John Carney in 2024 Governor's State of the State speeches

On Budget & Economy: Delaware can't compete if we don't have our budget in order

Despite our efforts, we did not pass legislation to permanently control operating spending at sustainable levels. An earlier General Assembly rejected my proposed Constitutional amendment that would have done just that. It's really pretty simple. Delaware can't compete in the future if we don't have our budget in order. Right now, a future General Assembly, or a Governor, could lead us down a path of uncontrolled spending. That would lead to higher taxes, and painful cuts. Let's not go backwards.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Delaware legislature Mar 5, 2024

On Education: Fund literacy coaches to focus on the science of reading

Here's an uncomfortable truth: statewide, less than 40 percent of children are reading proficiently at third grade. And many schools fall short of that average. Imagine if YOUR child went to a school with that kind of result. None of us would tolerate that. That's why my budget includes funding for a new team of literacy coaches. They will work with educators and district leaders to focus on the science of reading--an effective approach to teaching children how to read.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Delaware legislature Mar 5, 2024

On Energy & Oil: Federal grant allows us to build clean energy industry here

Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey were selected by the federal government for a hydrogen hub. The program was funded by President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The U.S. Department of Energy selected just seven proposals--out of 79 applications across the country. The federal designation will bring $750 million to the region. Make no mistake: this is a generational opportunity to build a clean energy industry right here in Delaware. And to compete for good union jobs of the future.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Delaware legislature Mar 5, 2024

The above quotations are from 2024 Governor's State of the State speeches.
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Page last updated: Sep 29, 2024