Summer Lee in PA legislative records

On Government Reform: Voted AGAINST eliminating straight ticket voting

SB421: An Act amending the Pennsylvania Election Code:

ACLU Press Release on 2019-2020 session: Expand access to the ballot by:

Rep. Kinsey Press Release October 29, 2019: Stephen Kinsey, our most vulnerable citizens are able to participate at the polls," Kinsey said.

Legislative Outcome: Passed House 138-61-4 on 10/29; State Rep. Summer Lee voted NO; Passed Senate 35-14-0 on 10/29; Signed by Governor Tom Wolf on 10/31/19.

Source: ACLU-PA on Pennsylvania legislative voting records SB421 Oct 29, 2019

On Abortion: Opposed ban on abortions linked to disabilities

HB321: An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes & Offenses) of the Consolidated Statutes, in abortion.

Planned Parenthood Action case for voting NO: "The passage of HB 321 in the PA House of Representatives follows a scary trend of bills like this around the country. It is an unconstitutional abortion ban that shows the hypocrisy of those who support it. This bill pretends to help those with disabilities and their families while doing nothing to provide actual services and resources."

Governor's Veto Message: This legislation is a restriction on women and medical professionals and interferes with women's health care and the crucial decision-making between patients and their physicians. Further, I am not aware of a single disability rights group that supports this bill.

Legislative Outcome: Passed House 117-76-9 on May/14/19; State Rep. Summer Lee voted NO; Passed Senate 27-22-0 on Nov/20/19; Vetoed by Governor Tom Wolf on Nov/21/19

Source: Planned Parenthood on Pennsylvania voting records HB321 May 14, 2019

On Gun Control: Don't allow for additional Sundays during hunting season

SB147: An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes

NRA-ILA press release:  Senate Bill 147 would expand opportunities for Pennsylvania hunters by providing for three additional days of hunting on Sundays during the season. Many hunters are prevented from introducing their children or friends to hunting because it is difficult to find time and opportunities outside of the work or school week.

Legislative Outcome: Passed Senate 36-14-0 on Jun/29/19; Passed House 144-54-5 on Oct/30/19; State Rep. Summer Lee voted NO; Signed by Governor Tom Wolf on Nov/27/19

Source: NRA-ILA on Pennsylvania legislative voting records SB 147 Oct 30, 2019

The above quotations are from Legislative voting records for Pennsylvania House and Senate.
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