2008 NC Senate Debate: on War & Peace

Elizabeth Dole: Precipitous Iraq withdrawal leads to further instability

Both candidates proclaimed support for the military, but Hagan called for ending the war in Iraq with a “diplomatic surge,” a commonly heard but ill-defined term. Dole was even more vague, expressing frustration with the Bush administration’s handling of the war but worrying that “precipitous withdrawal” would lead to further instability.
Source: 2008 N.C. Senate Debate reported in Greensboro News-Record Jun 25, 2008

Kay Hagan: End the war in Iraq with a diplomatic surge

Both candidates proclaimed support for the military, but Hagan called for ending the war in Iraq with a “diplomatic surge,” a commonly heard but ill-defined term. Dole was even more vague, expressing frustration with the Bush administration’s handling of the war but worrying that “precipitous withdrawal” would lead to further instability.
Source: 2008 N.C. Senate Debate reported in Greensboro News-Record Jun 25, 2008

Elizabeth Dole: Mistakes were made, but no precipitous withdrawal from Iraq

On the war in Iraq, which Dole has supported & Hagan has opposed, both muted their position. “We have got to end this war in Iraq,” said Hagan, adding that the war had not made the US safer, had made new enemies & alienated allies.

Dole warned against “a precipitous withdrawal” but said Iraq needs to begin picking up the costs of reconstruction. “I have been very frustrated that the administration was so slow in changing a strategy that was obviously not working,” Dole said. “Many mistakes were made.

Source: 2008 N.C. Senate Debate reported in Raleigh News & Observer Jun 22, 2008

Kay Hagan: The Iraq war had not made the U.S. safer

On the war in Iraq, which Dole has supported and Hagan has opposed, both muted their position. “We have got to end this war in Iraq,” said Hagan, adding that the war had not made the U.S. safer, had made new enemies and had alienated allies. But she said the war needed to be ended “in a responsible fashion” with the country mounting “a diplomatic surge.”

Dole warned against “a precipitous withdrawal” but said Iraq needs to begin picking up the costs of reconstruction.

Source: 2008 N.C. Senate Debate reported in Raleigh News & Observer Jun 22, 2008

  • The above quotations are from 2008 North Carolina Senate Debate between Elizabeth Dole and Kay Hagan.
  • Click here for definitions & background information on War & Peace.
  • Click here for other issues (main summary page).
  • Click here for more quotes by Elizabeth Dole on War & Peace.
  • Click here for more quotes by Kay Hagan on War & Peace.
Candidates and political leaders on War & Peace:

Retired Senate as of Jan. 2015:

Resigned from 113th House:
AL-1:Jo Bonner(R)
FL-19:Trey Radel(R)
LA-5:Rod Alexander(R)
MA-5:Ed Markey(D)
MO-9:Jo Ann Emerson(R)
NC-12:Melvin Watt(D)
SC-1:Tim Scott(R)
Retired House to run for Senate or Governor:
AR-4:Tom Cotton(R)
GA-1:Jack Kingston(R)
GA-10:Paul Broun(R)
GA-11:Phil Gingrey(R)
HI-1:Colleen Hanabusa(D)
IA-1:Bruce Braley(D)
LA-6:Bill Cassidy(R)
ME-2:Mike Michaud(D)
MI-14:Gary Peters(D)
MT-0:Steve Daines(R)
OK-5:James Lankford(R)
PA-13:Allyson Schwartz(D)
TX-36:Steve Stockman(R)
WV-2:Shelley Capito(R)
Retired House as of Jan. 2015:
AL-6:Spencer Bachus(R)
AR-2:Tim Griffin(R)
CA-11:George Miller(D)
CA-25:Howard McKeon(R)
CA-33:Henry Waxman(D)
CA-45:John Campbell(R)
IA-3:Tom Latham(R)
MN-6:Michele Bachmann(R)
NC-6:Howard Coble(R)
NC-7:Mike McIntyre(D)
NJ-3:Jon Runyan(R)
NY-4:Carolyn McCarthy(D)
NY-21:Bill Owens(D)
PA-6:Jim Gerlach(R)
UT-4:Jim Matheson(D)
VA-8:Jim Moran(D)
VA-10:Frank Wolf(R)
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