Mike DeWine in 2024 Governor's State of the State speeches

On Drugs: Restrict public use of marijuana permitted under new law

Then there's marijuana. I doubt if very many people who voted "yes" on Issue 2 wanted their kids breathing in marijuana smoke while walking in a public park or on a sidewalk to ball practice or smelling the stench of it walking from the parking lot to a Guardians or Reds game. That is not what people voted for, but it is what the current law allows. We owe it to our families to change that, and you, Members of the General Assembly, have the power to do that. I ask you to exercise that power.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Ohio legislature Apr 10, 2024

On Education: Future teachers must switch to the Science of Reading

As our K through 12 schools move to the Science of Reading, our colleges and our universities that prepare our future teachers also must make that switch. So today, I am calling on every college and university President in Ohio -- every Provost, every Dean of a College of Education -- to immediately align their teacher training programs with what we know works -- and that -- that is the Science of Reading.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Ohio legislature Apr 10, 2024

On Health Care: We will no longer focus on sick care, but on well care!

When I took office, we started to reimagine healthcare in Ohio, starting by transforming Medicaid managed care to be focused more on positive health outcomes and less on the business of healthcare. Historically, our system pays healthcare providers to provide care when you need that care. We don't reward doctors for actually keeping you healthy. We will no longer focus on sick care, but on well care!
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Ohio legislature Apr 10, 2024

On Technology: Smartphones are detrimental to learning& kids' mental health

When you talk to teachers in schools that have removed phones during the lunch period, they will tell you the change is miraculous! The lunchroom is noisy again! Instead of having their heads down, buried in their phones, kids are talking and interacting and laughing and enjoying themselves. A number of schools have made the decision to eliminate smartphone use during the day and it's the right decision. These phones are detrimental to learning. They are detrimental to our kids' mental health.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Ohio legislature Apr 10, 2024

The above quotations are from 2024 Governor's State of the State speeches.
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Page last updated: Sep 29, 2024