Kerry vote vs. H.S. degrees

Each state's voting percentage for Kerry (Y) versus percentage of population in that state who have obtained a High School degree or more (X).

Conclusion: There is no correlation between the number of high school grads in a state and the Kerry vote. The percentage of high school grads in a state has no influence on the percentage who voted for Kerry.
  • The blue line is the least squares best fit to the data (points).
  • The pink lines have slopes 1 sigma away from the best fit. They intersect at the mean of x and y for the data.
  • number of events entered: 51
  • slope: -0.00 +/- 0.05
  • y intercept: 86.24 +/- 0.09
  • dispersion: 2.44
  • correlation coefficient: -0.01
  • chi ^ 2 (degrees of freedom): 694.0 ( 49)

Kerry vote vs. some college

Each state's voting percentage for Kerry (Y) versus percentage of population in that state who have attended some college(X).

Conclusion: There is a minimal correlation between the number of people in a state and the Kerry vote. The percentage of people attending college in a state has hardly any influence on the percentage who voted for Kerry.
  • The blue line is the least squares best fit to the data (points).
  • The pink lines have slopes 1 sigma away from the best fit. They intersect at the mean of x and y for the data.
  • number of events entered: 51
  • slope: 0.07 +/- 0.08
  • y intercept: 48.86 +/- 0.09
  • dispersion: 3.96
  • correlation coefficient: 0.12
  • chi ^ 2 (degrees of freedom): 1822.7 ( 49)

Kerry vote vs. B.A. degrees

Each state's voting percentage for Kerry (Y) versus percentage of population in that state who have obtained a Bachelor's degree or more (X).

Conclusion: There is a good correlation between the number of college grads in a state and the Kerry vote. The more college grads, the more likely that state was to vote for Kerry.
  • The blue line is the least squares best fit to the data (points).
  • The pink lines have slopes 1 sigma away from the best fit. They intersect at the mean of x and y for the data.
  • number of events entered: 51
  • slope: 0.34 +/- 0.06
  • y intercept: 10.76 +/- 0.09
  • dispersion: 2.83
  • correlation coefficient: 0.64
  • chi ^ 2 (degrees of freedom): 936.1 ( 49)

Kerry vote vs. advanced degrees

Each state's voting percentage for Kerry (Y) versus percentage of population in that state who have obtained an advanced degree or more (X).

Conclusion: There is a high correlation between the number of people with advanced degrees in a state and the Kerry vote.
  • The blue line is the least squares best fit to the data (points).
  • The pink lines have slopes 1 sigma away from the best fit. They intersect at the mean of x and y for the data.
  • number of events entered: 51
  • slope: 0.20 +/- 0.02
  • y intercept: -0.61 +/- 0.09
  • dispersion: 1.12
  • correlation coefficient: 0.77
  • chi ^ 2 (degrees of freedom): 147.1 ( 49)