Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Survey of 2014 Senate campaign websites
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OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Leah Vukmir: 100% pro-life.
Joyce Dickerson: Women should have the right to family planning.
John Buckley: Pro-life Libertarian, because life begins at conception.
Randall Batson: Focus on alternatives such as adoption & foster children.
Gordon Howie: Leader for life both in and out of the political arena.
Sean Haugh: No role for government in regulating abortion.
Nels Mitchell: Support woman's right to make her own health decisions.
Brad Hutto: Empower women to make reproductive health decisions.
Connie Johnson: Don't incarcerate women for biological functions with ova.
David Alameel: Always fight to protect Roe v. Wade.
Jeff Bell: Supports pre-birth personhood; and limitations on abortion.
T.W. Shannon: Reliably supported pro-life legislation.
Dan Sullivan: Notify parents when their kids have abortions.
Lee Bright: Protect our unborn children from abortion providers.
Shane Osborn: Adamantly protect the life of the unborn.
Ben Sasse: Defend the sanctity of life.
Shenna Bellows: Leader in reproductive freedom.
Brian Schatz: Require offering emergency contraception for rape victims.
Pat McGeehan: Support the Life at Conception Act; all life is precious.
Sam Clovis: Life should be protected from conception.
Cory Booker: Vigorously defend women's access to affordable birth control.
Joe Carr: Promote adoption; 100% pro-life.
Matt Bevin: We have a duty to protect unborn human life.
Matthew Whitaker: Life begins at conception.
Owen Hill: Fight for equal opportunity of all people--born and unborn.
Milton Wolf: I've dedicated my life to saving lives; all lives.
Joni Ernst: No taxpayer funding for abortion; protect the unborn.
David Perdue: Promote a culture that values life.
Champ Edmunds: Protect the pre-born and all the vulnerable in our society.
Karen Handel: Planned Bullyhood: book exposes Planned Parenthood's tactics.
Chris McDaniel: Unborn children are children.
Budget & Economy
Kevin Wade: Don't pass on a lifetime sentence of foreign debt.
Amanda Swafford: End the Federal Reserve; explore alternative currency.
Nathan LaFrance: Politicians CANNOT control government spending; time for BBA.
Thomas Ravenel: Government over-reacted to Great Recession: enough is enough.
John Buckley: National debt beggars future generations.
Amanda Curtis: Economy that works for all of us, not just for the richest.
Gordon Ball: Balanced budget amendment to restore fiscal discipline.
Kevin Wade: Trust ourselves to make their own choices.
Brad Hutto: It's time for Congress to spend less and cut waste.
Terry Adams: Income inequality has grown worse in recent decades.
Terry Adams: Start reinvesting in the American Dream.
Greg Orman: Report federal spending by strict accounting standards.
Dave Domina: Government must live within the budget.
Jeff Bell: Quantitative Easing causes inflation; erodes social contract.
Jeff Bell: Gold standard helps people & small business.
Monica Wehby: Problem is uncertainty in federal regulation & tax climate.
Allen Weh: Reduce America's debt; implement balanced budget.
Mead Treadwell: $800 billion stimulus spends on backs of future generations.
John Walsh: Top priority as Senator: lower the federal deficit.
Chris McDaniel: Balance the books by cutting spending to sustainable levels.
Nels Mitchell: No silly votes to shut down government; no budget blackmail.
Milton Wolf: Stand up to out-of-control Washington spending.
Cam Cavasso: Government spending sucks oxygen out of the economy.
Matt Wiedenhoeft: Demand transparency with the˙Federal Reserve.
Rob Maness: Our government is addicted to spending.
Lee Bright: All federal spending comes from pockets of taxpayers.
Sharon Hansen: Get rid of the Federal Reserve and the IRS.
Michelle Nunn: Make smart short and mid-term investments to drive growth.
Ben Sasse: Reform entitlement programs & live within our means.
Jim Rubens: Don't put staggering burden of debt on our grandchildren.
Matt Silverstein: Ban earmarks & cut spending to reduce debt.
Pat McGeehan: No bank bailout; no carmaker bailout.
Cory Booker: We will not be able to cut our way out of the jobs crisis.
Joe Carr: Spending caps are vital to our nation's survival.
Matt Bevin: Wall Street and auto bailouts made us pay for their mistakes.
Matt Bevin: Balanced Budget Amendment ends Congress' spending addiction.
Matthew Whitaker: Balance the budget instead of $17 trillion national debt.
Owen Hill: Government spending is a tax on work and a tax on jobs.
Joni Ernst: Break Washington's spending addiction.
David Perdue: Cut wasteful spending; eliminate failed government agencies.
David Perdue: Support balanced budget amendment and tax reform.
Champ Edmunds: The way out of this crisis is to unleash the free market.
Corey Stapleton: Washington is mortgaging America's children's futures.
Karen Handel: Tenacious in balancing budget and dealing with corruption.
Jon Roland: Expenditures backed only by debt are unconstitutional.
Jim Oberweis: Massive overspending and over-borrowing crowds out jobs.
Natalie Tennant: Cut Secretary of State's office budget by 20%.
Civil Rights
Amanda Swafford: Marriage equality is an individual freedom.
Brad Hutto: Equal pay for equal work is the next women's milestone.
Chad Taylor: Advocate for equality, including equal pay for equal work.
Chad Taylor: Make bans on same-sex marriage unconstitutional.
Dave Domina: End gender paycheck inequity & all gender favoritism.
Michelle Nunn: Support equal pay, and do it now.
Brad Hutto: Liberty to share love and life is an inherent right.
Connie Johnson: Women deserve equal pay for equal work.
Connie Johnson: Job protection & housing rights for LGBT citizens.
Terry Adams: Equal work deserves equal pay, period.
David Alameel: Demand equal pay for equal work between men and women.
Joyce Dickerson: All South Carolinians should honor MLK Day.
Jeff Bell: Support traditional marriage: don't let courts define it.
Bruce Skarin: Don't use religious values to restrict civil right to love.
John Walsh: Equal pay for equal work for women.
Andy Martin: Early advocate against women's wage discrimination.
Rob Maness: Support traditional marriage.
Shane Osborn: Marriage is only between one man and one woman.
Ben Sasse: Don't redefine one-man-one-woman marriage.
Shenna Bellows: Leader in Women's Leadership Coalition & women's rights.
Matt Silverstein: Equal pay concept: level the field for women.
Sam Clovis: Family begins with one man and one woman.
Alison Grimes: Fight for pay equity for women.
Shenna Bellows: ENDA is a good start; full marriage equality is next.
Matt Bevin: Marriage is between a man and a woman.
Jay Stamper: Backs marriage equality: it is a civil rights issue.
Mead Treadwell: I will defend traditional marriage.
Milton Wolf: Marriage should be between one man and one woman.
Joni Ernst: Marriage is a religious institution: one man and one woman.
Terri Lynn Land: Supports MI Protection & Advocacy Services (pro-disabilty).
T.W. Shannon: Martin Luther King's dream was never about dependency.
David Perdue: Protect traditional marriage.
Champ Edmunds: Marriage is a bond between a man, a woman and God.
Murray Sabrin: Gay-bashing is insensitive, but free speech; not hate crime.
Emily Sanchez: The Occupy Movement woke me up and gave me hope.
Thomas Ravenel: Crony capitalism is not true free market capitalism.
Sam Rankin: End tax subsidies; & tax corporations in foreign countries.
Cory Booker: Lower corporate tax rate & close loopholes.
Terry Adams: Fair tax system without loopholes for corporations & wealthy.
Dave Domina: Huge corporations are not citizens.
David Alameel: Big corporations & executives should pay fair share in taxes.
Brian Herr: 29 years in the commercial construction business.
Terri Lynn Land: Government compliance is too large burden on small business.
Rob Maness: End anti-small business politics and crony capitalism.
Lee Bright: Lower corporate tax rate: pro-free enterprise reforms.
Michelle Nunn: Lower our corporate tax rate; simplify tax code.
Matt Silverstein: Cut corporate taxes and corporate loopholes.
Sam Clovis: End corporate welfare subsidies & crony capitalism grants.
Cory Booker: Government procurement should promote women-owned business.
Joe Carr: Lower the corporate tax & make Bush tax cuts permanent.
Jason Conger: Lower the barriers to business and job creation.
Rick Weiland: Stop sweetheart deals & government bailouts of big business.
Shane Osborn: Small businesses are the job creators that fuel our economy.
David Perdue: We are on the verge of revitalizing American manufacturing.
Murray Sabrin: Manufacturing hubs are crony capitalism.
Natalie Tennant: Help business filings via efficiency and cutting red tape.
Randall Batson: Eliminate mandatory minimums; balance with rehabilitation.
Heather Johnson: Don't punish victimless crimes like prostitution & gambling.
Connie Johnson: Moratorium on Oklahoma executions & three-strikes.
Murray Sabrin: No death penalty; deport murderers to ends of the Earth.
Bruce Skarin: Focus on prevention and more effective long term solutions.
Chad Taylor: Tough-on-crime reputation as District Attorney.
David Clements: Support 4th amendment: freedom from unreasonable searches.
John Walsh: First state to prohibit warrantless cell phone tracking.
Alison Grimes: One in six US women will be victims of domestic violence.
Dan Sullivan: 2010: increased sentences & overhauled bail system.
Sharon Hansen: Eliminate the police state we now live in.
Cory Booker: Incarceration isn't working; focus on preventing recidivism.
Cory Booker: Increase the number of police in all neighborhoods.
Cory Booker: Cut first responders due to economic downturn.
Doug Truax: Justice means making sure wrong gets punished.
Chris McDaniel: Death penalty for terrorism with victims killed.
Jay Stamper: We are all criminals because we over-lawed.
Jay Stamper: Pled guilty to SEC violation in exchange for zero sentence.
Natalie Tennant: Investigating election fraud led to felony convictions.
Amanda Swafford: Replace War on Drugs with individual freedom.
Chad Taylor: Legalizing marijuana may decrease crime & increase revenue.
Thomas Ravenel: Mexican border problems come from failed War on Drugs.
Randall Batson: Legalization yields better results than current turf wars.
Sean Haugh: End the Drug War.
Connie Johnson: End the War on Drugs and its mandatory minimums.
Jeff Bell: Opposes drug legalization and marijuana decriminalization.
Bruce Skarin: War on drugs creates more problems than it solves.
Murray Sabrin: Abolish the nation's drug laws, lock, stock, and barrel.
Leah Vukmir: Expand school choice.
Amanda Swafford: Dismantle the Department of Education.
Dave Domina: Treat public education as a basic right of citizenship.
Steve Daines: Expand school choice where public schools are poor.
Shenna Bellows: Voucher programs siphon public school money.
Terri Lynn Land: Local funding and local control of schools.
Gordon Howie: Advocate for parental rights and school choice.
Gordon Ball: I believe in public education.
Brad Hutto: Keep state leaders focused like a laser beam on our schools.
Connie Johnson: Strengthen our public schools.
Terry Adams: Invest in our public education system.
Greg Orman: National innovation for high student achievement.
David Alameel: Quality education for ALL children, not just privileged few.
Joyce Dickerson: Invest in quality public education.
Chad Taylor: School vouchers represent focus on profit over education.
Jeff Bell: Expand school choice through vouchers and credits.
Bruce Skarin: Minimize standardized testing; maximize public resources.
Monica Wehby: Increase school choice options for our families.
Nels Mitchell: More funding for schools, from property tax, not sales tax.
David Clements: Reduce taxes so families can pay for private schools.
Alison Grimes: Every child has the right to a quality education.
Doug Truax: Allow parents and students more choices.
Steve Lonegan: Strong supporter of school voucher and tax credit ideas.
Mike McFadden: Active for 4 years with Jesuit high school.
Milton Wolf: Fight "No Bureaucrat Left Behind" for our schools.
Rob Maness: Defund Common Core; return control to parents.
Randy Baumgardner: Best education regardless of the source.
Michelle Nunn: Invest in early childhood education.
Michelle Nunn: Common Core, teacher recruitment, smaller classes.
Matt Silverstein: Sufficiently fund public education, with national standards.
Sam Clovis: Repeal No Child Left Behind and the Common Core.
Cory Booker: Ensure that college tuition is not a long-term burden.
Cory Booker: Pre-school for 3-year-olds; more teacher empowerment.
Cory Booker: Fundamental right to high quality public education.
Cory Booker: Newark Workshops got $1.3M in Pell Grants.
Joe Carr: Parental choice & competition over one-size-fits-all.
Matt Bevin: Limit federal one-size-fits-all role in education.
Jason Conger: Increase educational options available to choose from.
David Perdue: Dismantle unnecessary bureaucracy; innovate at local level.
Corey Stapleton: Embrace all forms and distribution methods of teaching.
Energy & Oil
Emily Sanchez: Fracking is running rampant & endangers our air & water.
Allen Weh: Explore every potential energy source, including oil & gas.
Monica Wehby: Complete the Keystone Pipeline; end EPA overreach.
Nels Mitchell: Oil & gas industries get huge subsidies despite high profits.
Thomas Ravenel: Don't divert resources for folly of global warming.
Gordon Ball: Transition from dirty fossil fuels to clean renewables.
Gordon Ball: Commercial solar & wind, and also clean coal.
Brad Hutto: Invest in alternative forms of energy like solar, wind & gas.
Connie Johnson: Stop subsidizing dirty fossil fuels.
Terry Adams: Transition to clean renewable energy.
Chad Taylor: "Wind cowboys" maintain fields of windmills in west Kansas.
Dave Domina: Don't let Big Oil run pipelines through Nebraska.
Jeff Bell: Supports fracking & Keystone pipeline.
David Clements: Lower energy costs by letting market decide what makes sense.
Terri Lynn Land: All-of-the-above energy policy, including Keystone.
Milton Wolf: Unleash America's power; keep gas prices low.
Cam Cavasso: Leverage wind, wave, sun and geothermal energy.
Rob Maness: Supports oil refineries; Keystone pipeline; & more drilling.
Lee Bright: Free market energy policy: nuclear, coal & natural gas.
Randy Baumgardner: Produce coal, oil, and gas at home.
Michelle Nunn: Ensure affordable and sustainable sources of energy.
Jim Rubens: Revenue-neutral carbon tax offset by other tax cuts.
Matt Silverstein: Lead on new energy as well as old, including in-state coal.
Pat McGeehan: Fight the "War on Coal"; no alternative energy subsidies.
Sam Clovis: Exploit every form of energy, underground and above ground.
Cory Booker: Sustainability programs: slow growth of carbon footprint.
Cory Booker: Eliminate unfair subsidies for oil and ga.
Joe Carr: Drill offshore and onshore.
Matt Bevin: Support coal production and new nuclear power plants.
Jason Conger: Put Oregon at forefront of Green revolution.
Dan Sullivan: Create an enduring energy and economic renaissance.
Liz Cheney: Fight back against President Obama's war on coal.
Owen Hill: Support cheap, clean-burning domestic natural gas.
David Perdue: End hostility towards domestic energy producers.
Champ Edmunds: Our energy is a fundamental part of our free society.
Mead Treadwell: Increase resource development & reform energy taxes.
Steve Stockman: EPA blocking Exxon coal exports costs Texans 13,000 jobs.
Jim Oberweis: Clean renewables in future; for now, drill ANWR.
Emily Sanchez: The Earth sustains all life processes.
Al Franken: Prevent invasive species Asian carp in Great Lakes.
Allen Weh: Balance between conservation and welfare of human beings.
Gordon Ball: No one has the right to pollute America's air and water.
Nels Mitchell: Committed to protecting our unique outdoor heritage.
Brad Hutto: We must do more to protect our natural resources.
Greg Orman: We can protect our environment AND create jobs.
Bruce Skarin: Account for polluting our commons.
Monica Wehby: Fisherman, miners, and loggers need a partner in D.C.
David Clements: Stop federal regulations which take over farming & property.
Terri Lynn Land: As a conservative, I believe in conservation.
Dan Sullivan: Challenge NPS for infringing rights on federal lands.
Andy Martin: Challenged impoundment federal spending for water pollution.
Randy Baumgardner: Opposes taking of private property.
Shenna Bellows: Supports recycling & conservation passionately.
Cory Booker: Green space; green housing; green jobs.
Liz Cheney: Oppose intrusive practices of the EPA.
Rick Weiland: 2003: Introduced first green commercial construction code.
Steve Stockman: Our timber, our money: more harvest means more school funds.
Champ Edmunds: Put states in charge of predator control, not federal.
Corey Stapleton: Promote & protect agriculture, farming & ranching lifestyle.
Joe Miller: Stop cramming animal rights agenda onto Alaskan dog racing.
Families & Children
Albert Olszewski: I will always support America's traditional values.
Heather Johnson: Politics is not my passion; it's my God, my kids & family.
Bruce Skarin: Much-needed deep social change begins with family.
Nels Mitchell: Strong supporter of the Violence Against Women Act.
Dan Sullivan: Choose Respect: address domestic violence epidemic.
Joe Carr: Marriage is best between a man and woman.
Mead Treadwell: Committed to supporting strong families.
Foreign Policy
Gary Peters: Be actively engaged in the Middle East.
Jeff Merkley: In a dangerous world, we need to work with other nations.
Gordon Ball: Promote human rights as cornerstone of US foreign policy.
Michelle Nunn: Our military is but one element of our national power.
Terry Adams: Engage abroad with defense, diplomacy, and development.
Brad Hutto: We should not act as the world's policeman.
Jeff Bell: Statehood for Puerto Rico, with full Congressional voting.
Ben Sasse: Healthy skepticism of foreign entanglements.
Mike McFadden: Crisis in Ukraine came about due to Obama's indecisiveness.
Charlie Hardy: Served as Catholic missionary in South America.
Steve Lonegan: Oppose UN treaties that take away our national sovereignty.
Terri Lynn Land: America is truly exceptional; but don't always intervene.
Andy Martin: 48 years of experience in Asia, with "over-the-horizon" view.
Matt Wiedenhoeft: Revive foreign relations with our allies.
Cory Booker: Where Israel's security is at stake, so is America's.
Cory Booker: Development funds via international organizations for Africa.
Cory Booker: Robust diplomacy and international development.
Joe Carr: Never agree to a treaty that diminishes our sovereignty.
Matt Bevin: Fight foreign treaties that weaken our sovereignty.
Nancy Mace: No foreign aid to Egypt & countries who are our enemies.
Murray Sabrin: Failed policy of invade, occupy and rule other nations.
Free Trade
Amanda Swafford: We need more transparency regarding trade agreements.
Thomas Ravenel: Tariffs & other protectionist policies cost Americans jobs.
Shenna Bellows: NAFTA damaged our manufacturing sector; so will TPP.
Terri Lynn Land: Free trade agreements only with reciprocal market access.
Gordon Ball: Fair trade is vital; but don't ship jobs overseas.
Alison Grimes: Halt flow of jobs overseas; no subsidies for job exporters.
Jeanne Shaheen: Expand opportunities to export to markets around the globe.
Terry Adams: Replace "Made in China" tags with "Made in America".
Dave Domina: Our jobs are outsourced; & debt owed to foreign competitors.
David Clements: Consumers should pick winners and losers, not government.
Natalie Tennant: Eliminate incentives for corporations that outsource jobs.
Dan Sullivan: Promote Alaska resources & tourism to the US and the world.
Michelle Nunn: Seek trade agreements from Europe to China.
Cory Booker: African trade makes stable countries & good for our security.
Cory Booker: China cheats via currency manipulation & IP theft.
Joe Carr: Promote free and fair trade.
Doug Truax: Market-based competition instead of bureaucratic decisions.
Shane Osborn: America should compete in a global, free-market economy.
Joni Ernst: Keep markets open to exports for Iowa goods.
David Perdue: Best opportunity for growth is to boost our exports.
Murray Sabrin: Gold standard and free trade mean a check on government.
Government Reform
Milton Wolf: My donors are individuals; my opponent's are mostly DC PACs.
Nathan LaFrance: Term limits will accomplish with CFR attempts to do.
Allen Weh: Political spending is free speech: don't limit it.
Heather Johnson: Term limits for Congress, local officials, and judges.
Sam Rankin: Special interests support the status quo; Americans don't.
Sam Rankin: Eliminate earmarks; 3-year federal pay freeze.
Michelle Nunn: Amendment to overturn the Citizens United decision.
Terry Adams: Corporation aren't people and money isn't speech.
Dave Domina: United, we can get rid of bad laws & corporations.
Monica Wehby: Founders never imagined a permanent political class.
David Clements: Bureaucratic intervention distorts economy.
Brian Herr: Reduce non-military federal workforce by 15% via attrition.
Brian Herr: If we want new ideas, send new people, via term limits.
Nels Mitchell: No junkets; no gridlock; promises one term only.
Milton Wolf: Give voice to our Founding values in the halls of Congress.
Doug Truax: Return to Confidence: stop expanding federal government.
Nancy Mace: Term limits of 12 years for Senate; 6 years for House.
Shenna Bellows: Same-day voter registration for Maine & federally.
Cory Booker: Founding principle: make laws open to public debate.
Cory Booker: Threat to voting rights in America remains very real.
Matt Bevin: Permanent ban on earmarks, with no loopholes.
Chris McDaniel: Defend the 10th Amendment and states' rights.
Doug Truax: Without accountability & transparency, power corrupts.
Rick Weiland: We're hijacked by big money special interests.
Joni Ernst: Roll back burdensome regulations.
Steve Stockman: Preventing voter ID law just aids voter fraud.
David Perdue: Maximum three terms in the House, two terms in the Senate.
Jim Abeler: Unlock the stifling stranglehold the of federal government.
Karen Handel: Defended and implemented photo ID for voting.
Gun Control
Amanda Swafford: Sacrificing liberty for safety has never worked.
Nathan LaFrance: Attempts at building a federal gun registry are wrong.
Greg Orman: Owns handguns but supports background checks.
Thomas Ravenel: Second Amendment is the only gun law needed.
Randall Batson: Possess & trade firearms as owners wish.
Gordon Ball: Second Amendment protects Americans from tyranny.
Chad Taylor: I'm a gun owner, but we need to enforce gun laws.
Cory Booker: Common sense gun reform on day one.
Cory Booker: More background checks & gun trace data.
Monica Wehby: Protect all constitutional rights, especially 2nd Amendment.
Murray Sabrin: Support concealed carry: We are defenseless outside home.
Bruce Skarin: Right to gun ownership with safety as priority.
David Clements: Right to bear arms protects all of our other rights.
Shane Osborn: Oppose any gun or ammunition ban.
Nels Mitchell: High priority on right to hunt & fish on public lands.
Dan Sullivan: Right to bear arms is an individual right.
Rob Maness: 2nd Amendment is the right that ensures all others.
Lee Bright: Constitutional Carry Amendment: no permits needed.
Randy Baumgardner: Supports the Second amendment.
Doug Truax: Hearings on "Stand Your Ground" laws don't address issue.
Jim Rubens: Individual right to bear arms is inviolably guaranteed.
Pat McGeehan: Never infringe an individual's right to keep and bear arms.
Sam Clovis: 2nd Amendment is about liberty, not just gun rights.
Alison Grimes: Proud of long-held sporting & hunting traditions.
Joe Carr: Second Amendment rights safeguard all other rights.
Matt Bevin: Second Amendment is the lynchpin of the Bill of Rights.
Matthew Whitaker: Lifetime defender of the Second Amendment.
Mead Treadwell: Law-abiding citizens have the right to keep and bear arms.
Owen Hill: Protect the right to own & use guns for law-abiding citizens.
Milton Wolf: Self-defense is a God-given right.
Joni Ernst: Staunch defender of the Second Amendment.
David Perdue: We have ample gun laws on the books now.
Champ Edmunds: 2nd Amendment is about our right to defend ourselves.
Corey Stapleton: Uphold our right to bear arms.
Health Care
Amanda Swafford: Dramatically strengthen Health Savings Accounts.
Thomas Ravenel: We can't afford any more socialized medicine.
John Buckley: Less government in healthcare; more individual choice.
John Buckley: ObamaCare is a Big Government bacterial infection.
Shenna Bellows: Supports ObamaCare & universal health coverage.
Gordon Ball: ObamaCare is over the top, but keep the good parts.
Sam Rankin: Tort reform plus higher deductibles & co-pays.
Sam Rankin: ObamaCare is the worst bill ever passed by Congress.
Matt Silverstein: Don't re-open the Medicare prescription drug "donut hole".
Brad Hutto: Fix ObamaCare, but don't put insurance companies in charge.
Connie Johnson: Improve ObamaCare and take advantage of its benefits.
Dave Domina: Nebraska Wellness Act covers uninsured and saves lives.
Dave Domina: No Medicare vouchers; keep government's promises.
Joyce Dickerson: Support ObamaCare to expand quality affordable care.
Jeff Bell: Real universal healthcare: replace Obamacare with tax credit.
Monica Wehby: Prominent and early opponent of ObamaCare.
Allen Weh: Fix the healthcare train wreck we've got now.
Charlie Hardy: There are sick people unable to get medical attention.
David Clements: Replace ObamaCare with free market solutions.
Milton Wolf: ObamaCare is the most disastrous law of our lifetimes.
Dan Sullivan: Sued to block ObamaCare as outside bounds of Constitution.
Rob Maness: Empower patients and doctors to make their own choices.
Lee Bright: Growth of Medicare & Medicaid create nanny-state dependency.
Doug Truax: ObamaCare is a disaster based on ideology.
Ben Sasse: I'm the national anti-ObamaCare Senate candidate.
Jim Rubens: Replace ObamaCare with ideas that harness market forces.
Jim Rubens: Repeal ObamaCare and replace it with consumer choice.
Mike McFadden: Allow keeping current policies if people choose to do so.
Pat McGeehan: Repeal ObamaCare; oppose any universal healthcare.
Sam Clovis: Repeal ObamaCare, the Unaffordable Care Act.
Cory Booker: ObamaCare is a vital step in the right direction.
Joe Carr: ObamaCare must be defunded and repealed.
Matt Bevin: Defund ObamaCare immediately, then repeal ObamaCare.
Matthew Whitaker: Defund and repeal ObamaCare.
Jason Conger: Patients & doctors drive decisions, not lawyers & insurers.
Chris McDaniel: Stop ObamaCare; stop Medicaid expansion; stop tyranny.
Nancy Mace: ObamaCare will be the undoing of our American way of life.
Liz Cheney: Urge the repeal of ObamaCare.
Mead Treadwell: I will work to repeal ObamaCare.
Owen Hill: Defund ObamaCare; no destructive government mandates.
Shane Osborn: Repeal ObamaCare; it's government intrusion into free market.
Milton Wolf: Replace ObamaCare with PatientCare.
Joni Ernst: Staunchly opposed to ObamaCare.
David Perdue: ObamaCare reduces quality of health care and increase costs.
Jim Abeler: Led bipartisan effort for health and human services reform.
Champ Edmunds: ObamaCare: a train wreck of false promises & exorbitant cost.
Chris McDaniel: No constitutional authority for ObamaCare.
Jim Oberweis: One-payer systems are not the answer.
Murray Sabrin: ObamaCare is unconstitutional use of Commerce Clause.
Homeland Security
Nathan LaFrance: Meta-data collection of phone records is unconstitutional.
John Buckley: National Defense Authorization Act is Big Brother spying.
Randall Batson: Bring our troops home; close bases overseas.
Gordon Ball: Ensure our troops receive the support & resources they need.
Kevin Wade: Welcome home America's veterans and serve them.
Sam Rankin: Reduce our nuclear warhead stockpile & reduce F-35's.
Jeanne Shaheen: Tireless advocate for keeping our commitment to veterans.
Jim Risch: Do everything to maintain a fully-equipped military.
Connie Johnson: The debt we owe our Veterans is non-negotiable.
Terry Adams: Service to Citizens: more veterans' benefits.
Terry Adams: Dependence on OPEC leads to foreign entanglements & wars.
Terry Adams: Security depends on economic strength AND military might.
Dave Domina: No cuts to veterans' pensions or benefits.
Joyce Dickerson: Take action against neglect of our veterans.
Jeff Bell: Maintain strong defense; don't scale back anti-terrorism.
Ben Sasse: Spend to maintain the greatest fighting force the world.
Monica Wehby: Put the needs and care of our veterans first.
Monica Wehby: Strengthening our armed forces protects our freedoms.
John Walsh: Worked to prohibit warrantless cell phone tracking.
Bruce Skarin: Individuals control when private information is accessed.
Allen Weh: Defense spending has been cut too much.
Allen Weh: Defense spending has been cut too much.
David Clements: Defend the missions of our military labs and bases.
Terri Lynn Land: Peace cannot be attained through weakness.
Terri Lynn Land: Focus on rebuilding US first, then national security abroad.
Nels Mitchell: Maintain Mountain Home Air Force Base.
Milton Wolf: America's military should remain unrivaled.
Rob Maness: Cut red tape standing in the way of our heroes.
Lee Bright: Our liberty depends on a strong military.
Sharon Hansen: Get rid of FISA, the NSA, the NDAA, and the TSA.
Michelle Nunn: One-stop shop for veterans, like Hiring Our Heroes.
Ben Sasse: Global preeminence essential our nation's interests.
Jim Rubens: NSA gathering data on citizens is abusive & unconstitutional.
Jim Rubens: War for national security only; world's strongest military.
Matt Silverstein: Support the strongest, most dominant military in the world.
Pat McGeehan: Oppose PATRIOT Act and other 4th amendment infringements.
Pat McGeehan: National defense is federal government's primary function.
Pat McGeehan: Only fight under a US Commander; not a UN Commander.
Sam Clovis: Military holds a special place in fabric of American society.
Cory Booker: Maintain the strongest military force in the world.
Cory Booker: Irresponsible to spend on irrelevant weapon systems.
Joe Carr: Provide more healthcare and support for veterans.
Joe Carr: A powerful military increases the platform of freedom.
Matt Bevin: We must keep the strongest military in the world.
Matt Bevin: Protect national security without violating civil liberties.
Alison Grimes: Reduce veterans' services backlog; support new vets jobs law.
Dan Sullivan: Ensure a strong national defense & stand up for our veterans.
Doug Truax: Learned about duty, honor and country at West Point.
Liz Cheney: Strengthen our national security.
Owen Hill: Moral duty to be a force for freedom in the world.
Rick Weiland: 1997: Served as Regional Director of FEMA.
Shane Osborn: Strong voice for America's Veterans.
Joni Ernst: Strong national defense makes the world is a safer place.
Joni Ernst: I'm a veteran; honor and care for our nation's veterans.
Corey Stapleton: Remain ever vigilant & continuously improve our readiness.
Natalie Tennant: Help returning veterans find jobs and start businesses.
Murray Sabrin: Don't police world at behest of military-industrial complex.
Murray Sabrin: Americans are all terrorist suspects, according to DHS & TSA.
Amanda Swafford: No caps on number of visas allowed.
Nels Mitchell: Idaho's farmers need immigration reform.
Thomas Ravenel: Finding bad guys among 11M illegals is needles in a haystack.
Randall Batson: Benefits of citizenship only if arrived by legal means.
Terri Lynn Land: No amnesty; seal the border; more H-1B visas.
Gordon Ball: Fair and just path to citizenship.
Kevin Wade: Secure the border; return lost children to home countries.
Matt Silverstein: Opposes housing refugee immigrants in military facilities.
Chad Taylor: Unmuddy the waters and create a path to citizenship.
Sean Haugh: Free movement across borders instead of curbs on immigration.
Connie Johnson: Let college grads stay after student visa expires.
Terry Adams: Tough rules to earn citizenship.
Dave Domina: Rounding up 11M people has financial and human cost.
David Alameel: Supports the DREAM Act and comprehensive immigration reform.
Joyce Dickerson: Supports comprehensive immigration reform.
Jeff Bell: Earned path to legalization for 11 million illegals here now.
Ben Sasse: Neither party has gotten serious about border security.
Monica Wehby: Secure the border but increase H1B visas & guest workers.
Doug Truax: Secure the border, but wary of comprehensive solutions.
Milton Wolf: Reward those who love America & play by the rules.
Cam Cavasso: Secure the nation's borders; create a guest-worker program.
Rob Maness: End birthright citizenship and chain migration.
Randy Baumgardner: Adhere to federal immigration laws.
Shenna Bellows: Leader in the Maine Immigrants' Rights Coalition.
Pat McGeehan: Oppose amnesty; secure our borders.
Sam Clovis: Border security at the very top of the priority list.
Joe Carr: Illegal immigration turns American dream into nightmare.
Matt Bevin: Eliminate the magnets that attract illegal immigrants.
Chris McDaniel: Start controlling illegal immigration with border control.
Owen Hill: Enforce our borders without comprehensive reform.
Matthew Whitaker: As US Attorney, prosecuted immigration cases.
David Perdue: Strictly enforce current laws; focus on true border security.
Steve Daines: Comprehensive reform is the wrong approach; no amnesty.
Jim Oberweis: Make English our official language, a la "E Pluribus Unum".
Jim Oberweis: Immigration control is intertwined with homeland security.
Steve Stockman: Constitutional amendment: No citizenship for anchor babies.
Joyce Dickerson: Raise the minimum wage.
Brad Hutto: Raise the minimum wage to $10.10.
Terry Adams: The minimum wage rewards work: increase it.
Greg Orman: Government should create environment conducive to job growth.
David Alameel: End tax breaks for sending jobs overseas.
Brian Herr: Member of the Repeal The Casino Deal Leadership Team.
Alison Grimes: Increase the minimum wage to a living wage.
Cory Booker: Great Recession decreased hourly wages overall.
Cory Booker: Gender wage gap problematic; minority wage gap worse.
Corey Stapleton: Massive spending is not going to create sustainable jobs.
Principles & Values
Connie Johnson: Freedom to worship or not worship.
Jeff Bell: Religious freedom is under attack by government.
Bruce Skarin: Three main principles: transparency, independence, diversity.
Charlie Hardy: Take to DC the Wyoming tradition of cooperation & compassion.
Charlie Hardy: Finished 10K road race in 28,580th place.
Doug Truax: Unalienable rights are granted by God, not by government.
T.W. Shannon: Serves as Sunday School teacher in his childhood church.
T.W. Shannon: Married to his college sweetheart, for 12 years.
T.W. Shannon: Oklahoma's youngest and first African American House speaker.
Mike McFadden: Married with 6 kids; coached all 5 sons in football.
Matt Wiedenhoeft: Protect our˙civil liberties; restore˙the Constitution.
Rob Maness: Constitutional Rights are cornerstones of our great nation.
Dan Sullivan: I am blessed & all Alaskans are blessed.
Rick Weiland: 1996: As Democratic nominee, lost statewide House campaign.
Milton Wolf: I love the Lord our God; not a "bitter clinger".
Milton Wolf: America is threatened by the politicians in Washington.
Matthew Whitaker: What Iowa needs: growth, reform, and Iowa values.
Matthew Whitaker: Christian churchgoer who can champion our values & beliefs.
Jim Abeler: Creator, conscience, and constituents, in that order.
Joyce Dickerson: Served as vice chair of Richland County Council.
Steve Stockman: Defend Constitution from the EPA, the FDA, even the PTA.
Social Security
Mike Rounds: Entitlements insolvent but no changes for current recipients.
Thomas Ravenel: Opt out of Medicare without forfeiting Social Security.
Randall Batson: Opt in/opt out of payroll deduction choice.
Randall Batson: Opt in/opt out of payroll deduction choice.
Shenna Bellows: Scrap the Cap: highest-paid Americans pay their fair share.
Gordon Ball: No scare tactics: system is solvent for next 20 years.
Sam Rankin: Phase in age increase and more realistic CPI.
Nels Mitchell: The greatest generation earned their retirement security.
Brad Hutto: Opposes any attempt to harm Medicare and Social Security.
Connie Johnson: Don't privatize our country's promises to our seniors.
Dave Domina: Defend current retirement age, COLAs, and benefits.
David Alameel: Vows to NEVER cut Social Security and Medicare.
Joyce Dickerson: Make sure seniors receive the benefits they have earned.
Monica Wehby: Put entitlements on a path to being financially secure.
David Clements: Keep promises for seniors; significant reforms if younger.
John Walsh: Fight to protect crucial benefits for Montana's seniors.
Natalie Tennant: Oppose privatization; support cost-of-living adjustments.
Matt Silverstein: Medicare & Social Security are sacred promises to seniors.
Rick Weiland: 2002: Served as State Director of AARP.
Joni Ernst: Preserve and protect Social Security & Medicare.
Jay Stamper: Chained CPI a bad idea.
Murray Sabrin: Social Security is a Ponzi scheme: Bernie Madoff on steroids.
Tax Reform
Joyce Dickerson: Fight for America's declining middle class.
Amanda Swafford: Politicians use tax code to for social engineering.
Nathan LaFrance: Replace income tax with national sales tax.
Thomas Ravenel: Cut wage taxes, death taxes, & corporate taxes.
Randall Batson: Replace income tax with FairTax national sales tax.
Sam Rankin: Simplify to three tax brackets: 12%, 22%, 28%.
Dave Domina: A billionaire means $10K from pocket of 100,000 families.
Monica Wehby: 40% of budget on debt servicing is generational theft.
David Clements: Make the tax code simple and regulations predictable.
T.W. Shannon: Led the way to lower income tax rates.
Chris McDaniel: Reduce our corporate and personal tax rates.
Terri Lynn Land: Make tax code simple, fair, and less bureaucratic.
Milton Wolf: Imagine a simpler tax code, like the FairTax.
Lee Bright: Taxes punish productive citizens.
Ben Sasse: Taxation should be as simple as possible.
Jason Conger: Pushed tax relief for middle and low income families.
Jim Rubens: Pro-growth tax swap: simplify & reform anti-jobs tax code.
Pat McGeehan: Overly taxing continually steals the income of our residents.
Sam Clovis: Transition from personal income tax system to a FairTax.
Milton Wolf: The FairTax will save our country; scrap the tax code.
Joe Carr: No new taxes, period.
Matt Bevin: Higher taxes mean fewer private sector jobs.
Owen Hill: Taxes should be low, simple, and without loopholes.
Shane Osborn: Cut taxes; reduce spending; Balanced Budget.
Joni Ernst: IRS is a predatory, bureaucratic, out-of-control disaster.
Matthew Whitaker: Taxes are too high and the tax code is too complex.
David Perdue: No tax increase of any kind; overhaul the tax code.
Champ Edmunds: Reduce taxes and cut red tape.
Jim Oberweis: We cannot tax and spend our way to prosperity.
Gordon Ball: We send too little on infrastructure.
Cory Booker: Fix crumbling rail & road with National Infrastructure Bank.
Cory Booker: Invest in Next-Gen air traffic; broadband, and smart grid.
Jeff Bell: Opposes Internet gambling as immoral, including lottery.
Bruce Skarin: It is time to upgrade the operating system of government.
Cory Booker: Protect critical infrastructure from cyberattack.
Cory Booker: Technology empowers individuals but creates diverse threats.
Owen Hill: NSA should have decent respect for privacy.
Terri Lynn Land: Improve state customer service via technology & innovation.
Karen Handel: On-line access to all agency revenues and expenses.
Mead Treadwell: Entrepreneur for digital watermarks & Google Streetview.
Murray Sabrin: Government is the worst manager of infrastructure.
War & Peace
Mike McFadden: Lack of anti-ISIS strategy makes world more dangerous.
Allen Weh: Nuclear Iran is unacceptable to Israel and US.
Gordon Ball: Time for our service members to come home from Afghanistan.
Gordon Ball: Critical to avoid nukes in North Korea and Iran.
Sean Haugh: Opposes US military intervention abroad.
Brad Hutto: United States should not be the policeman for the world.
Connie Johnson: Don't send kids unless absolutely necessary.
Terry Adams: No nukes for Iran; two-state solution for Palestine.
Terry Adams: War only when vital and supported, and after all other means.
Alison Grimes: Don't send US troops back to Iraq; but support role ok.
Dave Domina: No deployments to protect corporate investments abroad.
David Alameel: time for us to bring the troops & funding home.
Jeff Bell: US leadership on Iran nukes & on isolating Cuba.
Monica Wehby: Ensure that Iranian nukes don't threaten Israel.
David Clements: No executive War Powers; only Congress should declare war.
Nels Mitchell: Don't concentrate on Syria at the expense of home.
Rob Maness: Defeat Islamic-Fascism wherever they are around the globe.
Thom Tillis: Don't negotiate with Iran, a state sponsor of terror.
Lee Bright: US is not first-responder for every problem around the world.
Sharon Hansen: Wars benefit the wealthy.
Sharon Hansen: No foreign aid to Iran to prevent developing nukes.
Jim Rubens: No global policing war in Syria.
Sam Clovis: Pursue active enemies with all available dispatch.
Cory Booker: All options on the table with Iran, including military.
Matt Bevin: No war unless Constitutional and in our national interest.
Steve Stockman: Syria is Obama's folly: return the Nobel Peace Prize.
Welfare & Poverty
Thomas Ravenel: No welfare benefits for illegal immigrants.
John Buckley: Eliminate DOE, HUD, HHS, NPR, FAA, and more.
Heather Johnson: Regulate but advocate for independent charity.
Bruce Skarin: Hunger is still a very real problem for our nation's poor.
John Walsh: Support federal & state services for Indian tribes.
T.W. Shannon: Break cycle of generational poverty & government dependency.
Dan Sullivan: Dedicate $500M Wall Street restitution to teachers' pensions.
Ben Sasse: Churches & charities are the lifeblood of society.
Matthew Whitaker: Too many people on food stamps breeds culture of dependency.
The above quotations are from Survey of 2014 Senate campaign websites.