State of South Dakota secondary Archives: on Welfare & Poverty

Daniel Ahlers: Don't penalize poor people trying to improve their situation

If we want less reliance on these programs, we must reform the programs so people can work their way off assistance. Programs like SNAP and Medicaid use a poverty chart to determine whether or not you qualify for services. If you make $1 over, you lose your benefits. No parent should have to choose between bettering their economic situation and healthcare for their children. We need social programs that work on a step scale, so as you make more, you contribute more.
Source: 2020 South Dakota Senate campaign website Apr 27, 2020

Jay Williams: Address the growing problem of income inequality

The United States recovered from a financial collapse and an economic recession, but Republicans in Congress have blocked progress on addressing the growing problem of income inequality. Right now, the system benefits those at the very top in a few key ways. First, the top income tax rate is $250,000, far above the income of everyday Americans, but at the very bottom rung of the income of Wall Street investors, bank executives, and CEOs. Second, the payroll tax needed to fund Social Security is capped at $120,000, so wealthy individuals don't have to pay their fair share. Third, capital gains and dividends that inflate the bank accounts of the richest Americans are taxed at half the income tax rate middle-class Americans pay. The ultra-wealthy of America get special treatment because they pour money into the campaign accounts of Republican politicians like John Thune. Jay won't represent the special interests in Washington, he will represent you.
Source: 2016 South Dakota Senate campaign web Apr 1, 2016

Steven Haugaard: Engage churches, organizations to handle family issues

The motto of the Department of Social Services is "Strong families are South Dakota's future." Sadly, we have not fully taken advantage of opportunities to engage our communities in solving problems that many families are experiencing. We also need to engage the many very capable private organizations, churches, and community organizations that stand ready, willing, and able to assist with family issues in areas which are not the role of government to address.
Source: 2022 South Dakota Gubernatorial website Feb 22, 2022

  • The above quotations are from State of South Dakota Politicians: secondary Archives.
  • Click here for definitions & background information on Welfare & Poverty.
  • Click here for other issues (main summary page).
2016 Presidential contenders on Welfare & Poverty:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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