Laura Kelly in 2024 Governor's State of the State speeches

On Budget & Economy: $35M/year over five years to deal with water issues

In addition to fully funding the State Water Plan for the second year in a row, we invested an historic $35 million each of the next five years to deal with water issues. And, we're paying off water infrastructure debt early, giving us additional dollars to resolve the crisis. My budget proposal will include more funding for rural towns to update their water systems. It will provide additional resources to help farmers and ranchers implement water-saving practices. 
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to Kansas legislature Jan 10, 2024

On Education: I'll continue to reject vouchers; they crush rural schools

I've said our state is back on track academically. Yet some want to turn us back, to reverse the progress we've made--by diverting public education dollars to private schools, or flat out stripping rural schools of the funds they need to stay open. So tonight, let me be crystal clear: I will not let that happen. I will continue to reject vouchers and any attempt to send public education dollars to private schools. Vouchers will crush our rural schools, plain and simple. 
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to Kansas legislature Jan 10, 2024

On Families & Children: Shortage of child care is stressful; slows down our economy

I'll be proposing the largest single-year investment ever made in our state's early childhood system. A large part of that investment will go toward solving our state's child care shortage. Over half of Kansas families in search of child care cannot find an open slot--forcing many parents to quit their jobs. And the shortages are worst in our rural areas. That's bad for our children, stressful for our parents, and, when every business is desperate for workers, it slows down our economy.  
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to Kansas legislature Jan 10, 2024

On Health Care: Medicaid expansion comes at no additional cost to taxpayers

So much of the problem boils down to one thing: far too many Kansans don't have health insurance. Last month, I proposed the Cutting Healthcare Costs for All Kansans Act. For those of you worried that Medicaid Expansion will allow "able-bodied adults" to scam the system--the bill includes a work requirement with commonsense exemptions. For those concerned about cost, it's revenue-neutral. It comes at no additional cost to taxpayers. That's a deal just about anyone would take.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to Kansas legislature Jan 10, 2024

On Principles & Values: Kansas is, at its heart, a small-town kind of state

As we move Kansas forward, it's critical that we not lose sight of what makes our state unique. That we preserve what it means to be a Kansan…what's fundamental to our identity. And that would be rural Kansas. Kansas is, at its heart, a small-town kind of state. One million people--a third of our population--live in communities with fewer than 40 people per square mile. The people who work in our state's most important industry don't wear suits; they wear boots and jeans.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to Kansas legislature Jan 10, 2024

On Tax Reform: Before we know it the state food tax won't exist at all

We came together--Republicans and Democrats--to do even more: we axed the food tax. 

Just last week, we saw the food tax reduced again--putting an additional $150 million dollars back into the pockets of Kansans.  Before we know it, the food tax won't exist at all. In 2025--or, perhaps, even sooner--it will be totally axed, gone, never to be levied again.    

Source: 2024 State of the State Address to Kansas legislature Jan 10, 2024

On Tax Reform: A flat tax benefits the super wealthy & threatens progress

We must get that money back into Kansans' pockets--and we will--in a fiscally responsible and targeted way. In a way that doesn't threaten progress on all the other issues Kansans care about--our schools, our roads, foster care. And unfortunately, that's exactly what one proposal--the flat tax--would do. The flat tax came up last year, and I expect it'll come up again this year, despite the fact that it only benefits the super wealthy while doing little to nothing for working, middle class Kansans.   
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to Kansas legislature Jan 10, 2024

The above quotations are from 2024 Governor's State of the State speeches.
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