Bob Graham on TechnologyFL Sr Senator (retiring 2004); Democratic Primary Candidate for President |
GRAHAM: I believe in the rather radical idea that if you want to create jobs, you create jobs, and you use those jobs to build a stronger economy. Would anyone here question the fact that we are in a nation where our basic systems that support not only our lifestyle but also our economy, from the electric grid to our transportation systems to the enormous water and sewer needs across America, are all in serious distress? What better way to add to the economic strength of America, not only today, through the 3 million people who will be employed in this great state/federal partnership patterned on President Eisenhower's interstate highway system, where the state and the federal government working together will create a new America, a stronger America and 3 million jobs?
GRAHAM: The way we ought to deal with this electric grid program is through a combination of companies, their customers, the federal government and the states. In my plan, Opportunity For All, we provide the funds for the federal share of a massive rebuilding of not only our electric system but also our other critical transportation and urban systems upon which we and our economy are sustained.