meteacher asked this question on 11/5/2000:
What is George W. Bush's campaign theme?
JesseGordon gave this response on 11/5/2000:
* They have not led. We will. (Nov 3)
* I trust the people, and Al Gore trusts Washington. (Oct 31)
* Barnstorm for Reform: End D.C. cynicism & zero-sum politics. (Oct 24)
* Blueprint for the Middle Class: from birth thru retirement. (Sep 17)
* Real Plans for Real People: Bush promises honest talking. (Sep 8)
* Now is the time to do the hard things. (Aug 21)
* Calling everything “Risky Scheme” is politics of roadblocks. (Aug 3)
* Theme: change how Washington works & restore moral purpose. (Jun 9)
* Bush’s conservatism: local solutions within limited govt. (Dec 1999)
* Government if necessary, not necessarily government. (Dec 1999)
* “Compassionate conservatism” allows individual potential. (Mar 1999)
* Prosperity with a purpose: Peaceful & prosperous future. (Mar 1999)
* For details see