Donald Trump in 2024 State of the Union address

On War & Peace: Russia can do what they want to unpaid-up NATO members

Biden said, "My predecessor tells Putin, 'Do whatever the hell you want.' That's a quote. A former president actually said that--bowing down to a Russian leader--I think it's outrageous, it's dangerous, and it's unacceptable." Did Trump really say that?

CNN FactCheck 2/10/24: "NATO was busted until I came along," Trump said at a rally in South Carolina. "I said, 'Everybody's gonna pay.' They said, 'Well, if we don't pay, are you still going to protect us?' I said, 'Absolutely not.' They couldn't believe the answer." Trump said "one of the presidents of a big country" asked him whether the US would still defend the country if they were invaded by Russia even if they "don't pay."

"No, I would not protect you," Trump recalled telling that president. "In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills." [Conclusion: Yes, Trump said Russia could do what they want, but only to NATO members who didn't pay their bills.]

Source: CNN FactCheck on 2024 State of the Union address Feb 18, 2024

On Budget & Economy: Shrinkflation is just INFLATION, from spending trillions

The sight of a feeble Joe Biden talking about "shrinkflation"-- the term he uses--is one of the most ridiculous things this country has ever seen. Shrinkflation is just another way of saying INFLATION--it means that you're losing a lot of money because these people don't know what they're doing. It was all caused by Crooked Joe and the people that surround him--and they are radical Left Marxists and Fascists and Communists and Socialists. We have people running our country the likes of which we have never seen before.

He and the Communists in his party looted TRILLIONS of dollars from you and spent it on illegal aliens and the Green New Scam, triggering the highest inflation in many, many decades. If your packages are getting smaller, that's the reason why. Under my leadership, there was NO inflation. We had the greatest economy in the history of the world.

It's time to tell Crooked Joe Biden, "YOU'RE FIRED."

Source: Trump Prebuttal to 2024 State of the Union address Mar 7, 2024

On Immigration: I built 571 miles of wall & made safest border in US history

Joe Biden is on the run from his record and lying like crazy to try to escape accountability for the horrific devastation he and his party have created--all the while they continue the very policies that are causing this horror show to go.

When I left office, we gave Joe Biden the most secure border in U.S. history--we gave him Remain in Mexico--very tough to get, but I got it, Safe Third Agreements, the Asylum ban, Title 42, 571 miles of border wall, Rapid Deportations, and much more. We had the safest border in the history of our country.

As soon as he got in, Crooked Joe and his Radical Left lunatics deliberately dismantled each and every one of those policies that were so good that gave us this best border, according to Tom Holman, according to Brandon Judd, the top people. They said it was the single best border we've ever had in recorded history. What's happened now is a horror show. The country--our country--is being laughed at all over the world.

Source: Trump Prebuttal to 2024 State of the Union address Mar 7, 2024

On Immigration: Illegal alien invasion: hordes resettled in your community

Over the past 3 years, Biden has actively aided and abetted the importation of millions and millions of illegal alien migrants and resettled them into your communities. At ANY TIME during the past 3 years, Crooked Joe Biden could have called off the invasion--but to this day, he is keeping the hordes of illegal migrants and illegal aliens pouring into the country. By the time his term is up, we could have close to 20 million people in our country. We have no idea from where they come, we have no idea who they are. They have no identification. Many come from mental institutions, many come from prisons, they're terrorists.

The VERY FIRST BILL Joe Biden sent to Congress was a plan to turn illegal aliens into voting citizens. That's just what we need. No matter what Crooked Joe says, his actions prove his priority is to import a colossal new illegal alien population and let them all stay--my priority is securing our border, and sending Crooked Joe's illegals back home.

Source: Trump Prebuttal to 2024 State of the Union address Mar 7, 2024

The above quotations are from 2024 State of the Union address to Congress, plus the Republican and MAGA response.
Click here for other excerpts from 2024 State of the Union address to Congress, plus the Republican and MAGA response.
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