New American: on Civil Rights
Pete Buttigieg:
OpEd: Appointed to Cabinet solely because he's gay
[Opinion]: Buttigieg's homosexuality might be Biden's sole reason for picking him. "His expected nomination is a historic moment for LGBTQ Americans. Advocacy groups had been pressuring the Biden transition to make history and nominate an
LGBTQ American to a top Cabinet post," CNN reported. Apparently selecting LGBTQ individuals to run his administration will one of Biden's top priorities. His website's promises and policy proposals for the "LGBTQ community" runs past 8,000 words.
Source: The New American OpEd on Biden Cabinet
Dec 16, 2020
Rudy Giuliani:
Arizona poll workers observed changing votes
Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani urged the Republican legislators to get to the bottom of the fraud, asserting that "You also had numerous situations of your workers, your citizens, observing the poll officials helping people vote to the point of telling
them who to vote for. "Poll workers being observed changing votes, taking ambiguous votes and making sure they were cast for Biden," Giuliani said.
Also at the hearing, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the famed scientist and engineer with various MIT degrees, presented data showing that the only way for Biden to have statistically caught up with President Trump in Arizona was if Democrat votes came in at
130 percent for Biden and -30 percent for the president.
[In Arizona, Joe Biden received 1,672,143 votes (49.4%), to Donald Trump's 1,661,686 votes (49.1%), and the Libertarian Party's Jo Jorgensen receiving 51,465 votes (1.5%) - ed.]
Source: The New American magazine on 2020 Trump Administration
Dec 1, 2020
Rudy Giuliani:
Arizona poll workers observed changing votes
Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani urged the Republican legislators to get to the bottom of the fraud, asserting that "You also had numerous situations of your workers, your citizens, observing the poll officials helping people vote to the point of telling
them who to vote for. "Poll workers being observed changing votes, taking ambiguous votes and making sure they were cast for Biden," Giuliani said. [No evidence was ever found to support this claim--Ed.].
Source: The New American on impeaching Trump
Dec 1, 2020
Shiva Ayyadurai:
Arizona data showed Biden win was statistically impossible
Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani urged the Republican legislators to get to the bottom of the fraud, asserting that "You also had numerous situations of your workers, your citizens, observing the poll officials helping people vote to the point of telling
them who to vote for. "Poll workers being observed changing votes, taking ambiguous votes and making sure they were cast for Biden," Giuliani said.
Also at the hearing, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the famed scientist and engineer with various MIT degrees, presented data showing that the only way for Biden to have statistically caught up with President Trump in Arizona was if Democrat votes came in at
130 percent for Biden and -30 percent for the president.
[In Arizona, Joe Biden received 1,672,143 votes (49.4%), to Donald Trump's 1,661,686 votes (49.1%), and the Libertarian Party's Jo Jorgensen receiving 51,465 votes (1.5%) - ed.]
Source: The New American magazine on 2020 Massachusetts Senate race
Dec 1, 2020
Rev. Jesse Jackson:
Sued Illinois school for expelling black students
In 1999, Jackson fomented social unrest in Decatur, Illinois, over the expulsion of several young black men from high school. The youngsters - make that hoodlums - had caused a mini-riot at a football game and had assaulted several spectators.
Jackson sided with the expelled troublemakers, whom he described as victims of the local school board’s “racist” policies. By the time that the matter was dropped, a lawsuit instigated by Jackson had cost the local school district more than $100,000.
Source: Opinion by Rev. Jesse Peterson, The New American magazine
Aug 14, 2000
Rev. Jesse Jackson:
Wall Street Project: boycott & sue to force racial diversity
In 1997 Jackson opened an office in New York for his “Wall Street Project” to push for “racial diversity” in corporate leadership. Jackson’s “Project” threatens lawsuits and boycotts against corporate targets. The first victim was Texaco, which paid
a $176 million out-of-court settlement of a spurious race discrimination case. The sum included $111 million in “racial reparations,” $35 million for “diversity training,” and generous pay increases for 1,000 black employees.
Texaco agreed to the settlement of the case, which would have been laughed out of court, after Jackson warned that the corporation would be boycotted and reviled as “racist” unless it accepted Jackson’s terms of surrender. Jackson has used the same
strategy to extract similar concessions from Coca-Cola, 7-Eleven, Shoney’s, Coors, and other corporations. He has also opened an office in Silicon Valley to carry out similar shakedowns of high-tech companies.
Source: Opinion by Rev. Jesse Peterson, The New American magazine
Aug 14, 2000
Ezola Foster:
No pro-gay groups & no AIDS educaiton at RNC
As a delegate [at the 1987 California Republican Party Convention] I introduced three “family values” resolutions, one of which sought to deny convention credentials to groups seeking to advance support for homosexuality.
Another condemned pro-homosexuality propaganda disguised as “AIDS education”; a third demanded that operators of “dial-a porn” services be prosecuted.
Source: (X-ref Family) New American, “Running the Liberal Hate Maze”
Feb 14, 2000
Ezola Foster:
Accuses Jesse Jackson campaign of using fascist slogans
In 1984 I saw billboards throughout Los Angeles proclaiming “ONE VOICE! ONE PEOPLE! ONE VOTE!”
The Jackson campaign was using exactly the same rhetoric, and the same race-based politics that had been used so successfully by Lenin’s German disciple, Adolf Hitler.
The evil that the Jackson campaign slgan represents can be better appreciated if it is presented in rough German translation: EIN VOLK! EIN REICH! EIN FUHRER! (One people, one kingdom, one leader).
Source: The New American, “Running the Liberal Hate Maze”
Feb 14, 2000
Ezola Foster:
Democratic party policies are motivated by racial hatred
As a black conservative American, I can attest from personal experience that the Left excels at the politics of race hatred. For defending Bible-based values, the traditional family, and our constitutional system, I have been assailed as a
“conservative Uncle Tom”, a “racist”, a homophobe.“ I came to the conclusion that [the Democratic Party] is motivated not by a love of the oppressed, but rather by hatred for the values I cherish and those who defend them.
Source: The New American, “Running the Liberal Hate Maze”
Feb 14, 2000
Ezola Foster:
Reparations bill for descendants of slaves is socialist
The growing demand that black Americans be given “reparations” for slavery offers a new twist on socialism by seeing race-based redistribution of wealth... this is, in fact, a natural outgrowth of the institutionalized racism known
as “affirmative action”, which assumes that all whites are “privileged” and all non-whites are “victims”.
Source: The New American, “Running the Liberal Hate Maze”
Feb 14, 2000
Page last updated: Mar 16, 2021