Herman Cain on Welfare & Poverty
Safety net has become dependency on the government
Big government enthusiasts designed social programs to provide a financial safety net, but, in turn, dependency on the government for the most vulnerable in society became an expected entitlement. Decades since their inception, far too many
Americans have shifted their expectations from government assistance to entitlement. Too many people have exchanged their freedom for a false sense of security that these programs are supposed to provide.Ever-expanding social programs are compromising
the current and future financial stability of this great country.˙The federal government has imposed expensive and often counter-productive social and welfare programs on the states and the people. It is time to admit the mistakes, and get the federal
government out of the way. This will allow states, cities, churches, charities and businesses to offer a helping hand instead of a handout where they live. People closest to the problems are the best ones to solve the problems effectively.
Source: Campaign website, www.hermancain.com/ "Issues"
May 21, 2011
Page last updated: Jun 14, 2011