WV Senate contender and Constitution Party presidential nominee
No use of S.S. Number except Social Security business
We support privacy legislation that prohibits private parties from discriminating against individuals who refuse to disclose or obtain a Social Security number. We call for legislation prohibiting all governmental entities from requiring the use of the
Social Security number except for Social Security transactions. We call for the repeal of all laws, regulations and statutes that require the use of the Social Security number for any purpose other than Social Security transactions.
Source: Constitution Platform adopted by 2020 presidential hopeful
, May 2, 2020
Allow people to withdraw funds and privately invest them
We propose that individuals who have contributed to Social Security be allowed to withdraw those funds and
transfer them into an IRA or similar investments under the control of the individual contributor.
Source: Constitution Platform adopted by 2020 presidential hopeful
, May 2, 2020
Privatize Social Security, but pay current benefits
We call for an end to the raiding by the federal government of the Social Security, Railroad Retirement and Medicare funds. We believe that over a protracted period the Social Security system may be privatized without disadvantage to the beneficiaries
of the system. However, the program has been in place since the 1930s, and workers and their employers were taxed for the program and paid in good faith. The government promised to deliver the benefits and must meet this commitment.
Source: Constitution Platform adopted by 2020 presidential hopeful
, May 2, 2020