Ted Cruz in Speech at 2014 CPAC conference
On Budget & Economy:
Lost Generation: Obama agenda hammers young people
How do you win young people? Who are the two Republicans in modern times who have most energized young people: Ronald Reagan & Ron Paul. Neither one of them were young or rugged. They were septuagenarians, yet what did they do? They stood for principle.
They painted a bold, inspiring vision for America and young people said 'that's the vision I want to be behind.' If you were to sit down and try to design how to hammer the living daylights out of young people, you couldn't do better than the
Obama economic agenda. Under Obama, we've had five years of great stagnation, no economic growth, which means one generation, after another, can't find jobs. You know economists are referring to this generation of young people as a 'lost generation.'
ObamaCare, one of the easiest ways to understand it, it's a massive wealth transfer, from young healthy people to everybody else. And then our national debt from $10 trillion dollars to $17 trillion--who the heck do you think is going to pay for that?
Source: Speech at 2014 CPAC convention
Mar 7, 2014
On Budget & Economy:
Balanced budget amendment to stop bankrupting our country
We need to pass a strong balanced budget amendment. We need to stop bankrupting our country. Right now our kids and grandkids are inheriting a country where our national debt is larger than the size of our entire economy. Let me speak right now to
everyone in the room who didn't applaud when I said, 'are there any young people here,' what we're doing to our kids and grandkids is morally wrong. It is an outrage. If we keep on this road, they will spend their entire lives, not to meet the needs of
the future, not to meet the needs of their priorities, but instead, just working to pay off the debts that their deadbeat parents and grandparents stuck them with. Our parents didn't do that to us.
Their parents didn't do that to them, and the reasons we're here today is, we're not going to do it to the next generation. We are going to turn this around.
Source: Speech at 2014 CPAC convention
Mar 7, 2014
On Government Reform:
Stop IRS from asking: 'tell me the content of your prayers'
Defend the Constitution--all of it. Defend the First Amendment, the right to free speech, the right to a free press. For all of our friends in the media, a free press means not having government monitors sitting in your news room.
The right to freedom of religion and that means, among other things, not having the IRS asking citizens: 'tell me the content of your prayers.'
We need to stand for the Second Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms. We need to stand for the Fourth and Fifth Amendment's right to privacy for every American. How many of you have your cell phones?
I'm going to ask you to, please, leave them on. I want to make sure that President Obama hears everything I have to say this morning.
Source: Speech at 2014 CPAC convention
Mar 7, 2014
On Government Reform:
Presidents should not pick & choose laws to enforce
We need to stop the lawlessness. This president of the United States is the first president we've ever had who thinks he can choose which laws to enforce and which laws to ignore.
He announces, just about every day, one change after another, after another, and ObamaCare, it is utterly lawless,
it is inconsistent with our Constitution and it ought to trouble everyone, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians. Let me tell you something,
if you have a president who is picking and choosing which laws to follow, and which laws to ignore, you no longer have a president.
Source: Speech at 2014 CPAC convention
Mar 7, 2014
On Government Reform:
End Washington cronyism via Congressional term limits
We need to end the corruption. We need to end corporate welfare and crony capitalism. If you come to Washington and serve in Congress, there should be a lifetime ban on lobbying.
We need to pass a strong constitutional amendment that puts into law term limits.
There are lots of voices in Washington that say 'no, no, no, this is too bold.' 'You can't stand against the
IRS, that's too extreme.' 'You can't say repeal ObamaCare, that's really a bit much. Let's just modify it.' 'You' can't not bankrupt the country, let's just slow it down a little bit.'
A friend of mine suggested a bumper sticker slogan, "Republicans, we waste less." You win elections by standing for principle, inspiring people that there is a better tomorrow.
Source: Speech at 2014 CPAC convention
Mar 7, 2014
On Principles & Values:
We win elections by bold principles & a positive agenda
How do we win elections? In the contrast between corrupt Washington and the American people, we stand with the American people. We stand with a straight-forward and bold and positive agenda to inspire the young, to inspire women, to inspire Hispanics--
to inspire everybody.- Defend the Constitution--all of it.
- We need to abolish the IRS. We need to adopt a simple flat tax.
- We need to expand energy in this country and expand high-paying jobs all over America.
We need to expand school choice.
- We need to repeal Dodd-Frank.
- We need to audit the Federal Reserve.
- We need to pass a strong balanced budget amendment.
- We need to repeal every single word of ObamaCare.
- We need to stop the lawlessness [of
Obama and ObamaCare].
- We need to end the corruption.
A friend of mine suggested a bumper sticker slogan, "Republicans, we waste less." You win elections by standing for principle, inspiring people that there is a better tomorrow.
Source: Speech at 2014 CPAC convention
Mar 7, 2014
Page last updated: Apr 06, 2019