcome: Passed House 84-5-10 on Mar/5/18; Passed Senate 38-0-0 on Apr/14/18; State Sen. Morgan McGarvey voted YES; Vetoed by Governor Matt Bevin on Apr/26/18

Source: WAVE-3 News analysis of Kentucky HB 273 voting records Apr 14, 2018

On Gun Control: Oppose concealed carry of guns without license & training

Legislative Summary: SB150: Allow concealed deadly weapons to be carried by persons age 21 & over without a license in same locations where concealed carry license holders may carry them.

Analysis by The Louisville Courier-Journal:  Bevin signed a bill that lets people carry a concealed gun without getting a permit or completing a background check and safety training first. Senate Bill 150 was backed by the National Rifle Association but opposed by groups such as Louisville Metro Police and the Kentucky State Fraternal Order of Police. State law had required people to get a permit before carrying a concealed firearm.

Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 29-8-0 on Feb/14/19; Senate Minority Leader McGarvey voted NO; Passed House 60-37-3 on Mar/1/19; Signed by Governor Matt Bevin on Mar/11/19

Source: Louisville Courier-Journal: Kentucky SB150 voting records Feb 14, 2019

On Energy & Oil: No on utilities paying customers less for excess solar power

SB100: Require the Public Service Commission to set the compensation rate for eligible customer-generators.

Analysis by the Lexington Herald-Leader: A controversial bill sought by major utility companies that could make rooftop solar panels less lucrative for homeowners will require the Kentucky PSC to determine the rates at which residential solar customers are compensated by utilities for selling their excess power back to the grid, a practice known as "net metering." Currently, utilities must pay the same rate for excess power as they charge residential customers. The Kentucky Solar Industries Association immediately called on Bevin to veto the bill: "Monopolies won today. It is a blow to every Kentuckian who wants to choose solar as his or her energy provider."

Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 23-12-2 on Feb/13/19; Senate Minority Leader McGarvey voted NO; Passed House 55-36-9 on Mar/14/19; Signed by Governor Matt Bevin on Mar/26/19

Source: Lexington Herald-Leader on Kentucky voting records SB100 Mar 13, 2019

On Abortion: Allow abortion restrictions based on sex, race, disability

Prohibit an abortion if the pregnant woman is seeking the abortion, in whole or in part, because of an unborn child's sex, race, color, national origin, or disability.

Analysis by ACLU / Associated Press: In asking a judge to block the new Kentucky law, the ACLU argued that it removes a woman's right to an abortion if the state "disapproves of her reason" for the procedure. The suit was filed on behalf of EMW Women's Surgical Center in Louisville, the only abortion clinic in Kentucky. The ACLU's challenge is part of a broader lawsuit also challenging another new Kentucky law that would mostly ban abortions in the state once a fetal heartbeat is detected--as early as six weeks into pregnancy. ACLU attorneys said the heartbeat bill would prohibit 90% of abortions in Kentucky.

Legislative Outcome: Passed House 67-25-8 on Feb/26/19; Passed Senate 32-4-1 on Mar/13/19; Senate Minority Leader McGarvey voted YES; Signed by Governor Matt Bevin on Mar/19/19.

Source: A.P. on ACLU analysis of Kentucky voting records HB5 Mar 13, 2019

On Health Care: Ban use of tobacco products in schools

McGarvey voted YES on House Bill 11: Create a new section of KRS Chapter 438 to prohibit use of tobacco products by students, school personnel, and visitors in schools, school vehicles, properties, and activities; require policies to be in place by the 2020-21 school year; require that smoke-free policies and signage be adopted; provide that existing bans are not impacted.

Legislative Outcome: Passed House 85-11 on 03/28; passed Senate 28-10 on 3/28; signed by Governor, 04/09/19.

Source: Kentucky legislative voting records: HB 11 Mar 28, 2019

The above quotations are from Legislative voting records for Kentucky House and Senate.
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