Katie Hobbs in 2024 Governor's State of the State speeches

On Budget & Economy: Rein in wasteful spending without sacrificing public safety

We will rein in wasteful spending without sacrificing public safety and public education. We will establish guardrails on unaccountable programs without hurting hard-working families. And we will tighten our collective belts through increased efficiencies and innovation without gutting programs that support small businesses, seniors, and those in need.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Arizona legislature Jan 8, 2024

On Abortion: Outlawing abortion not happening on my watch

I truly believe that fighting for Arizona families means defending every individual's right to make their own reproductive healthcare decisions. I speak for millions of Arizonans with a clear message: These deeply personal decisions should be made between a woman and her doctor--not politicians and the government. I will always defend Arizonans' freedoms, and I refuse to back down in the face of those who want to criminalize doctors and outlaw abortion. That's not happening on my watch.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Arizona legislature Jan 8, 2024

On Crime: Increase penalties for violations by care facilities

I'm calling on the Legislature to strengthen our state's standards for sober living homes and long-term care facilities, and significantly increase penalties for bad actors. I'm putting forward a package of bills that will:
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Arizona legislature Jan 8, 2024

On Education : We must continue investing in our public schools

I was born and raised in Arizona, and I chose to raise my family here. My kids attended public schools, and I'm the sister of two public school teachers. I know what having a high-quality public education can mean to millions of Arizonans. But sadly, we too often fall short. We must continue investing in our public schools to ensure Arizona truly is the best place to raise a family.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Arizona legislature Jan 8, 2024

On Government Reform: Stood up to federal plan to slash Arizona's water supply

I will continue working with everybody to find the solutions we need to ensure our water future is secure for tomorrow and for generations. There is no better example of this than the agreement I negotiated earlier this year with our neighbors, Nevada and California, to conserve at least three million acre-feet of water 2026. With this historic agreement, we stood up to the federal government's egregious plan to slash Arizona's water and we safeguarded our natural resources.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Arizona legislature Jan 8, 2024

On Health Care: Offer communities badly needed access to healthcare

Working together, we will create a new generation of doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals, while offering communities across our state badly needed access to healthcare.

I am calling on this Legislature to work with me to begin a new engineering-focused medical school at Arizona State University; to double the size of University of Arizona medical schools; and to start a new medical school focused on serving rural and tribal communities at Northern Arizona University.

Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Arizona legislature Jan 8, 2024

On Immigration: Seeking funding to better coordinate our border response

Day in and day out, I hear from leaders on the border who need support because they are stepping up where the federal government can't, or won't. This year, they asked for boots on the ground, improved communications systems, resources to combat human trafficking, and the latest technologies to keep communities on both sides of the border safe. And I delivered. By refusing to waste money on cheap political stunts, we awarded over $84 million to help border communities manage the massive influx in migrants.

But we must do more. That's why I launched Operation SECURE, creating a Border Coordination Office within the Arizona Department of Homeland Security. This session, I'm seeking ongoing funding to better coordinate our border response and continue fighting this humanitarian, economic, and enforcement crisis. This new funding will expand the Operation with critical investments in border security, as well as resources to intercept the flow of fentanyl.

Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Arizona legislature Jan 8, 2024

On Technology: Expand high-speed internet to every community

We will continue this success by building the infrastructure, and deploying the technology needed to expand high-speed internet to every community across our state with the nearly one billion dollars Arizona will receive. High-speed internet is crucial for businesses, healthcare, and education, particularly for our rural and tribal communities who are on the frontlines of our rapidly changing economy. We must build fast, reliable, and affordable broadband access for every Arizonan.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Arizona legislature Jan 8, 2024

On Welfare & Poverty: Help working-class families with down payment assistance

I was born and raised in an Arizona where a middle-class family could buy their own home. That should be the reality for the next generation, too--but to make it so we must take action. That's why today I am announcing the Arizona Is Home Mortgage Assistance Program. This program will help working-class families throughout the state with down payment assistance and mortgage interest rate relief.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Arizona legislature Jan 8, 2024

The above quotations are from 2024 Governor's State of the State speeches.
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Page last updated: Sep 29, 2024