Dan McKee in 2024 Governor's State of the State speeches

On Budget & Economy: $100M housing production bond, largest in state history

In addition to the new housing tools passed last year, the budget I'll propose will call for a $100 million housing production bond on the ballot. This would be the largest housing production bond in our state's history. And we're going to ensure that-- if approved by the voters--these dollars will create more inventory and help put young people on a path to homeownership in our state. We know that homeownership is one of the top ways to build generational wealth. Let's get it done.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the R.I. legislature Jan 17, 2024

On Energy & Oil: Rhode Island is industry leader for offshore wind projects

With the first working offshore wind farm in the United States, we know that Rhode Island is an industry leader. But we're not stopping there--our second offshore wind project, Revolution Wind, is set to commence construction this year. When construction is complete, Revolution Wind will power nearly 263,000 households at a rate of 9.8 cents per kilowatt for 20 years. This is an important step toward meeting our Act on Climate goals.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the R.I. legislature Jan 17, 2024

On Jobs: Jobs in the life science sector are good-paying jobs

For over a decade, Rhode Island leaders have talked about how Massachusetts is a leader in life science and that Rhode Island could be as well. Jobs in the life science sector are good-paying jobs usually commanding six figures. We want these jobs in Rhode Island to help raise per capita income. To grow the talent pipeline and solidify Rhode Island as a life science leader, my budget will propose building a new life science school at the University of Rhode Island through a bond referendum.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the R.I. legislature Jan 17, 2024

On Tax Reform: Reduce the corporate minimum tax from $400 to $350

Rhode Island is the small business state. I know that, not only as Governor, but as a former small business owner. That's why one of my top priorities is making Rhode Island a better place to do business. The budget I'll send to the General Assembly this week will keep that progress going.

I will call for reducing the corporate minimum tax from $400 to $350--this tax impacts our state's smallest businesses the most. Let's give them more relief.

Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the R.I. legislature Jan 17, 2024

The above quotations are from 2024 Governor's State of the State speeches.
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Page last updated: Sep 29, 2024