
Jay Inslee on Free Trade

Democratic WA Governor; Former Rep/ (WA-1); withdrew from Presidential primary Aug. 2019


Demand changes to post-NAFTA agreement USMCA

Inslee on NAFTA/USMCA: Demand changes to USMCA.

15 CANDIDATES HAVE SIMILAR VIEWS: Joe Biden; Cory Booker; Pete Buttigieg; Julian Castro; Bill de Blasio; Kirsten Gillibrand; Kamala Harris; John Hickenlooper; Amy Klobuchar; Beto O`Rourke; Tim Ryan; Bernard Sanders; Eric Swalwell; Elizabeth Warren; Marianne Williamson.

The majority of Democratic candidates want changes made to the agreement before it comes up for a vote in Congress, focusing on making changes to labor standards, environmental provisions, access to medicines and enforcement of the deal. Seventeen candidates, asked by Citizens Trade Campaign, a national coalition pushing for changes to USMCA, agreed that Congress should not approve the deal until changes have been made.

Mayor de Blasio has been among the most vocal candidates in expressing his opposition. "It's got a different name, but it's still NAFTA," he told CNN in July. "It's even worse in some ways. It gives even more power to corporations this time."

Source: Politico "2020Dems on the Issues" , Jul 17, 2019

Foreign trade & strong workforce are inextricably linked

Q: How would you balance our state's reliance on foreign trade with our need to keep a strong workforce here?

Jay Inslee: I believe that these two factors are inextricably linked. In the last few years Washington exports grew by nearly 20 percent--more than any other state. We will continue to be a state that builds, grows and innovates precisely because we have a world class workforce that manufactures high quality pieces for aerospace, clean technology, Business Insider named us the #1 economy in the nation precisely because we have a high quality economy built by the highest quality workforce.

Source: LWV's Vote411.org on 2016 Washington Gubernatorial Race , Sep 19, 2016

Build a rule-based global trading system.

Inslee adopted the manifesto, "A New Agenda for the New Decade":

Write New Rules for the Global Economy
The rise of global markets has undermined the ability of national governments to control their own economies. The answer is neither global laissez faire nor protectionism but a Third Way: New international rules and institutions to ensure that globalization goes hand in hand with higher living standards, basic worker rights, and environmental protection. U.S. leadership is crucial in building a rules-based global trading system as well as international structures that enhance worker rights and the environment without killing trade. For example, instead of restricting trade, we should negotiate specific multilateral accords to deal with specific environmental threats.

Source: The Hyde Park Declaration 00-DLC1 on Aug 1, 2000

Rated 50% by CATO, indicating a mixed record on trade issues.

Inslee scores 50% by CATO on senior issues

The mission of the Cato Institute Center for Trade Policy Studies is to increase public understanding of the benefits of free trade and the costs of protectionism.

The Cato Trade Center focuses not only on U.S. protectionism, but also on trade barriers around the world. Cato scholars examine how the negotiation of multilateral, regional, and bilateral trade agreements can reduce trade barriers and provide institutional support for open markets. Not all trade agreements, however, lead to genuine liberalization. In this regard, Trade Center studies scrutinize whether purportedly market-opening accords actually seek to dictate marketplace results, or increase bureaucratic interference in the economy as a condition of market access.

Studies by Cato Trade Center scholars show that the United States is most effective in encouraging open markets abroad when it leads by example. The relative openness and consequent strength of the U.S. economy already lend powerful support to the worldwide trend toward embracing open markets. Consistent adherence by the United States to free trade principles would give this trend even greater momentum. Thus, Cato scholars have found that unilateral liberalization supports rather than undermines productive trade negotiations.

Scholars at the Cato Trade Center aim at nothing less than changing the terms of the trade policy debate: away from the current mercantilist preoccupation with trade balances, and toward a recognition that open markets are their own reward.

The following ratings are based on the votes the organization considered most important; the numbers reflect the percentage of time the representative voted the organization`s preferred position.

Source: CATO website 02n-CATO on Dec 31, 2002

Impose tariffs against countries which manipulate currency.

Inslee signed Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act

[Explanatory note from Wikipedia.com `Exchange Rate`]:

Between 1994 and 2005, the Chinese yuan renminbi was pegged to the US dollar at RMB 8.28 to $1. Countries may gain an advantage in international trade if they manipulate the value of their currency by artificially keeping its value low. It is argued that China has succeeded in doing this over a long period of time. However, a 2005 appreciation of the Yuan by 22% was followed by a 39% increase in Chinese imports to the US. In 2010, other nations, including Japan & Brazil, attempted to devalue their currency in the hopes of subsidizing cheap exports and bolstering their ailing economies. A low exchange rate lowers the price of a country`s goods for consumers in other countries but raises the price of imported goods for consumers in the manipulating country.

Source: HR.639&S.328 11-HR0639 on Feb 14, 2011

Reauthorize the Ex-Im Bank.

Inslee signed Letter on Ex-Im Bank

Press release on Letter from 31 Governors to House Republican leaders:

We urge you to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im) before its charter expires this year. In its role as the official export credit agency, Ex-Im is a vital export finance tool for exporters in our states, at no cost to American taxpayers.

Ex-Im allows our companies and workers to compete on a level playing field against our competitors. Without Ex-Im financing, US firms would have lost many sales campaigns to their overseas competitors.

Reauthorizing Ex-Im is the right thing to do for our economy, companies and workers. 41 GOP lawmakers and 865 business organizations have called for the charter`s immediate renewal. And, House Democrats have already introduced legislation to reauthorize the bank. Speaker Boehner, it`s time to act; quit jeopardizing the nation`s economy and American jobs.

Argument in opposition from FreedomWorks:

    Top Ten Reasons to Let the Export-Import Bank Expire
  1. It Has Outlived Its Purpose: In the 2010s, US exports have been setting record highs--they don`t need government help.
  2. It Lets Government Pick Winners and Losers
  3. Its Risky Loans Put it in Danger of Needing Taxpayer Bailouts
  4. It Costs Taxpayers Money Annually, thanks to government accounting gimmicks
  5. Most of Its Funding Goes to Big Corporations Who Don`t Need the Money
  6. It Lets Foreign Corporations Undercut US Competitors
  7. It Only Benefits a Few States, but Every State Bears the Costs
  8. It Is Prone to Corruption (like whenever you involve the government in handing out money)
  9. There Are Better Ways to Help US. Manufacturers: the government should lower and simplify the tax and regulatory burden US companies face.
  10. It Is Unnecessary. The Ex-Im Bank cannot justify its continued existence. It`s also one of the easiest programs to retire, as its authorization expires in September 2014 if Congress simply does nothing.
    Source: Letter from 31 Governors 14_Lt_ExIm on Jul 15, 2014

    Support long-term reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank.

    Inslee signed Letter from 26 Governors to Congressional leadership

    As governors of states whose economies and workforces depend on exports, we strongly urge Congress to support legislation that provides for the long-term reauthorization of the U.S. Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank) before its charter expires on June 30, 2015. The Ex-Im Bank is a crucial tool that both small and large businesses use to compete fairly in the world market, increase their exports, stimulate job creation, and contribute to the growth of our states` economies.

    As the official export credit agency of the United States, the Ex-Im Bank assumes the credit and country risks that private sector lenders are unable or unwilling to accept, and without it, U.S. firms would lose many sales to overseas competitors. The Ex-Im Bank allows our companies and workers to compete on a level playing field against international competitors who receive extensive support from their own export credit agencies.

    In 2014, the Ex-Im Bank supplied more than $20 billion in financing to support approximately $27 billion in exports. In that same fiscal year, the Ex-Im Bank supported more than 160,000 American jobs. And the overwhelming majority of the Ex-Im Bank`s transactions--nearly 90 percent--assisted small businesses.

    The Ex-Im Bank is financially self-sustaining, and operates at no cost to hard-working American taxpayers. In fact, in fiscal year 2014 alone, the Ex-Im Bank returned approximately $675 million in deficit-reducing receipts to the U.S. Treasury.

    Last year, Congress reauthorized the Ex-Im Bank [for one year]. It is essential that both chambers act again, this time to pass a long-term, multi-year reauthorization.

    Source: Letter from 26 Governors to Congressional leadership 18LTR-EXIM on Apr 14, 2015

    Promote fair trade restricting Canadian wheat.

    Inslee co-sponsored promoting fair trade restricting Canadian wheat

    Congressional Summary:Declares that the US Government should take action to address the problem of Canadian wheat imports if the Secretary of Agriculture has reason to believe that wheat is being imported from Canada under such conditions as to render ineffective any loan, purchase, or other program or operation undertaken by the Department of Agriculture. Declares that it is the sense of the Congress that:

    1. the US Government should seek an immediate understanding with the Mexican Government to define certain Canadian wheat practices as unfair;
    2. the United States, Canada, and Mexico should begin immediate consultations with a goal of ensuring free and fair trade in wheat throughout North America; and
    3. transportation subsidies and secretive monopolistic pricing should be considered unfair trading practices.

    OnTheIssues Summary: Many foreign governments consider the `loan, purchase, or other program` by the USDA to be agricultural subsidies which are disallowed under international trade agreements. Agricultural subsidies are the most contentious trade issues among industrialized countries -- and the US` agricultural subsidies are no exception. The Congressmen sponsoring this bill are primarily from agricultural states where their constituents are the recipients of the USDA`s `loan, purchase, or other program.`

    Source: H.CON.RES.172 1993-H172 on Oct 28, 1993

    Rated 63% by the USAE, indicating a mixed record on trade.

    Inslee scores 63% by USA*Engage on trade issues

    Ratings by USA*Engage indicate support for trade engagement or trade sanctions. The organization`s self-description: `USA*Engage is concerned about the proliferation of unilateral foreign policy sanctions at the federal, state and local level. Despite the fact that broad trade-based unilateral sanctions rarely achieve our foreign policy goals, they continue to have political appeal. Unilateral sanctions give the impression that the United States is `doing something,` while American workers, farmers and businesses absorb the costs.`

    VoteMatch scoring for the USA*Engage ratings is as follows :

    Source: USA*Engage 2011-2012 ratings on Congress and politicians 2012-USAE on Dec 31, 2012

    Other governors on Free Trade: Jay Inslee on other issues:
    Gubernatorial Debates 2023:
    KY: Incumbent Andy Beshear(D)
    vs.State A.G. Daniel Cameron(R)

    vs.Ambassador Kelly Craft(R)
    vs.State Auditor Mike Harmon(R)
    LA: Incumbent John Bel Edwards(D,term-limited)
    vs.Jeff Landry(R)
    vs.Shawn Wilson(D)
    vs.John Schroder(R)
    vs.Sharon Hewitt(R)
    MS: Incumbent Tate Reeves(R)
    vs.Bill Waller(R,withdrew)
    vs.Brandon Presley(D)

    Gubernatorial Debates 2024:
    DE: Gov. John Carney (D, term-limited);
    vs. Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long (D)
    vs. County Exec. Matt Meyer (D)
    vs. State Rep.Mike Ramone (R)
    IN: Gov. Eric Holcomb (R, term-limited);
    vs. Sen. Mike Braun (R)
    vs. Suzanne Crouch (R, lost May 7 primary)
    vs. Eric Doden (R, lost May 7 primary)
    vs. Attorney General Curtis Hill (R, lost May 7 primary)
    vs. Jennifer McCormick (D)
    MO: Gov. Mike Parson (R, term-limited):
    vs. Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft (R)
    vs. State Senator Bill Eigel (R)
    vs. Lt.Gov. Mike Kehoe (R)
    vs. House Minority Leader Crystal Quade (D)
    MT: Gov. Greg Gianforte (R)
    vs. Ryan Busse (D)
    vs. State Rep. Tanner Smith (R, lost June 4 primary)
    Gubernatorial Debates 2024 (continued):
    NC: Gov. Roy Cooper (D, term-limited);
    vs. Lt.Gov. Mark Robinson (R)
    vs. Attorney General Josh Stein (D)
    vs. Treasurer Dale Folwell (R, lost March 5 primary)
    vs. Justice Michael Morgan (D, lost March 5 primary)
    vs. State Senator Andy Wells (R,withdrew)
    ND: Gov. Doug Burgum (R, retiring)
    vs. State Rep. Rick Becker (R)
    vs. U.S.Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R)
    vs. State Sen.Merrill Piepkorn (D)
    NH: Gov. Chris Sununu (R, retiring)
    vs. U.S.Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R)
    vs. Mayor Joyce Craig (D)
    vs. Acting Gov.Chuck Morse (R)
    vs. Exec.Councilor Cinde Warmington (D)
    UT: Gov. Spencer Cox (R)
    vs. State Rep. Phil Lyman (R)
    vs. Minority Leader Brian King (D)
    VT: Gov. Phil Scott (R)
    vs. Lt.Gov.David Zuckerman (D, withdrew)
    vs. Selectman Peter Duval (D)
    vs. Commissioner Esther Charlestin (D)
    WA: Gov. Jay Inslee (D, retiring);
    vs. Attorney General Bob Ferguson (D)
    vs. U.S.Rep.Dave Reichert (R)
    vs. State Sen. Mark Mullet (D)
    vs. County Chair Semi Bird (R)
    vs. Hilary Franz (D, withdrew to run for U.S.Rep.)
    WV: Gov. Jim Justice (R, term-limited)
    vs. WV Attorney General Patrick Morrisey (R)
    vs. Huntington Mayor Steve Williams (D)
    vs. WV State Auditor JB McCuskey (R, withdrew)
    vs. WV Secretary of State Mac Warner (R, lost May 14 primary)
    vs. State Del. Moore Capito (R, lost May 14 primary)
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    Page last updated: Jun 08, 2024; copyright 1999-2022 Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org