Kim Reynolds in 2024 Governor's State of the State speeches

On Education: A rising tide of competition and choice lifts all boats

In the face of intense pressure to keep the status quo, we passed one of the boldest school choice programs in the country, kicking off a national revolution. It goes to show that a rising tide of competition and choice really can lift all boats. Our education policies are working, because--together--we stood firm and passed a law that puts Iowans in charge of their children's future.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to Iowa legislature Jan 9, 2024

On Education: Put Iowa in top-five states for starting pay for teachers

We want younger Iowans to see the teaching profession as something to aspire to. It's one of the highest callings one can have, so let's make sure that teacher pay sends that message. Tonight I'm asking the legislature to invest $96 million in new money to increase starting pay by 50%, to $50,000, and set a minimum salary of $62,000 for teachers with at least 12 years of experience. These investments will put Iowa in the top-five states for starting pay.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to Iowa legislature Jan 9, 2024

On Families & Children: Thrive Iowa will connect families with faith-based support

Government support is just the first step on the road to lasting self-sufficiency. Support from within the community is just as important. Government's role is not to replace these grassroots efforts, but to amplify and facilitate them. That's why I'm thrilled to announce Thrive Iowa, a remarkable new initiative that will leverage faith-based organizations and private sector networks to connect individuals and families to support outside of government assistance.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to Iowa legislature Jan 9, 2024

On Foreign Policy: We must further protect our farmland from foreign interests

China continues to grow more aggressive, and buying American land has been one of the many ways they have waged this new battle. Fortunately, Iowa has some of the strongest laws in the country on foreign ownership of land. We've developed a bill to further protect our farmland from foreign interests. This legislation will enhance reporting and enforcement, increase penalties, and provide more transparency to Iowans on what land is currently under foreign ownership.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to Iowa legislature Jan 9, 2024

On Government Reform: We've cut 21 agencies & 620 open positions; saved millions

Better customer service for Iowans was the goal of our alignment bill last year. And I'm proud to say, we have already begun to deliver. To top it off, we made these improvements while at the same time reducing the size of government. With the legislature's help, we cut 21 agencies from my cabinet, removed 620 open positions, and saved millions of dollars in just the first year.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to Iowa legislature Jan 9, 2024

On Gun Control: It's impossible to understand why school shootings happen

Last week, the unthinkable happened in Iowa when shots were fired in the halls of Perry High School, taking the life of 11-year-old Ahmir Jolliff, and injuring seven others. Our hearts are still heavy and our prayers continue for the victims and their families, and for the entire Perry community. It's impossible to understand why things like this happen. The senselessness of it shakes us to our very core.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to Iowa legislature Jan 9, 2024

On Health Care: Expand postpartum Medicaid coverage to 12 months

To continue building a robust culture of life, we must also do everything in our power to ensure new moms and their families--especially those who are struggling--have what they need to make ends meet. Today, Medicaid only covers postpartum care for two months after birth. I'm proposing to expand that coverage to 12 months, for new moms who make less than $42,000 a year. Let's do more to help moms, babies, and their families get off to a good start.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to Iowa legislature Jan 9, 2024

On Tax Reform: Cut income tax rate this year to flat 3.65%; next year 3.5%

Even with the tax cuts we have already delivered, state revenue continues to grow, ending the year with a $1.83 billion surplus and more than $900 million in reserve funds. Let me be absolutely clear: the surplus does not mean that we aren't spending enough; it means we're still taking too much of Iowans' hard-earned money. Tonight, I'm proposing a bill that reduces the income-tax rate to a flat 3.65%, The following year, in 2025, the rate would fall again to flat 3.5%.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to Iowa legislature Jan 9, 2024

The above quotations are from 2024 Governor's State of the State speeches.
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Page last updated: Sep 29, 2024