Steve Beshear in 2014 Governor's State of the State speeches

On Free Trade: New records in exports; thousands of jobs from in-sourcing

In the last three months I've told Kentucky's story on influential programs like Meet the Press, C-SPAN, CNN, the BBC, NPR, and in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. The nation has taken notice about Kentucky setting new records in exports; about us bringing thousands of jobs from places like India, China, Japan, France, Germany, Russia, Australia and Austria; about us moving to #3 in building cars; about us pushing the envelope on research in areas like advanced batteries & health sciences; and about Kentucky outmaneuvering the competition to secure award-winning deals involving Ford, GE and Toyota. In short, [pundits] wanted to talk about Kentucky as a leader in this nation.
Source: 2014 Kentucky State of the State speech Jan 7, 2014

On Health Care: Kentucky leads the way on affordable health care for all

We are shrugging off an historic reputation for backwardness and instead are writing a new narrative founded on change and innovation. And the nation has taken notice. Over the last three months I've told Kentucky's story on influential programs like Meet the Press, C-SPAN, CNN, the BBC, NPR, and in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. These national opinion-shapers didn't want to talk about the usual Kentucky subjects of basketball, bourbon and horse racing. They wanted to know about Kentucky leading the way on providing affordable health care to all of its people and designing a high-tech benefits exchange that has become a national model.
Source: 2014 Kentucky State of the State speech Jan 7, 2014

On Local Issues: Statewide vote on expanding gaming: keep revenues in-state

I will ask to place a Constitutional Amendment on the ballot related to expanded gaming. Over the years several economic studies of various gaming scenarios have projected potential Kentucky tax revenues in the hundreds of millions of dollars. But regardless of the amount, allowing gaming is a way to keep Kentucky tax revenue at home--instead of letting Kentuckians' entertainment dollars fund roads and schools in Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia and other states.

Now I realize there are many arguments for and against gaming. But there's no reason to deny the people of Kentucky an opportunity to vote "up" or "down" on this issue. They want to vote on this issue, and we should let them decide whether to continue allowing Kentucky tax money to flow across our borders or to keep it here at home.

Source: 2014 Kentucky State of the State speech Jan 7, 2014

On Principles & Values: Focus on helping people instead of on keeping power

In the last few years, the tone of discourse in this country has grown louder, uglier and more hateful. In Washington, you find leaders focused on keeping power, not helping people. They point fingers instead of reaching across the aisle. They tear down instead of building up. And they preach intolerance instead of inclusion. That's why we have government shutdowns, filibusters, continuation budgets and a myriad other examples of counter-productive gamesmanship.

And out here in the rest of the country, too often office holders and voters have let themselves get caught up in this "take no prisoners" approach to politics. We're losing the ability to listen; we're losing the ability to treat each other's opinions with respect and to overcome differences. We must resolve not to let that happen here in Kentucky. We must remember that we are Kentuckians first and Democrats and Republicans second.

Source: 2014 Kentucky State of the State speech Jan 7, 2014

The above quotations are from 2014 Governor's State of the State speeches.
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