Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
2014 Governor's State of the State speeches

OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Budget & Economy
Matt Mead: Navigated recession while shrinking state government.
Maggie Hassan: Invest to keep economy moving forward post-Recession.
Pat Quinn: Hardest Hit: affordable homeownership in Great Recession.
Jerry Brown: Follow advice from Book of Genesis: out away some surplus.
Scott Walker: Blueprint for Prosperity: Lower taxes & $100M Rainy Day fund.
Rick Snyder: Create an environment that encourages job growth.
Dave Heineman: Use $1.2 billion in cash reserves to reduce over-taxation.
Nathan Deal: We survived Great Recession, and reformed state government.
Terry Branstad: Restored Iowa's rainy day and economic emergency funds.
Jan Brewer: Fixed $3B deficit & replenished Rainy Day Fund.
John Hickenlooper: Increase budget reserves; extend job-creation tax credit.
Earl Ray Tomblin: We will not impose financial burdens on future generations.
Civil Rights
Maggie Hassan: Women earn only 77 cents on the dollar compared to men.
Scott Walker: A Better Bottom Line & Project SEARCH: job help for disabled.
Jay Nixon: Partnership for Hope: for Missourians with disabilities.
Lincoln Chafee: People of color are the future of Rhode Island.
Jan Brewer: Arnold v. Sarn deal: mentally ill participate in society.
Tom Corbett: End antiquated system of state-owned liquor stores.
Pat Quinn: Reduce LLC fee from $500 to $39, the lowest in the nation.
Martin O`Malley: Maryland is #1 in businesses owned by women.
Scott Walker: Put in place manufacturing/agriculture production tax credit.
John Hickenlooper: Colorado Blueprint: build a business friendly environment.
Bobby Jindal: Crack down on the horrific crime of human sex trafficking.
Mary Fallin: Be as "smart on crime" as we are "tough on crime".
Martin O`Malley: Repealed death penalty; reduced prison incarceration.
Jerry Brown: Major reductions in our prison population.
Dave Heineman: Don't reduce sentences automatically for "good time".
Chris Christie: Bail reform: Keep dangerous criminals in jail until trial.
John Hickenlooper: $34 million for violence-preventing mental health services.
Maggie Hassan: Experience & data suggest legalizing marijuana does not help.
Paul LePage: We are losing War on Drugs; more enforcement & prosecution.
Jack Markell: Addiction is a disease; fill gaps in drug treatment system.
Phil Bryant: Drug courts work; fully fund them.
Chris Christie: Drug courts: mandate treatment, not imprisonment.
Peter Shumlin: Address drug addiction as a public health crisis.
Bobby Jindal: $141M more to train students for the jobs of the future.
Rick Scott: $80M for state colleges; hold the line on tuition at $10K.
Bill Haslam: Drive to 55: 55% get post-HS certificate or degree by 2025.
Sean Parnell: Digital Teaching Initiative: video conference remote schools.
Sean Parnell: Put school choice to the people for a Constitutional vote.
Jay Inslee: $1.2B for automatic COLA adjustments for teachers.
Andrew Cuomo: Replace 1950s bureaucracy with 2020 performance organization.
Butch Otter: Replace "K-thru-12" with "K-thru-Career".
Rick Scott: Break tourism records while protecting our environment.
Mary Fallin: Oklahoma Strong: Rebuild after devastating tornadoes.
Pat Quinn: Clean Water Initiative: $1B for wastewater & stormwater.
Martin O`Malley: Passed milestone of preserving 1 million acres of open space.
Terry Branstad: Fight EPA on biofuel rules; protect agricultural sector.
John Hickenlooper: Start methane capture rule; finish Water Plan.
Families & Children
Matt Mead: Fund Boys' School; elderly-at-home; & Life Resource Center.
Dan Malloy: Permanently establish the Office of Early Childhood.
Paul LePage: Focus on services for children, not on expanding welfare.
Tom Corbett: $41.5 million for home and community-based disabled care.
Bill Haslam: Support services to 100% of former foster youth.
Gary Herbert: Population growth is challenging: doubling in 35 years.
Pat Quinn: Birth to Five Initiative: prenatal care & early learning.
Deval Patrick: A child's future should not be defined by their zip code.
Martin O`Malley: Cut infant mortality by 21%, after setting goal of 10%.
Phil Bryant: Healthy Teens for a Better Mississippi: 2-parent families.
Mike Pence: Adoption is a beautiful way for families to come together.
Jan Brewer: Office of Child Welfare Investigations is first step.
Free Trade
Matt Mead: Our state is not an island; compete in global market.
Maggie Hassan: N.H. is fastest-growing state in the nation for exports.
Paul LePage: Make Maine more competitive vs. fierce global competition.
Deval Patrick: New airports open our doors to new markets.
Scott Walker: Milk exports up; but also ginseng exports to China.
Robert Bentley: Spread word far & wide: Made in Alabama.
Earl Ray Tomblin: West Virginia is a strong international competitor.
Steve Beshear: New records in exports; thousands of jobs from in-sourcing.
Government Reform
Gary Herbert: Ongoing review of election laws to upholding public trust.
Deval Patrick: To be in the leadership business, govern for the long-term.
Chris Christie: Consolidate duplicative town governments into single towns.
John Hickenlooper: Apply LEAN principles to EVERY state agency.
Earl Ray Tomblin: Dissolve state boards & councils that no longer operate.
Gun Control
Maggie Hassan: Background check system to avoid gun sales to mentally ill.
Health Care
Nikki Haley: Reject ObamaCare state exchange; reject Medicaid expansion.
Dave Heineman: Nebraska will not be pressured into expanding Medicaid.
Mike Pence: Medicaid is not just broke, it is broken.
Robert Bentley: Don't expand Medicaid, even if paid for by federal dollars.
Robert Bentley: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is not Affordable.
Steve Beshear: Kentucky leads the way on affordable health care for all.
Homeland Security
Rick Scott: Florida has one of country's largest veteran populations.
Matt Mead: Pay tribute to all people in uniform.
Dan Malloy: Pledge to end homelessness for veterans by end of 2015.
Maggie Hassan: Thank veterans for unyielding dedication to our freedom.
Tom Corbett: Fight to keep Apache helicopters based in PA.
Phil Bryant: Veterans treatment courts: 2nd chance for convicted vets.
Susana Martinez: Provide more jobs & build more cemeteries for veterans.
Dave Heineman: Our military personnel work to preserve our freedom.
Scott Walker: $35M for Wisconsin Fast Forward: technical skill training.
Rick Snyder: MAT2: Michigan Advanced Technician Training for skills gap.
Dave Heineman: NE needs more middle-class jobs; so lower income tax rates.
Chris Christie: Zero means zero: fight abuse of sick leave & pension fraud.
Dennis Daugaard: South Dakota WINS: a 20-point job training plan.
Dennis Daugaard: Assist disabled with employment; adversity builds character.
Terry Branstad: Iowa Partnership for Economic Progress: investment for jobs.
Bob McDonnell: Campaign bumper sticker: "Bob's for Jobs".
Local Issues
Matt Mead: Wyoming is rated in top ten states in many economic rankings.
Dan Malloy: Connecticut is the land of steady habits, for good & for bad.
Maggie Hassan: High-end "destination" casino to counter Massachusetts.
Paul LePage: Entrepreneurial "doers" create jobs all over the state.
Tom Corbett: New high-tech centers in Pittsburg & Philadelphia.
Gary Herbert: State Capitol, built a century ago, was built for the future.
Deval Patrick: New rail to Assembly Square, Worcester, and the Cape.
Jack Markell: $7M for Downtown Development Districts.
Martin O`Malley: Recognized native Piscataway People after 350 years.
Jerry Brown: Local Control Funding Formula: breakthrough in subsidiarity.
Nikki Haley: South Carolina is the "Beast of the Southeast".
Phil Bryant: Year of the Creative Economy: a Mississippi Homecoming.
Sean Parnell: Great Alaska Comeback: summer visitor volume increasing.
Jay Nixon: Government's role is to help rebuild disasters like Joplin.
Neil Abercrombie: Preserve open spaces at Turtle Bay.
Susana Martinez: Enhanced film incentives for TV series filmed in NM.
Dave Heineman: Lower ag land valuations from 75 percent to 65 percent.
Lincoln Chafee: $10 million for world-class sailing event center.
Sam Brownback: Plan future 3 millionth Kansan: education, farming, & water.
Chris Christie: BridgeGate: Mistakes were clearly made, but don't define us.
Dennis Daugaard: South Dakotans believe in hard work.
Mike Pence: Miracle on Mt. Baldy: that's the Indiana way.
Jan Brewer: Mitigate property encroachment on military land use.
Andrew Cuomo: $700 million in aid to localities; make consolidation easier.
Steve Beshear: Statewide vote on expanding gaming: keep revenues in-state.
Butch Otter: Transmission line over sage-grouse habitat on federal land.
Principles & Values
Rick Scott: As newlyweds, opened a donut shop with wife and their moms.
Matt Mead: First Lady Carol works on literacy via Eat.Read.Grow program.
Dan Malloy: Don't listen to the critics; Connecticut is moving forward.
Maggie Hassan: We do democracy better: we argue but then solve problems.
Paul LePage: We can do better than same failed policies of past 40 years.
Bill Haslam: Tennessee--America at Its Best: we are a model to the nation.
Pat Quinn: Say "no" to world of powerful feeding upon the powerless.
Jack Markell: Unleashing the potential in every Delawarean.
Phil Bryant: Four fundamental beliefs guide our plan for the future.
Phil Bryant: Add 'In God We Trust' to Mississippi State Seal.
Jay Nixon: Our legacy is measured by lasting impact on our communities.
Sam Brownback: Our dependence is not on Big Government but on a Big God.
Terry Branstad: The Iowa Dream: working hard; working together.
John Hickenlooper: Operate government with more common sense and less nonsense.
Steve Beshear: Focus on helping people instead of on keeping power.
Butch Otter: Put aside partisanship & ambition in public interest.
Social Security
Bill Haslam: TN named the best state in the country to retire in 2013.
Mary Fallin: 401k-style plan for OK Public Employees Retirement System.
Sean Parnell: Make Retirement Trust Fund sustainable by adding $3B.
Susana Martinez: Resolved a $12 billion shortfall in state pension funds.
Tax Reform
Martin O`Malley: Cut $9.1B spending with no fee nor tax increases.
Chris Christie: Cap property tax and interest arbitration awards.
Tom Corbett: Sustained, large-scale investment in transportation.
Pat Quinn: Largest infrastructure construction program in IL history.
Jack Markell: New I-95 fly-over ramps; $1.1B for infrastructure.
Nikki Haley: Invest in infrastructure, but no gas tax or any other tax.
Phil Bryant: Diabetes Telehealth Initiative for complex coordinated care.
Neil Abercrombie: TMT: build $1.3B Thirty-Meter Telescope atop Mauna Kea.
Lincoln Chafee: Sales & use tax on online sellers with no physical presence.
Robert Bentley: $1 billion for ATRIP and RAMP infrastructure improvements.
Terry Branstad: Connect Every Iowan Act: broadband to under-served areas.
Jan Brewer: Boost AZ's business competitiveness in technology sector.
Welfare & Poverty
Rick Scott: People don't want handouts; they want their shot at success.
Maggie Hassan: Help Out New Hampshire volunteerism tour.
Jack Markell: Free college for low-income families; increase minimum wage.
Martin O`Malley: Move from welfare to work; & raise Earned Income tax credit.
Nikki Haley: Trade welfare check for dignity of paycheck.
Phil Bryant: Focus on jobs for those who need public assistance.
Scott Walker: Help transition from government dependence to independence.
Lincoln Chafee: Yes, government has a role in struggle against poverty.
Robert Bentley: We are poorest state, but government just causes dependency.
Earl Ray Tomblin: Homelessness is devastating; revive Interagency Council.
The above quotations are from 2014 Governor's State of the State speeches.
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- Historical State of the Union addresses:
- Bush
- Reagan
- Carter
- Ford
- Eisenhower
- Truman