Janet Napolitano on Drugs
Democratic AZ Governor; Designee for Secretary of Homeland Security
Operation Stonegarden: $75M to break up Mexican drug cartels
[The administration's] "Merida funding" [meant] $1.4 billion in aid to go to Mexico and Central America over a period of three years to support efforts to curb drug trafficking. Politicians began railing against the possibility of ˙"spillover," as the
U.S. ramped up its efforts to disrupt the Mexican cartels.Janet Napolitano described the need for this new build-up of resources: "We have a unique opportunity now with Mexico to really break up these cartels, and shame on us if we don't take full
advantage of that opportunity." Napolitano announced that $75 million in Operation Stonegarden funding was headed to the border to improve "law enforcement preparedness and operational readiness" in case of the much-feared spillover.
"In the past six
months, we have added hundreds of agents and deployed additional technology to the border. We've doubled the number of agents that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has assigned to the border."
Source: Dealing Death and Drugs, by Beto O'Rourke, p. 64-5
, Nov 29, 2011
Undeniable link between drugs and criminal activity
Given the undeniable link between drugs and criminal activity, it is imperative that Arizona strengthen its efforts to impede drug trafficking and enhance efforts to eliminate drug production. Arizona’s High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA)
must remain intact and autonomous to address criminal narcotics issues and our law enforcement must continue to maximize its use of federal programs to obtain the sophisticated investigative and communication equipment needed to fight traffickers.
Source: Campaign web site, www.GoJanet.org, “Issues”
, Sep 9, 2002
Teach children about the dangers of all forms of drug use
Q: What is the best way to fight the war on drugs?A: [In addition to interdiction], county and local law enforcement must receive adequate training and resources to end the spread of methamphetamine production in our neighborhoods and programs
that teach children about the dangers of all forms of drug use must remain a priority. Only through the joint efforts of federal, state, and local law enforcement can we hope to make an impact on our State’s drug trade.
Source: Campaign web site, www.GoJanet.org, “Issues”
, Sep 9, 2002
Page last updated: Mar 13, 2021