Allen Buckley in 2019-20 GA special Senate race

On Abortion: No regulations or funding regarding abortion

Abortion needs to remain a private matter without government funding. Personally, I do not like abortion. However, the question is: What is the best government policy? Given the facts that it is very hard to stop an abortion (i.e., policing-wise) and a person who is willing to have an abortion to prevent herself from being a mother would be the parent of the unwanted child, I believe the best government policy is to stay out."
Source: 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate campaign May 2, 2020

On Gun Control: Uphold the Second Amendment with background checks

I believe the law should be: Persons determined by a state-certified physician to possess a significant likelihood of causing physical harm or death to any person, mentally institutionalized persons, persons under investigation with respect to terrorist activities, illegal aliens and persons convicted of a federal or state law felony in which deadly force was possessed should not be permitted to access guns. Every other adult should have access. (Background checks should apply to purchases.)
Source: 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate campaign May 2, 2020

On Principles & Values: Absolute separation of church and state

Separation of church and state: Absolutely.

Abortion˙needs to remain a private matter without government funding. Given the facts that it is very hard to stop an abortion (i.e., policing-wise) and a person who is willing to have an abortion to prevent herself from being a mother, I believe the best government policy is to stay out.

Separation of church and state˙should be maximized.

Source: 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate campaign May 2, 2020

On Drugs: End Federal illicit drug regulations

The country is gradually moving towards the legalization of marijuana. When I first ran in 2004 that was my position, to make marijuana legal. The Federal government should get out of [illicit drugs] altogether and let the states do whatever they want. The States are all broke. Are they gonna spend huge amounts of money to incarcerate people or are they gonna do something more cost effective? The states would do different things to figure out what is the best deal with any particular drug."
Source: The Red & Black on 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate race Feb 11, 2016

On Environment: Preserve the EPA within bounds of statutory rights

Q: So you're in favor of preserving the EPA, when so many Libertarians want to completely nix it.

Allen Buckley: Yes. That's where I agree with the Democrats, about preserving the environment. I don't agree with the way that's it's being done; through Executive Order, and issuance of regulations which go beyond statutory rights to regulate.

Source: The Red & Black on 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate race Feb 11, 2016

On Health Care: Eliminate premiums; raise coinsurance contribution

[We should] change healthcare so people don't have to pay premiums, but they have to pay a higher percentage of the cost in terms of coinsurance, so they have significant skin in the game when they make a healthcare decision; and also change the subsidies for healthcare in the tax system for employer based coverage. Everyone needs to care about their purchases, instead of the situation now where a lot of people don't care because they pay for very little of their healthcare"
Source: The Red & Black on 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate race Feb 11, 2016

On Homeland Security: Reduce excessive foreign military bases

I would do everything I could to eliminate a lot of foreign military bases, and not all of them, but we don't need 800. The rest of the world combined has 30. We don't need 800. We could get rid of most of them; we'd be fine.
Source: The Red & Black on 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate race Feb 11, 2016

On Social Security: Raise retirement to age 70 to save Social Security

I would try to reform all entitlements. Social Security; if we put in the tax system I propose, all you need to do is move the Medicare retirement age to 70.
Source: The Red & Black on 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate race Feb 11, 2016

On War & Peace: Involvement in Iraq hurt the US domestically

Q: During your stump speech you mentioned the Iraq War.

AB: It made me sick, to see that war taking place, because I knew it would make our financial problems a lot worse and new we had deep, ingrained financial problems. I knew it would make our terrorism problems a lot worse. And not to brag, I was right about both and it made me sick, because I knew it was based on a pack of lies. It really bothered me."

Source: The Red & Black on 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senate race Feb 11, 2016

The above quotations are from 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senatorial race: debates and news coverage.
Click here for other excerpts from 2019-20 Georgia 2-year Senatorial race: debates and news coverage.
Click here for other excerpts by Allen Buckley.
Click here for a profile of Allen Buckley.
Allen Buckley on other issues:
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform
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