
Kirsten Gillibrand on Corporations

Democratic Senator (NY); Democratic Candidate for President (withdrawn)


Reverse the 2017 corporate income tax cut

Gillibrand on Corporate Income Taxes: Reverse the 2017 corporate cut.


Some candidates, such as Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand and author Marianne Williamson, say they want to get rid of the 2017 cut entirely.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand supports a 0.1% tax on the sale of stocks, bonds and derivatives. Author Marianne Williamson wants to eliminate preferential tax treatment of exchange traded funds.

Source: Politico "2020Dems on the Issues" , Jul 17, 2019

Differentiate between capitalism (good) and greed (bad)

There's a big difference between capitalism and greed. All that we're trying to change is when companies care more about profits than about people. If you're talking about gun violence, it's the greed of the NRA and gun manufacturers that make progress impossible. It's the greed of the insurance companies and drug companies, when we want to get health care as a right and not a privilege. There need not be disagreement in the party because, in truth, we want healthy capitalism.
Source: June Democratic Primary debate (second night in Miami) , Jun 27, 2019

Access to capital for small business will create jobs

Gillibrand says she doesn't think it's possible to tell how many jobs a politician has created, adding, "The number one thing we should be doing to create jobs in this state--in this country right now--is getting access to capital into our small businesses."

DioGuardi counters, "Not only did you not create jobs, we've lost many jobs. You've got to be aggressive about what you do to change that and one of the things is: we're in a toxic environment in this state--mainly because of your party."

Source: Fox News 23 coverage of 2010 N. Y. Senate debate , Oct 21, 2010

Nine years as Philip Morris defense counsel

Gillibrand has deliberately buried the pivotal role she chose to play in defending Philip Morris, the world's largest cigarette company, against charges of criminal perjury and fraud arising out of company executives' implausible testimony to Congress. This was made easier because in those days, before her marriage, she was known as Tina Rutnick.

Rutnick had her work cut out for her representing Big Tobacco. The big boys at Philip Morris claimed to have absolutely no knowledge of either the addictive or cancer-causing qualities of tobacco. Only one problem: Their own internal documents contradicted their claims. And Rutnick's efforts as an attorney helped them to keep incriminating documents from the prosecutors.

Those nine years of Gillibrand's career have been completely whitewashed from her biography. Amazingly, her pro-tobacco work never surfaced in her two congressional races; it wasn't until after she was appointed to the Senate that the information was disclosed.

Source: Take Back America, by Dick Morris, p.186-187 , Apr 13, 2010

Screen imports & ban lead in children's products.

Gillibrand co-sponsored screening imports & ban lead in children's products

A bill to reform the Consumer Product Safety Commission to provide greater protection for children`s products, to improve the screening of non-compliant consumer products, to improve the effectiveness of consumer product recall programs, and for other purposes.

House version is H.R.4040.
Source: CPSC Reform Act (S.2663) 08-S2663 on Feb 25, 2008

Expand lending caps for credit unions to small business.

Gillibrand co-sponsored Small Business Lending Enhancement Act

Congressional Summary:

Supporter`s Comments: (by CUNA, a pro-credit union organization)
America`s small businesses are the engine of growth of our nation`s economy. The effects of the financial crisis of the past few years have spread to all types of lending, resulting in a reduction in the availability of business credit. At a time when banks are withdrawing credit from America`s small businesses, credit unions have actually been expanding credit to small businesses, but with more credit unions approaching the cap, this growth is threatened. Congress should enact legislation which increases the credit union member business lending cap from 12.25% of assets to 27.5% for well-capitalized credit unions

Opponent`s Comments: (by the Independent Community Banks of America, Nov. 15, 2012)
The tax-subsidized credit union industry is pressing for doubling the statutory cap Congress placed on member business loans. Shifting assets from tax-paying banks to tax-exempt credit unions would reduce tax revenue to the government; the CBO estimates the revenue impact at $354 million over 10 years. We believe that banks are currently meeting the needs of credit-worthy businesses, as substantiated by numerous business surveys.

Source: HR1418 /S2231 12-S2231 on Mar 22, 2012

Rated 83% by UFCW, indicating an anti-management/pro-labor record.

Gillibrand scores 83% by UFCW on labor-management issues

The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) is North America`s Neighborhood Union--1.3 million members with UFCW locals in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and Canada. Our members work in supermarkets, drug stores, retail stores, meatpacking and meat processing plants, food processing plants, and manufacturing workers who make everything from fertilizer to shoes. We number over 60,000 strong with 25,000 workers in chemical production and 20,000 who work in garment and textile industries.

    The UFCW Senate scorecard is based on these key votes:
  1. American Jobs Act (+)
  2. Balanced Budget Amendment (-)
  3. Rejecting Cut, Cap, and Balance (+)
  4. Repeal Health Care Law (-)
  5. Sen. Am. 14 Wicker Am. to S 223, excluding unionization at TSA (-)
  6. Sen. Am. 740 McCain Am. to HR 2112, defunding TAA (-)
  7. Trade Adjustment Assistance Extension Act (TAA) (+)
Source: UFCW website 12-UFCW-S on May 2, 2012

Deregulating banks encourages discriminatory practices.

Gillibrand voted NAY Banking Bill

Congressional Summary:

Supporting press release from Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN-6): This legislation will foster economic growth by providing relief to Main Street, tailor regulations for better efficacy, and most importantly it will empower individual Americans and give them more opportunity.

Opposing statement on ProPublica.org from Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY-5): The bill includes many provisions I support: minority-owned banks and credit unions in underserved communities have legitimate regulatory burden concerns. Unfortunately, exempting mortgage disclosures enacted to detect discriminatory practices will only assist the Trump Administration in its overall effort to curtail important civil rights regulations. I simply cannot vote for any proposal that would help this Administration chip away at laws that I and my colleagues worked so hard to enact and preserve.

Legislative outcome: Passed House 258-159-10 on May 22, 2018(Roll call 216); Passed Senate 67-31-2 on March 14, 2018(Roll call 54); Signed by President Trump. May 24, 2018

Source: Congressional vote 16-S2155 on Mar 14, 2018

Reducing tax rates balloons federal deficit & cuts programs.

Gillibrand voted NAY Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Summary by GovTrack.US: (Nov 16, 2017)

Case for voting YES by Heritage Foundation (12/19/17):This is the most sweeping update to the US tax code in more than 30 years. The bill would lower taxes on businesses and individuals and unleash higher wages, more jobs, and untold opportunity through a larger and more dynamic economy. The bill includes many pro-growth features, including a deep reduction in the corporate tax rate, a scaled-back state and local tax deduction, full expensing for five years, and lower individual tax rates.

Case for voting NO by Sierra Club (11/16/17): Republicans have passed a deeply regressive tax plan that will result in painful cuts to core domestic programs, to give billionaires and corporate polluters tax cuts while making American families pay the price. Among the worst provisions:

  • This plan balloons the federal deficit by over $1.5 trillion. Cutting taxes for the rich now means cuts to the federal budget and entitlements later.
  • The bill hampers the booming clean energy economy by ending tax credits for the purchase of electric vehicles and for wind and solar energy.
  • The bill opens up the Arctic Refuge to drilling, a thinly veiled giveaway to the fossil fuel industry.

    Legislative outcome: Passed House, 224-201-7, roll call #699 on 12/20; passed Senate 51-48-1, roll call #323 on 12/20; signed by Pres. Trump on 12/22.

    Source: Congressional vote 17-HR1 on Nov 16, 2017

    Restrict corporate use of consumer mandatory arbitration.

    Gillibrand signed restricting corporate use of consumer mandatory arbitration

    Excerpts from Letter from 35 Senators to the CFPB: We write to commend the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) for its proposed rule to limit the use of mandatory, pre-dispute (`forced`) arbitration clauses in consumer financial product and service contracts. Every day, Americans across the country are forced to sign away their constitutional right to access the courts as a condition of purchasing common products and services like credit cards, checking accounts, and private student loans. Binding arbitration is a privatized justice system that studies show consistently produces results that favor large corporations and offers no meaningful appeals process. As a result, consumers are left without redress, and companies are unaccountable for their unscrupulous behavior.

    Opposing freedom argument: (Cato Institute, `ATLA monopoly,` May 2002): The trial lawyers new goal is to tighten their monopoly grip on the court system, and prevent the rest of us from choosing a more efficient means of resolving our disputes. Arbitration is simply private court. Lawyers with a vested interest in a monopoly court system are trying to stop the arbitration business from developing. But there`s nothing forced or mandatory about it. Contracts are the result of choice. People should be free to choose for themselves what contracts to make and what rights to give up.

    Opposing economic argument: (Heritage Foundation, `The Unfair Attack on Arbitration,` July 17, 2013): Any study by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau should examine whether a limit on arbitration would:

    Source: Letter to CFPB Director 17LTR-CFPB on Aug 4, 2016

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    Page last updated: Jun 09, 2024; copyright 1999-2022 Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org