Tony Evers in 2024 Governor's State of the State speeches

On Abortion: I will veto any bill that takes away reproductive freedom

I want to speak directly to women in Wisconsin tonight: I will veto any bill that takes away your reproductive freedom or makes reproductive healthcare any less accessible in Wisconsin than it is today. Period. Every Wisconsinite should be able to access the healthcare they need when they need it. And, yes, that includes contraception.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Wisconsin legislature Jan 23, 2024

On Environment: Republicans should release $125M funding to combat PFAS

PFAS are a real threat to our kids, families, and communities. These human-made chemicals can be toxic to humans and wildlife--and they've been used in everyday products for more than half a century. [PFAS: per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances, known as "forever chemicals"]

In Wisconsin, where we want to trust the water coming from our tap, PFAS are a threat to our way of life and our economy. It's why I directed $10 million into a new statewide program to help get contaminants like PFAS out of our water supplies. And after five years of calling for legislative action, the Legislature and I both approved a $125 million investment to start tackling PFAs across our state.

[But that] $125 million investment to fight PFAS statewide is sitting in Madison because Republicans refuse to release it. Republicans, please release this funding so we can get it out to the families, child care facilities, schools, businesses, and communities across our state who need it.

Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Wisconsin legislature Jan 23, 2024

On Families & Children: Paid leave is the right thing to do for kids and families

Wisconsin, we also need to expand paid family leave. I've proposed investing $240 million to jumpstart a program that would provide most private-sector workers 12 weeks of paid leave. Republicans rejected my proposal. Twice. Paid leave is the right thing to do for kids and families, and it's also what we need to do to compete for and keep talented workers.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Wisconsin legislature Jan 23, 2024

On Health Care: We're going to develop a statewide Mental Health Action Plan

I'm creating an Interagency Council on Mental Health and directing Wisconsin state agencies to work together to reduce barriers and address gaps in mental health services. We're going to develop a statewide Mental Health Action Plan to address the root causes of our mental health crisis, increase awareness and reduce stigma, and build capacity for us to expand access to mental health services statewide. Our state's mental health challenges are significant.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to the Wisconsin legislature Jan 23, 2024

The above quotations are from 2024 Governor's State of the State speeches.
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Page last updated: Sep 29, 2024