Phil Murphy in 2024 Governor's State of the State speeches

On Abortion: Women's health care in America is in a state of crisis

There is no sugarcoating it: Women's health care in America is in a state of crisis. Here in Jersey, before that dreadful Dobbs decision came down, we codified the right to an abortion. We restored funding for Planned Parenthood and family planning services--after eight years, before us, of zero funding. And later this year we will take another step. As women will be able to walk into a New Jersey pharmacy and buy birth control. Without a prescription.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the N.J. legislature Jan 9, 2024

On Budget & Economy: Hard to support economy with last century's infrastructure

The fact is: it is hard to support the economy of tomorrow with last century's infrastructure. That is why we are continuing to invest in the future of our transportation system at record levels. This past November, we officially broke ground on the Jersey side of the Hudson Tunnel Rail Project. One of the biggest policy failures in our state's history was when the last administration abandoned this project. We are correcting that mistake.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the N.J. legislature Jan 9, 2024

On Crime: Reject notion that compassion comes at the cost of vigilance

We must continue reforming a justice system that has failed Black and Brown communities for far too long. That means undoing the damage of the failed War on Drugs. And helping our neighbors who have been unjustly thrown behind bars get back on track. I will be announcing a new clemency initiative that will ensure we live up to our promise as the state for second chances. We need to reject the notion that compassion comes at the cost of vigilance.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the N.J. legislature Jan 9, 2024

On Education: Let's bring universal pre-K to all of New Jersey

Let us redouble our commitment to bringing universal pre-K to all of New Jersey. To ensure that every family--regardless of their economic status--can afford to send their child to a safe, enriching environment during the day. So far, we have helped more than 14,000 of our state's children enroll in a pre-K program. And we are just getting started. Because making New Jersey the best place to raise a family means ensuring every child has the support they need to reach their full potential.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the N.J. legislature Jan 9, 2024

On Energy & Oil: Renewable energy can create a generation of good-paying jobs

Just look at where New Jersey stands when it comes to one of the most promising--and important--sectors of all: renewable energy. We have set one of the most ambitious clean energy goals in the entire country. And it is a goal we remain firmly committed to: 100% clean energy by 2035. This is not just about doing what is right for our planet. This is also about creating a generation of good-paying jobs in the industries that will--literally--power our future, like offshore wind and solar.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the N.J. legislature Jan 9, 2024

On Government Reform: I support same-day voter registration in New Jersey

We have implemented automatic voter registration. Instituted early in-person voting. Established online voter registration. And restored voting rights to more than 80,000 of our neighbors on probation or parole. I continue to support passing same-day voter registration in New Jersey. Nobody should ever be denied access to the ballot box because they missed a deadline or forgot to send in paperwork. Same-day voter registration will help prevent that.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the N.J. legislature Jan 9, 2024

On Health Care: Pulling people out from crushing medical debt is vital

In last year's budget, we invested $10 million into an innovative medical debt relief program. For every dollar invested, we can retire up to $100 in debt--for tens of thousands of people. Pulling people out from crushing medical debt is vital. But so is protecting them from falling down that hole in the first place. I am calling on our Legislature to enact a new package that will help families avoid being caught in a medical debt trap and require every medical bill to be clear and transparent.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the N.J. legislature Jan 9, 2024

On Jobs: State minimum wage now $15/hour, will adjust for inflation

As of this month, New Jersey's minimum wage has officially reached over $15 an hour. That is a promise kept! And, it will adjust for inflation. So even when costs rise--working people will not fall behind. In fact, by the time I leave office, our minimum wage could be nearly double what it was when I was elected to this office in 2017.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the N.J. legislature Jan 9, 2024

On Technology: Establish NJ as the home-base for AI-powered game-changers

Here in New Jersey, we are announcing an AI Moonshot. With New Jersey's AI Moonshot, our mission is for our state's top minds to pioneer a series of AI-powered breakthroughs, over the next decade, that will change the lives of billions for the better. Our state government will be a catalyst for bringing together innovators and leaders to invest in research and development, and ultimately, establish New Jersey as the home-base for AI-powered game-changers.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the N.J. legislature Jan 9, 2024

The above quotations are from 2024 Governor's State of the State speeches.
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