Require companies to hire more women & minorities
- Strongly Support means you believe: Affirmative Action makes up for past injustice. Until blacks, women, and other minorities are proportionately represented in the upper classes of the economy and the workplace, society owes them a hand up. Government should actively enforce Affirmative Action laws in private companies.
- Support means you believe: Under-represented groups should be favored, but perhaps basing results on formal quotas goes too far. Nevertheless, the government should prosecute companies which discriminate against women and minorities.
- Oppose means you believe: Affirmative Action is a noble idea, but should not be enforced by government. Government should enforce an end to racial prejudice, period.
- Strongly Oppose means you believe: Affirmative Action is better described as Reverse Discrimination. Quotas based on race and gender are wrong, whichever race or gender they favor. Under-represented groups should fend for themselves without government intervention.
This question is looking for your views on the rights of groups which are under-represented in current society. However you answer the above question would be similar to your response to these statements:
- Support Affirmative Action
- Women still experience a 'Glass Ceiling'
- Blacks & Hispanics are not on a 'level playing field' with whites
(this section under construction)Womens Rights
- Domestic Violence
- Equal Pay for Equal Work
- Glass Ceiling
Minority Rights
- Hate Crimes
- Affirmative Action
- Reverse Discrimination & Quotas
- Racial Profiling & redlining
- Bilingual education and government
- Commission on Race
Disabled Rights
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Handicapped Access
- Mental Illness Discrimination