Survey of 2014 Senate campaign websites: on Free Trade

Amanda Swafford: We need more transparency regarding trade agreements

Do you know what the P4 Trade agreement is? The Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement works to protect the biggest and wealthiest companies while setting up protectionism barriers that exclude smaller innovative ideas and processes from entering certain markets. Expansion of the agreement by the United States has been one of the least transparent expansions in recent history. Members of Congress who are authorized to decide trade issues are not being provided details on the substance of the negotiations despite calls for the trade documents to be released to them as early as 2012. We need more transparency regarding trade agreements with multiple partners and in all our foreign transactions.
Source: 2014 Georgia Senate campaign website, Sep 30, 2014

Thomas Ravenel: Tariffs & other protectionist policies cost Americans jobs

Expanding our participation in the global economy has played an important role in moving all Americans upward on the economic ladder. To promote further progress, we must pursue policies that increase the ability of all to participate in global markets through the buying and selling of goods. Present barriers to free trade such as tariffs and other protectionist policies not only increase the price of the goods we purchase, they also cost Americans high-paying, highly-specialized jobs. Our current President has been a terrible negotiator on trade deals, but Congressional Republicans haven't helped by threatening to sink important agreements based on petty political spats.

Crony capitalism, our current system by which special interests line the campaign coffers of politicians in an effort to cut off competition through protectionist legislation, must end. Free trade increases employment and living standards for all Americans and allows American dollars to purchase more products at lower prices.

Source: 2014 S.C. Senate campaign website, Sep 1, 2014

Shenna Bellows: NAFTA damaged our manufacturing sector; so will TPP

Fair Trade, Not Corporate Giveaways: Too many jobs have been shipped overseas in the last two decades. We have witnessed firsthand the damage wrought to our manufacturing sector by bad trade deals like NAFTA. That's why I oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership and fast-track authority for trade agreements. We are increasingly interconnected in a global economy. International trade is important to Maine's economy, but international trade agreements must be fair trade agreements--protecting workers' rights at home and abroad, protecting the environment for future generations and protecting consumer safety.

Some politicians like to think of the economy as just another issue. For me, the economy is every issue. Better economic policies in Washington can make the difference when you pay your bills, start a family, & get the job you want. Investing in Maine's economy can make those things possible for every Mainer, and that's what I'm going to do from the first day I'm in Washington.

Source: 2014 Maine Senate campaign website Aug 31, 2014

Terri Lynn Land: Free trade agreements only with reciprocal market access

Trade policies from Washington all too often dramatically harm our state's economy and cost Michigan good-paying middle class jobs. I will only support trade agreements that put Michigan businesses and workers on a level playing field with other countries.
Source: 2014 Michigan Senate campaign website, Aug 29, 2014

Gordon Ball: Fair trade is vital; but don't ship jobs overseas

To grow our economy, we need to sell our products to the rest of the world. But we have to have a level playing field, strong trade laws and strong enforcement. As a Senator, I will look hard at any trade agreement to determine how it would impact jobs here in Tennessee.

Fair trade is vital to our nation's economic future. Trade can create new jobs in exporting industries, expand markets for our businesses, and ensure our workers and businesses are competing on a level playing field in the global marketplace. But for too long, our workers, small businesses, and manufacturers have paid a steep price for an outdated trade agenda. I will fight wrong-headed trade policies that ship jobs overseas and shutter manufacturing facilities. That means fighting back against currency manipulation by trading partners. We need a trade agenda that promotes American workers and helps expand the "Made in America" label to markets around the world.

Source: 2014 Tennessee Senate campaign website, Aug 7, 2014

Alison Grimes: Halt flow of jobs overseas; no subsidies for job exporters

Today, Alison Lundergan Grimes released the following statement pressing Mitch McConnell to support the bipartisan Bring Jobs Home Act through final passage:

"I have emphasized during my campaign the urgent need to halt the flow of good jobs overseas and to start bringing them back to American shores. It is critical to the fight to create good-paying jobs and strengthen the middle class.

"The "Bring Jobs Home Act' is a commendable proposal that deserves broad bipartisan support. It would end taxpayer-funded subsidies for job exporters while providing tax credits for companies that move jobs and business activities from another country to the United States. I strongly support the measure and would vote for it in the Senate.

"Mitch McConnell said it is not a serious bill. That is because he does not take job creation seriously. He is wrong. This is a bill that would produce good-paying jobs for Kentuckians and other Americans."

Source: 2014 Kentucky Senate campaign website, Jul 23, 2014

Jeanne Shaheen: Expand opportunities to export to markets around the globe

Jeanne knows that small businesses are the job creators in New Hampshire's economy. She fights to make sure that small business can compete for federal research grants. She is working to expand opportunities for small businesses to export and sell their products and services to growing markets around the globe. Jeanne helped craft the Small Business Jobs Act that included tax cuts for small businesses and boosted access to credit though SBA lending programs. She fought for the creation of the Manchester Job Corps Center and is a leading advocate for attracting students to careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) to be prepared for the jobs of the future.
Source: 2014 New Hampshire Senate campaign website Jul 18, 2014

Terry Adams: Replace "Made in China" tags with "Made in America"

It's time that "Made in America" tags replace those that say "Made in China."

Smart economic policy means eliminating wasteful spending in Washington D.C., a loop-hole free tax policy where everyone pays their fair share, even big corporations, and sending our troops abroad only when the vital national security interests of the United States is threatened.

Source: 2014 TN Senate campaign website, Jun 25, 2014

Dave Domina: Our jobs are outsourced; & debt owed to foreign competitors

Our markets are dominated by too few -- as Wall Street deal after deal goes down. No one is prosecuted. Our small businesses get backbreaking regulations because lobbyists use them as human shields to get what they want. Our jobs are outsourced. Our assets are bought up. Our debt is owed to our biggest foreign competitor, and we do nothing about it.
Source: 2014 Neb. Senate campaign website, May 15, 2014

David Clements: Consumers should pick winners and losers, not government

Competition is central to a free market. Consumers, rather than the government, should be tasked with picking winners and losers. Government should facilitate an enhanced economic environment by making the tax code simple and regulations predictable. Hard work should be rewarded. That means no more bailouts or special favors for companies and industries with powerful D.C. lobbies.
Source: 2014 N.M. Senate campaign website, Feb 18, 2014

Natalie Tennant: Eliminate incentives for corporations that outsource jobs

I will promote policies that reverse the loss of manufacturing jobs by eliminating incentives for corporations that outsource jobs, opposing trade deals that leave our nation on the losing end, fighting for programs that help our nation export products abroad, and that support manufacturing.
Source: 2014 Senate campaign website,, "Issues" Feb 3, 2014

Dan Sullivan: Promote Alaska resources & tourism to the US and the world

Promoting Alaska resources to global markets by targeting specific companies and investors to invest in Alaska and responsibly develop our resources and create jobs:
As DNR Commissioner, Sullivan led an aggressive campaign to promote Alaska's natural resources and energy by highlighting the opportunities for responsible resource development in Alaska to thousands of companies & investors throughout the US and the world. Local press reports called him Alaska's "ambassador for energy." Spurring growth in the cruise ship sector through tax and regulatory reform:
As Attorney General, Sullivan played a critical role in reversing the drop in cruise ship tourism to Alaska. He led the effort to settle the lawsuit between the cruise ship industry and State, which was inhibiting future investment and visitors, and played an important role in Governor Parnell's strategy to promote a more competitive tax regime which would attract additional cruise ship passengers to Alaska.
Source: 2014 Senate campaign website "Accomplish" Dec 5, 2013

Michelle Nunn: Seek trade agreements from Europe to China

We must continue to seek trade agreements that provide international market opportunities for American products and services and grow good-paying American jobs. From the European Union to China, we must continue to be partners as well as competitors and challenge any trade barriers that unfairly disadvantage our American farmers or businesses.
Source: 2014 Senate campaign website,, "Ideas" Nov 15, 2013

Cory Booker: African trade makes stable countries & good for our security

Expanding the economic pie means creating strong ties with these developing nations. Rather than making these countries dependent on long-term foreign aid, we should focus on increasing trade with them. For example, in countries that don't have legacy landline telephones, as we do in America, there are opportunities to invest in mobile data technology--creating jobs here and there. This "trade, not aid" approach means new markets for American goods, self-sufficient countries that benefit from investment and a world economy that's expanding.

Stronger, more stable African countries are also good for our security. Some parts of Africa, like Mali and Somalia, have had significant problems with extremist groups. Extremists have a much harder time gaining a foothold and recruiting when a countries people are making money, putting food on the table, and being supported by an effective government.

Source: 2013-2014 New Jersey Senate campaign web Nov 3, 2013

Cory Booker: China cheats via currency manipulation & IP theft

As China expands its economy, grows its military, and competes on the world stage, it is essential for them to play by the rules. Thankfully, China needs us--and there are countless areas where our countries cooperate to advance shared priorities.

American workers can compete and win on a level playing field, which is why China's cheating--through artificially depressing its currency and other unfair trade practices--is so damaging. While currency appreciation has occurred, keeping it artificially low hurts our economic competitiveness and undermines the trust that is essential to a strong relationship. That doesn't mean we should start a trade war--that would hurt our economy just as much as it would hurt China's. Instead, our goal should be a level playing field that treats everyone fairly, and that includes cracking down on unfair practices, such as unreasonable market barriers and Intellectual Property theft, that often break China's commitments to us and the rest of the world.

Source: 2013-2014 New Jersey Senate campaign web Nov 3, 2013

Joe Carr: Promote free and fair trade

One of the keys to reviving our economy is cutting our budget deficit. Our short-term & long-term fiscal viability is threatened due to continued deficit spending. Unfunded liabilities, projected spending increases and an uncertain economy all add up to a financial disaster if we fail to act responsibly now. Promoting free and fair trade, repealing or defunding Obamacare, repealing the Dodd-Frank Act and reigning in the EPA are just a few of the arenas where I will fight to get us back on the right path
Source: 2014 Senate campaign website,, "Issues" Nov 1, 2013

Doug Truax: Market-based competition instead of bureaucratic decisions

Competition:With competition, the best market-based means to the end is quickly found. Without competition, unaccountable bureaucrats decide what is best.

Freedom: With freedom, we can make the choices that benefit our situation as an individual, a family, and a community. Without freedom, our choices are limited by people who have consolidated power around themselves in far off places.

Fairness:With fairness, we know that our effort or lack of effort will be rewarded or discouraged appropriately. Without fairness, the results of our efforts become arbitrary and based on the shifting standards or those that currently hold power.

Source: 2014 Senate campaign website,, "Meet Doug" Oct 9, 2013

Shane Osborn: America should compete in a global, free-market economy

Federal regulations are crippling business development, and are having a negative impact on American families. New regulations won't make our nation more competitive.

The federal government should focus on protecting consumers, and helping ensure American businesses are positioned to compete in a global, free-market economy. From farm and health care policy to regulations impacting the banking and finance, Nebraska businesses face a growing burden of over-regulation.

Source: 2014 Senate campaign website, Oct 9, 2013

Joni Ernst: Keep markets open to exports for Iowa goods

Growing Iowa's Economy: Joni will fight to continue to help Iowa's economy grow--meaning an influx of even more businesses to the state and a resulting increase in jobs. She believes that by ensuring markets remain open to exports for Iowa goods and promoting innovation that makes Iowa more competitive in today's global marketplace, Iowa will continue its current upward economic and job growth trajectory.
Source: 2014 Senate campaign website,, "Issues" Sep 9, 2013

David Perdue: Best opportunity for growth is to boost our exports

An estimated 70% of our economy is based on domestic consumption. The best opportunity for growth is to boost our exports to emerging economies worldwide. They have an increasing demand for American goods, both quality manufactured products as well as other needs such as agriculture products. Increasing exports requires elected leaders who understand global trends and how to remove barriers to growth. If so, we can create a new age of American prosperity.
Source: 2014 Senate campaign website,, "Issues" Jul 25, 2013

Murray Sabrin: Gold standard and free trade mean a check on government

In his N.Y.Times column, "Lust for Gold" (April 12), Paul Krugman embraces monetary inflation as one of the ways to create prosperity. In addition, Krugman's support for deficit spending [shows how] Republican politicians just cannot get enough of the welfare-warfare state.

Compare [Krugman's] conclusion that gold is an artifact of barbarians with Ludwig von Mises's insights about how gold money leads to a check on government spending running amuck: "In the eyes of the free traders [the gold standard's] main eminence was precisely the fact that it was an international standard as required by international trade. The gold standard did not collapse. Governments abolished it in order to pave the way for inflation."

Inflating the money supply creates winners and losers. That is the reality of the Federal Reserve's Quantitative Easing policy, another benign-sounding program that reduces most Americans' standard of living at the expense of the financial elites who are cheerleaders of easy money

Source: 2014 Senate campaign website, Apr 14, 2012

  • The above quotations are from Survey of 2014 Senate campaign websites.
  • Click here for definitions & background information on Free Trade.
  • Click here for other issues (main summary page).
  • Click here for more quotes by Karen Handel on Free Trade.
  • Click here for more quotes by Mead Treadwell on Free Trade.
Candidates and political leaders on Free Trade:

Retired Senate as of Jan. 2015:

Resigned from 113th House:
AL-1:Jo Bonner(R)
FL-19:Trey Radel(R)
LA-5:Rod Alexander(R)
MA-5:Ed Markey(D)
MO-9:Jo Ann Emerson(R)
NC-12:Melvin Watt(D)
SC-1:Tim Scott(R)
Retired House to run for Senate or Governor:
AR-4:Tom Cotton(R)
GA-1:Jack Kingston(R)
GA-10:Paul Broun(R)
GA-11:Phil Gingrey(R)
HI-1:Colleen Hanabusa(D)
IA-1:Bruce Braley(D)
LA-6:Bill Cassidy(R)
ME-2:Mike Michaud(D)
MI-14:Gary Peters(D)
MT-0:Steve Daines(R)
OK-5:James Lankford(R)
PA-13:Allyson Schwartz(D)
TX-36:Steve Stockman(R)
WV-2:Shelley Capito(R)
Retired House as of Jan. 2015:
AL-6:Spencer Bachus(R)
AR-2:Tim Griffin(R)
CA-11:George Miller(D)
CA-25:Howard McKeon(R)
CA-33:Henry Waxman(D)
CA-45:John Campbell(R)
IA-3:Tom Latham(R)
MN-6:Michele Bachmann(R)
NC-6:Howard Coble(R)
NC-7:Mike McIntyre(D)
NJ-3:Jon Runyan(R)
NY-4:Carolyn McCarthy(D)
NY-21:Bill Owens(D)
PA-6:Jim Gerlach(R)
UT-4:Jim Matheson(D)
VA-8:Jim Moran(D)
VA-10:Frank Wolf(R)
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Page last updated: Dec 07, 2018