Seth Moulton on Crime
Democratic Presidential Challenger; MA Rep.
Death penalty not worth risk of killing one innocent person
Q: Do you support or oppose the death penalty?
A: "One innocent person put to death is not worth it."
Source: 2019 "Meet the Candidates" (NY Times.com)
, Jun 18, 2019
Decrease prison populations; focus on rehabilitation
I support strong, bipartisan action to decrease prison populations and focus our attention on rehabilitation, not incarceration. We incarcerate far more non-violent offenders per capita than any other developed nation, it's costing our taxpayers
billions of dollars.Support for bills such as the bipartisan Justice Safety-Valve Act of 2013, which would shorten mandatory minimums and expand the judicial sentencing safety valves, is a great place to start.
Source: 2014 House campaign website, SethMoulton.com
, Sep 1, 2014
Page last updated: Dec 15, 2019